一. refuge from danger or observation6kR中文字网
e.g. he felt secure in his father's shadow6kR中文字网
二. something existing in perception only6kR中文字网
e.g. a ghostly apparition at midnight6kR中文字网
Synonym: apparitionphantomphantasmphantasmafantasm6kR中文字网
三. an indication that something has been present6kR中文字网
e.g. there wasn't a trace of evidence for the claim
a tincture of condescension6kR中文字网
Synonym: tracevestigetincture6kR中文字网
四. a premonition of something adverse6kR中文字网
e.g. a shadow over his happiness6kR中文字网
五. an unilluminated area6kR中文字网
e.g. he moved off into the darkness6kR中文字网
Synonym: darknessdark6kR中文字网
六. an inseparable companion6kR中文字网
e.g. the poor child was his mother's shadow6kR中文字网
七. a spy employed to follow someone and report their movements6kR中文字网
Synonym: tailshadower6kR中文字网
八. a dominating and pervasive presence6kR中文字网
e.g. he received little recognition working in the shadow of his father6kR中文字网
九. shade within clear boundaries6kR中文字网
一. follow, usually without the person's knowledge6kR中文字网
e.g. The police are shadowing her6kR中文字网
二. make appear small by comparison6kR中文字网
e.g. This year's debt dwarfs that of last year6kR中文字网
Synonym: overshadowdwarf6kR中文字网
三. cast a shadow over6kR中文字网
Synonym: shadeshade off6kR中文字网