一. animal hunted or caught for food
Synonym: prey
二. a surface excavation for extracting stone or slate
e.g. a British term for `quarry' is `stone pit'
Synonym: pitstone pit
三. a person who is the aim of an attack (especially a victim of ridicule or exploitation) by some hostile person or influence
e.g. he fell prey to muggers
everyone was fair game
the target of a manhunt
Synonym: preytargetfair game
一. extract (something such as stones) from or as if from a quarry
e.g. quarry marble
一. 采石场;露天矿场
A quarry is an area that is dug out from a piece of land or the side of a mountain in order to get stone or minerals.
e.g. ...an old limestone quarry.
二. 开采(石料或矿产);在…开采
When stone or minerals are quarried or when an area is quarried for them, they are removed from the area by digging, drilling, or using explosives.
e.g. The large limestone caves are also quarried for cement.
e.g. ...locally quarried stone.
三. 追捕的对象;猎物
A person's or animal's quarry is the person or animal that they are hunting.
一. 采石场:选Councillor可以从八张牌里选二张,后续走紫色建筑路线还是生产建筑路线都可以二、紫色建筑流的不二组合:采石场(Quarry)+ 木工厂(Car
二. 石场:任务开始首先要到采石场(Quarry),到了之后要偷炸药(dynamite),时间只有二分半钟,不过炸药有用箱子装起来,所以要开卡车将它碾过,不用担心会爆炸,四个都收集到后,出口已经被警卫挡住,所以要改骑摩托车(dirt bike)走别条路出去,
When Joue's..bird from hye Stoupes at a flying heron..The stone dead quarrey falls.
出自:SpenserIn the white winter, rabbits are your quarry.
出自:W. BronkThe Hawfinch is shy and elusive, so..a far more challenging quarry than most rarities.
出自:Bird WatchingThe treatment of ancient philosophy as..a quarry for ideas to be developed in the light of modern theories.
出自:Classical ReviewIn the mountains..they quarry out a white stone.
出自:GoldsmithRoofed with grey stone slates quarried at Stonesfield.
出自:Mollie HarrisAn approximately square or rectangular chamber quarried in the soft bedrock.
出自:Antiquaries Journal近义词