
  • 英英释义63b中文字网

  • 词典解释63b中文字网

  • 网络解释63b中文字网



一. pompous or pretentious talk or writing63b中文字网

Synonym: bombastfustianclaptrapblah63b中文字网

二. a loud bombastic declamation expressed with strong emotion63b中文字网

Synonym: harangueranting63b中文字网



一. talk in a noisy, excited, or declamatory manner63b中文字网

Synonym: mouth offjabberspoutrabbit onrave63b中文字网

一. 咆哮;大喊大叫;夸夸其谈
If you say that someone rants, you mean that they talk loudly or angrily, and exaggerate or say foolish things.63b中文字网

e.g. As the boss began to rant, I stood up and went out...
e.g. ...the mentally ill patient we heard ranting about demons...

He had been listening to Goldstone's rantings all night...
There was no occasion for ranting.

二. 胡言乱语;大喊大叫
If you say that someone rants and raves, you mean that they talk loudly and angrily in an uncontrolled way.63b中文字网

e.g. I don't rant and rave or throw tea cups.

一. 咆哮:rancid恶臭的a | rant咆哮,v | ranger守林人63b中文字网

二. 激昂地说:rant 激昂的演说 | rant 激昂地说 | ranter 大叫大嚷的人63b中文字网

三. 大声叫喊;咆哮:rally#重整 | rant#大声叫喊;咆哮 | ratify#批准63b中文字网

  • 经典引文63b中文字网

  • Wi' quaffing and laughing, They ranted and sang.63b中文字网

    出自:R. Burns
  • 近义词63b中文字网

  • 临近词63b中文字网

  • bombast浮夸的言语
  • shout呼喊
  • fume烟
  • claptrap应付场面的话...
  • fustian浮夸的
  • harangue慷慨激昂地劝说...
  • rave极力赞扬
  • stew炖汤
  • jabber快而不清楚地说话...
  • seethe沸腾
  • tirade长篇的攻击性演说...
  • histrionics戏剧表演
  • spout【C】喷口
  • bluster咆哮
  • fulminate大声呵斥
  • simmer炖
  • storm暴风雨
  • go on继续
  • blah废话;蠢话;夸夸其谈...
  • rage狂怒
  • mouth off说某人坏话
  • outburst爆发
  • rabbit on喋喋不休
  • ranting动词rant的现在进行式...
  • Rantau
  • Rantio
  • Rantz
  • Rante
  • Ranta
  • rap
  • ransom
  • Ranto
  • ranter
  • Ranty
  • Rantea
  • rantan
Over time, entirely new build systems have been written in Ruby, such as Bake and Rant.(随着时间的过去,完全新的构建系统已由Ruby写成,比如Bake和Rant。)
We may all like to rant about our loved ones, but we do not want to hear anyone else do it.(我们总是喜欢数落我们爱的人,但是又不能容忍别人这么做。)
I was on a message board yesterday admiring a comment made by a reader about a rant posted by another.(我昨天在留言板欣赏一位读者对于另一位读者的胡说八道发表的评论。)
You may rage and rant about the fixation with the rectum, but the results are there for all to see by the time you leave.(您可能会对直肠固定发怒责骂,但是当你结束疗程准备离开时,疗效可是有目共睹的啊。)
These discussions often turn into full no-holds-barred rant sessions that make you feel glad you don't know these women。(这些谈论经常变成完全无拘无束的山聊海侃,以至于你暗自庆幸多亏自己不熟悉这些娘儿们。)
Jeff Goldberg’s informative rant on why you shouldn’t rely on access statistics and hit counters.(JeffGoldberg内容丰富的演说告诉你为什么不应该过度依赖访问统计和计数器;)
It's a classic Brian s Hall rant.(完全是典型的布莱恩·霍尔式演说。)
I shall offer to pay him tomorrow; he will rant and storm about his love for you, and there will be an end of the matter.(明天我就提出还他的钱,他一定会大吹大擂,说他怎么样爱你疼你,那么事情就这样完了。)
Steve Dublanica, veteran New York waiter and author of Waiter Rant: Thanks for the Tip—Confessions of a Cynical Waiter(SteveDublanica,一个纽约经验丰富的服务员,《服务员餐厅:谢谢你的小费——一个愤世嫉俗的服务员的忏悔》的作者)
I've been in meetings where the CEO allowed himself to ramble, rant, and berate for a half hour straight.(我参加过这样的会议,总裁允许自己连续半小时地漫谈、咆哮、和严责。)