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一. belonging to or befitting a supreme rulerL1B中文字网

e.g. golden age of imperial splendor
purple tyrant
regal attire
treated with royal acclaim
the royal carriage of a stag's headL1B中文字网

Synonym: imperialmajesticpurpleroyalL1B中文字网

一. 王者的;豪华的;富丽堂皇的;帝王般的
If you describe something as regal, you mean that it is suitable for a king or queen, because it is very impressive or beautiful.L1B中文字网

e.g. He sat with such regal dignity...
e.g. Never has she looked more regal.

He inclined his head regally.

一. regal是什么意思L1B中文字网

一. 通用 君威::最新PCM/ECM/TCM 程序标定号的汇总零零四.上海通用君威(Regal)系列轿车:最新PCM/ECM/TCM 程序标定号的汇总零零五.上海通用赛欧(Sail)系列轿车:最新PCM/ECM/TCM 程序标定号的汇总零一零.上海别克赛欧(Sail)轿车:ABS故障灯间歇性点亮,L1B中文字网

二. regalL1B中文字网

二. 帝王:不过这部电影的荣誉能否转化成金钱仍然是个问题,因为像帝王(Regal)AMC和世纪(Century)这样的大院线都有政策,不让已经发行DVD的影片上线而且即使是大片也不一定能吸引已经看过的观众再看一遍,同样不一定能吸引到已经在家里的电视机上欣赏过它的观众们.L1B中文字网

  • 经典引文L1B中文字网

  • Thus make they Kings to fill the Regal Seat.L1B中文字网

  • 近义词L1B中文字网

  • 临近词L1B中文字网

  • noble高贵的
  • royal盛大的
  • purple紫色的
  • majestic宏伟的
  • splendid极好的
  • dignified高贵的
  • sovereign元首
  • kingly国王的
  • magnificent壮丽的
  • imposing令人难忘的
  • stately庄严的
  • imperial帝国的
  • Regalzi
  • Regali
  • Regaliza
  • regally
  • Regalon
  • regalia
  • regale
  • Regalo
  • regain
  • regality
  • Regallo
  • Regala
O good sir, peradventure you mean the ragged regal vagrant that tarried here the night.(哦,好先生,也许您指的是那个衣衫褴褛、在这儿过夜的皇家流浪汉吧。)
It's not just a matter of looking frightfully regal on a horse, the monarch has to be able to master the radio microphone.(皇家不只是要在马背上显得十分骁勇,君主必须有能力去掌握利用无线电麦克风。)
At the station in Seattle I had inexplicably opted to sit in ordinary plastic seats rather than sets of regal, oak-carved benches.(在西雅图火车站我不可思议地选择坐在普通的塑料座椅上,而没有去坐更气派的橡木长椅。)
He sat with such regal dignity.(他以王者之尊严就座。)
Sometimes you forget that My righteousness is a gift, and you feel ill at ease in your regal robe.(有时候你忘了我的正义是一个礼物,然后你在你的高贵长袍中感到不自在。)
They are regal.(他们是帝王。)
GM launched new models earlier this year, including the Chevrolet Cruze, the new Buick LaCrosse and the Buick New Regal.(今年年初通用汽车推出了诸多新车型,包括雪佛兰科鲁兹(ChevroletCruze)、新别克君越(BuickLaCrosse)以及新君威(BuickNewRegal)。)
I was transfixed by these superb, regal creatures.(我被这些精湛、高贵的动物呆住了。)
A remarkably regal Graham Chapman, probably thinking about the air speed velocity of a swallow.(闻名皇室格林汉姆·查普曼,可能正在考虑一只燕子飞行的空气流速。)
Buick hasn't offered a Regal coupe for 一五 years, and there has been no hurry to replace it until now.(别克已经一五年没有推出过君威的轿跑版了,而且别克也并不急于推陈出新。)