
  • 详情解释Meb中文字网

  • 英英释义Meb中文字网

  • 词典解释Meb中文字网

  • 网络解释Meb中文字网

  • 不省人事的,失去知觉的,昏迷的
  • 不知道的,未发觉的,未意识到的,未注重的
  • 不知不觉的,无意的
  • 无意识的,下意识的,不自觉的
  • 【心】无意识,潜意识


一. that part of the mind wherein psychic activity takes place of which the person is unawareMeb中文字网

Synonym: unconscious mindMeb中文字网


一. not conscious
lacking awareness and the capacity for sensory perception as if asleep or deadMeb中文字网

e.g. lay unconscious on the floorMeb中文字网

二. without conscious volitionMeb中文字网

一. 不省人事的;失去知觉的;神志不清的
Someone who is unconscious is in a state similar to sleep, usually as the result of a serious injury or a lack of oxygen.Meb中文字网

e.g. By the time ambulancemen arrived he was unconscious...
e.g. He was dragged from his van and beaten unconscious by a gang of salmon poachers.

He knew that he might soon lapse into unconsciousness.

二. 不知道的;未觉察的;没注重到的
If you are unconscious of something, you are unaware of it.Meb中文字网


e.g. He himself seemed totally unconscious of his failure...
e.g. Mr Battersby was apparently quite unconscious of their presence.

'I was very unsure of myself after the divorce,' she says, unconsciously sweeping back the curls from her forehead.

三. 潜意识的;无意识的
If feelings or attitudes are unconscious, you are not aware that you have them, but they show in the way that you behave.Meb中文字网

e.g. Unconscious envy manifests itself very often as this kind of arrogance...
e.g. 'You're well out of it,' Christopher said with unconscious brutality.

Many women whose fathers left home unconsciously expect to be betrayed by their own mates...
I think racism is unconsciously inherent in practically everyone.

四. 无意识
Your unconscious is the part of your mind that contains feelings and ideas that you do not know about or cannot control.Meb中文字网


e.g. In examining the content of the unconscious, Freud called into question some deeply-held beliefs.

一. 无意识的:对我们的立场所存在的另一种可能的误解则是这样一个看法, 即我们对调整我们行动的许多规则所具有的那种意识不及的特征(non-conscious character)的强调, 乃是与那种有关无意识的(unconscious)或潜意识(subconscious) 的心智的观念勾连在一起的,Meb中文字网

二. 昏迷:从活跃到昏迷状态,都一一列出了,分别是活跃(Fresh)、气喘(Winded)、疲劳(Weary)、虚脱(Tired)、眩晕(Dazed)和昏迷(Unconscious). 只要人物没有通过剧烈运动(比如在战斗中消耗大量能量,施放一个自发的法术,或是跑过相当远的距离),Meb中文字网

  • 经典引文Meb中文字网

  • Quite unconscious of the alarm he had caused.Meb中文字网

    出自:E. Waugh
  • 近义词Meb中文字网

  • 反义词Meb中文字网

  • 临近词Meb中文字网

  • out出
  • involuntary非自愿的
  • Psyche【C】精神
  • cold冷的
  • ego自我
  • ID私我
  • absent-minded心不在焉的
  • automatic自动的
  • senseless无感觉的
  • insentient无知觉的
  • unintentional非故意的
  • asleep睡着的
  • unthinking考虑不周的
  • out cold失去知觉的
  • abstracted抽离的
  • mind头脑
  • insensible无感觉的
  • unaware没有发觉的
  • comatose昏睡状态的
  • oblivious没注重到
  • preoccupied全神贯注的
  • forgetful健忘的
  • self自己
  • superego超我
  • conscious神志清醒的
  • unconscious drive
  • unconsciously
  • unconscious wish
  • unconsciousness
  • unconsciousl
  • unconditional
  • unconscious of
  • unconscious self
  • unconscious act
  • unconscious humor
  • uncouth
  • unconscious guilt
They glanced at each other, and retreated a step by a common and unconscious impulse.(他们互相看了一眼,由于一种共同的、不知不觉的冲动往后退了一步。)
She seemed to be unconscious of it all; she never looked.(她似乎没有意识到这一切;她从来没有看。)
There was something in the darker recesses of his unconscious that was troubling him.(在他潜意识的隐秘的深处有一些东西让他觉得不安。)
Much of our behaviour, for example, is guided by unconscious habits.(例如,我们的很多行为都是由无意识的习惯引导的。)
The brochure is full of unconscious humour.(这本小册子妙趣横生。)
Educating Psyche by Bernie Neville is a book which looks at radical new approaches to learning, describing the effects of emotion, imagination and the unconscious on learning.(伯妮·奈维尔的《教育心灵》一书着眼于全新的学习方法,该书描述了情感、想象力和潜意识对学习的影响。)
After going without air for several minutes, Herbert was unconscious for two and a half months and has undergone therapy ever since.(缺氧几分钟后,赫伯特昏迷了两个半月,并且从那之后一直在治疗之中。)
Thirteen per cent said they became unconscious at night and 五 per cent suffered convulsions.(一三%的人说晚上他们失去知觉,五%的人说他们晚上抽搐。)
The dog had initially been knocked unconscious but had survived by drinking water from a fresh stream at the base of the cliff.(起初,这只狗被撞到失去了知觉,但后来靠饮用悬崖底部一条溪流中的水活了下来。)
She is unconscious of the effect she has on people.(她没有察觉自己对大众的影响。)