When such is used as a predeterminer, it is followed by ‘a’ and a count noun in the singular. When it is used as a determiner, it is followed by a count noun in the plural or by an uncount noun. such 用作前置限定词时后跟 a 和单数可数名词,用作限定词时后跟复数可数名词或不可数名词。
一. 这样的;那样的;上述的;诸如此类的
You use such to refer back to the thing or person that you have just mentioned, or a thing or person like the one that you have just mentioned. You use such as and such...as to introduce a reference to the person or thing that has just been mentioned.RQi中文字网
e.g. There have been previous attempts at coups. We regard such methods as entirely unacceptable...
e.g. You say you feel that you're being made to choose, and so you are. Such choices as this are a by-product of freedom...
二. (后接从句)…那种的,…那样的
You use such...as to link something or someone with a clause in which you give a description of the kind of thing or person that you mean.RQi中文字网
e.g. Each member of the alliance agrees to take such action as it deems necessary, including the use of armed force...
e.g. Britain is not enjoying such prosperity as it was in the mid-一九八零s.
英国现在已经不像 二零 世纪 八零 年代中期那么繁荣昌盛。RQi中文字网
三. (用于举例)例如,像,诸如
You use such...as to introduce one or more examples of the kind of thing or person that you have just mentioned.RQi中文字网
e.g. He was said to have written such books as The Day of Locusts and Miss Lonely Hearts.
e.g. ...such careers as teaching, nursing, hairdressing and catering.
四. (用于名词词组前强调某事的程度或某事了不起)如此,这样,非常
You use such before noun groups to emphasize the extent of something or to emphasize that something is remarkable.RQi中文字网
e.g. I think most of us don't want to read what's in the newspaper anyway in such detail...
e.g. One will never be able to understand why these political issues can acquire such force...
五. (用于强调程度)如此…,非常…(以至于…)
You use such...that in order to emphasize the degree of something by mentioning the result or consequence of it.RQi中文字网
e.g. The weather has brought such a demand for beer that one brewery will operate over the weekend...
e.g. This is something where you can earn such a lot of money that there is not any risk that you will lose it...
六. (用于表示结果)如此…使得…
You use such...that or such...as in order to say what the result or consequence of something that you have just mentioned is.RQi中文字网
e.g. The operation has uncovered such backstreet dealing in stolen property that police might now press for changes in the law.
Such is followed by
a when the noun is something that can be counted.
...such a pleasant surprise. It is not followed by
a when the noun is plural or something that cannot be counted.
...such beautiful girls. ...such power. You do not use
such when you are talking about something that is present, or about the place where you are. You need to use the phrases
like that or
like this. Forexample, if you are admiring someone's watch, you do not say 'I'd like such a watch'. You say '
I'd like a watch like that'. Similarly, you do not say about the town where you are living 'There's not much to do in such a town'. You say '
There's not much to do in a town like this'.
Such in other contexts is quite formal.
such 后跟可数名词时要加a,如:such a pleasant surprise (如此的惊喜)。当后跟的名词为复数或不可数形式时,不加 a,如:such beautiful girls (如此漂亮的女孩们),such power (如此的权力)。谈论此时此地的事物时不用 such,而应用 like that,like this 等词组表示。例如,表示喜欢别人的手表,不说 I'd like such a watch,而说 I'd like a watch like that (我也想要那样的手表)。同样,当说到所居住的城镇时,不能说 There's not much to do in such a town,而说 There's not much to do in a town like this (在这样一个镇里没有多少事可做)。such 在其他语境中的用法较正式。
七. (用于不想明确指出时)某,某个
You use such and such to refer to a thing or person when you do not want to be exact or precise.RQi中文字网
e.g. I said, 'Well what time'll I get to Leeds?' and he said such and such a time but I missed my connection...
e.g. They're informed that we've got this money to spend and we will do such and such with it.
八. 就是这样;就是如此;就是这么回事儿
You use such as it is or such as they are to suggest that the thing you have just mentioned is not very good, important, or useful.RQi中文字网
e.g. Well my toilet's all blocked up and I've got it all coming into my flat and it'll ruin my home, such as it is...
e.g. The British Women's Movement, such as it is these days, came up with a programme of speeches at the House of Commons.
九. (与否定词连用)严格来说,真正意义上
You use as such with a negative to indicate that a word or expression is not a very accurate description of the actual situation.RQi中文字网
e.g. I am not a learner as such —I used to ride a bike years ago...
e.g. Mark joined as an office boy at the age of fourteen with no academic qualifications as such at all...
一零. (用于名词后)本身
You use as such after a noun to indicate that you are considering that thing on its own, separately from other things or factors.RQi中文字网
e.g. House prices are easily upset by factors which have nothing to do with property as such. The fall in prices in the South-East results largely from the high rate of interest on mortgages...
e.g. Mr Simon said he was not against taxes as such, 'but I do object when taxation is justified on spurious or dishonest grounds,' he says.
一一. no such thing -> see thingRQi中文字网