
  • 详情解释Zwy中文字网

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  • 浅的
  • 弱的
  • (人、观点、评论等)肤浅的,浅薄的
  • 薄的
  • 表面的
  • 皮毛的
  • 浅短的
  • 浅滩
  • 浅处
  • 守场员近迫防守的位置
  • 浅水处
  • (使)变浅
  • 变浅薄
  • 到浅处,在浅处
  • 浅的 not deep
  • 〈贬〉肤浅的 lacking deep or serious thinking; superficial


一. a stretch of shallow waterZwy中文字网

Synonym: shoalZwy中文字网



一. become shallowZwy中文字网

e.g. the lake shallowed over timeZwy中文字网

Synonym: shoalZwy中文字网

二. make shallowZwy中文字网

e.g. The silt shallowed the canalZwy中文字网

Synonym: shoalZwy中文字网


一. lacking physical depth
having little spatial extension downward or inward from an outer surface or backward or outward from a centerZwy中文字网

e.g. shallow water
a shallow dish
a shallow cut
a shallow closet
established a shallow beachhead
hit the ball to shallow left fieldZwy中文字网

二. not deep or strong
not affecting one deeplyZwy中文字网

e.g. shallow breathing
a night of shallow fretful sleep
in a shallow tranceZwy中文字网

三. lacking depth of intellect or knowledge
concerned only with what is obviousZwy中文字网

e.g. shallow people
his arguments seemed shallow and tediousZwy中文字网

一. 浅的
A shallow container, hole, or area of water measures only a short distance from the top to the bottom.Zwy中文字网

e.g. Put the milk in a shallow dish...
e.g. The water is quite shallow for some distance.

二. (指人、作品、思想)肤浅的,浅薄的
If you describe a person, piece of work, or idea as shallow, you disapprove of them because they do not show or involve any serious or careful thought.Zwy中文字网


e.g. I think he is shallow, vain and untrustworthy...
e.g. The evening news is often criticized for being shallow.

...intellectual shallowness.

三. (呼吸)浅的,微弱的
If your breathing is shallow, you take only a very small amount of air into your lungs at each breath.Zwy中文字网

e.g. She began to hear her own taut, shallow breathing.

He was breathing, quickly and shallowly.

一. 浅滩:都(a一一)低(low)允许(allow)洗(sh~谐音)浅滩(shallow),死(s一谐音)喂(w拼音首)燕子(swallow)吞咽(swallow)馋. 三五、Sweep 绵羊(sheep)走陡峭(steep),哭泣(weep)打扫(sweep)再睡觉(sleep).Zwy中文字网

二. Zwy中文字网

二. 浅:典型的 Java EE Web 应用程序支持一个用户请求的两类序列:浅(shallow)请求和深(deep)请求. 浅请求是执行服务器端代码但是不访问持久性存储(例如数据库)就完成请求的 Web 页面发出的请求.Zwy中文字网

  • 常用例句Zwy中文字网

  • 词汇搭配Zwy中文字网

  • 经典引文Zwy中文字网

  • He got in at the shallow end of the swimming pool.
  • He is a shallow thinker whose opinions aren't worth much.
用作形容词 (adj.)
  • shallow argument〔book, conversation〕浅薄的议论〔书,交谈〕
  • shallow breathing浅呼吸
  • A wide, shallow tray full of pots.Zwy中文字网

    出自:K. Mansfield
  • The spring was so shallow..I could touch..its bed.Zwy中文字网

    出自:R. P. Jhabvala
  • I walked up the shallow steps.Zwy中文字网

    出自:M. Marrin
  • 词源解说Zwy中文字网

  • ☆ 一四零零年左右进入英语,直接源自古英语的sceald,意为不深的。
  • 近义词Zwy中文字网

  • 反义词Zwy中文字网

  • 临近词Zwy中文字网

  • superficial
  • profound
  • deep
  • shallot
  • shallow cut
  • shallow low
  • shallow lob
  • shallow dam
  • shallow gas
  • shallow fog
  • shalt
  • shallow pan
  • shallowness
  • Shallow pit
  • shallow bag
It shows how people lived at the time is also of great interest to natural scientists because the waters around it are so shallow.(它向人们展示了在那个时代人们是怎样的生活,而且自然科学家对它也十分地感兴趣,因为它周围的水域很浅。)
He might as well plant an oak in a flowerpot, and expect it to thrive, as imagine he can restore her to vigour in the soil of his shallow cares!(他也可以在花盆里种一棵橡树,希望它茁壮成长,就像想象他可以让她在他那浅薄的关心中恢复活力一样!)
The river became too narrow and shallow to navigate.(河道变得又窄又浅,无法航行。)
It has been suggested that Pakicetus fed on fish in shallow water and was not yet adapted for life in the open ocean.(有人认为巴基鲸以浅水中的鱼为食,还没有适应开放海域的生活。)
We've gone over where coral reefs are usually formed—along the edges of shallow ocean banks in tropical or subtropical regions, and the fact that they are declining at an alarming rate.(我们已经对珊瑚礁通常是在哪里形成的问题进行了讨论,它们是在热带或亚热带地区沿着浅海海岸的边缘形成的,而它们的数量正在以惊人的速度减少。)
Some prefer shallow collections of freshwater, such as puddles, rice fields, and hoof prints.(有些喜欢小水坑、稻田和动物踩踏后留下的泥潭等浅层淡水蓄积之处。)
I think he is shallow, vain and untrustworthy.(我认为他浅薄、虚荣、不可信。)
Chinampas are artificial islands built up in shallow lakes.(奇昂帕是一种建在浅水湖中的人工岛。)
In the shallow end of Lake Tomwa, there are remains of numerous Jeffery pine trees that grew there during a lengthy drought.(在Tomwa湖的浅滩处,有许多在长期干旱时生长的杰弗里松树的遗迹。)
When it is autumn, they move to shallow water and get their food.(到了秋天,他们就会迁移到浅水处觅食。)