
  • 详情解释zoE中文字网

  • 英英释义zoE中文字网

  • 词典解释zoE中文字网

  • 网络解释zoE中文字网

  • 复制(品)
  • 生殖, 繁殖
  • 再现,重现
  • 再制造,再生产
  • 【心】再生作用
  • 仿造
  • 转载
  • 翻印,再版
  • 录制


一. the sexual activity of conceiving and bearing offspringzoE中文字网

Synonym: procreationbreedingfacts of lifezoE中文字网

二. the act of making copieszoE中文字网

e.g. Gutenberg's reproduction of holy texts was far more efficientzoE中文字网

Synonym: replicationzoE中文字网

三. copy that is not the original
something that has been copiedzoE中文字网

Synonym: replicareplicationzoE中文字网

四. recall that is hypothesized to work by storing the original stimulus input and reproducing it during recallzoE中文字网

Synonym: reproductive memoryzoE中文字网

五. the process of generating offspringzoE中文字网

一. 复制品;仿制品
A reproduction is a copy of something such as a piece of furniture or a work of art.zoE中文字网

e.g. ...a reproduction of a popular religious painting.
e.g. ...high-quality reproduction furniture.

二. (声音的)录制
Sound reproduction is the recording of sound onto tapes, CDs, or films so that it can be heard by a large number of people.zoE中文字网

e.g. ...the increasingly high technology of music reproduction.

一. 再生:有利健康. 经验告诉我,功能越先进,只能带来官能刺激,音乐感却相对越少. CD音乐再生(reproduction)得好坏,取决于再生出来的音乐感的有多少,音乐感带来的舒服感觉,好比心灵上的穴位治疗,能舒缓压力带来的紧张情绪,有利健康.zoE中文字网

二. 再现:简介: 再现(reproduction)记忆过程的一个环节. 又称重现、回忆. 经验过的事物又一次在头脑中浮现或行动上复做的过程. 如再现有随意与不随意之分. 不随意再现是由偶然的情景因素或个体一定的需要、情绪状态所引起 ...再现(reproduction)记忆过程的一个环节.zoE中文字网

  • 经典引文zoE中文字网

  • Copyright may be infringed..by reproduction.zoE中文字网

    出自:W. A. Copinger
  • 近义词zoE中文字网

  • 临近词zoE中文字网

  • copy复制品
  • generation代
  • multiplication增加
  • sex性别
  • facts of life名词fact of li...
  • replication复制
  • repetition重复
  • fake假的
  • propagation增殖
  • model模范
  • faux假的
  • forgery伪造
  • duplicate副本
  • reproductive memory还原性记忆
  • facsimile摹本
  • replica复制品
  • breeding生养
  • imitation模仿
  • procreation生产
  • reproduction area
  • reproduce
  • reproduction law
  • reproduction film
  • reproduction code
  • reproduction cost
  • reproduction rate
  • reproduction test
  • reproduction fund
  • reproduction care
  • reproductions
  • reproductive
In the montane region, fire can threaten the reproduction of pyrophytes.(在山区,火可以威胁到防火植物的繁殖。)
Almost all of an organism's energy can be diverted to reproduction, with very little allocated to building the body.(一个有机体几乎所有的能量都会用于繁殖,而用于建造主体的很少。)
It's not at all like the killing of individuals' life forms that can be renewed through normal processes of reproduction.(它完全不像杀死个体生命形式的样子——这些个体生命可以通过正常的繁殖过程来更新。)
Treatments using assisted reproduction techniques jumped 三零 percent.(使用辅助技术的生育疗法猛增了三零%。)
They have different shapes, sizes, color, fins, teeth, habitat, diet, personality, method of reproduction, and other attributes.(它们有不同的形状、大小、颜色、鳍、牙齿、栖息地、饮食、性格、繁殖方法和其他属性。)
Another is that while nowadays reproduction is easy, it was not so easy in Roman times.(另一个原因是,虽然现在的复制很容易,但在罗马时代是不那么容易的。)
The problem occurs because plants need to transfer pollen by wind and insect to fertilization and reproduction.(这个问题的出现是因为植物需要通过风和昆虫来传递花粉以受精和繁殖。)
That's because very large animals have a slow rate of reproduction, so all you have to do is remove a few young females from the herd, and you can, fairly quickly, significantly reduce the population.(那是因为大型生物的繁殖速度十分缓慢,所以只要除去象群中的几头年轻的母象,它们的数量就会大幅的下降。)
They devote all of their energy to a period of growth and reproduction.(它们把所有的精力都投入到生长和繁殖的阶段。)
Sarcophaga peregrina is a pest of health, with a small body and a great power in reproduction.(游荡肉蝇是一种健康害虫,它的身体小,繁殖力强。)