
  • 详情解释tF7中文字网

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  • 英英释义tF7中文字网

  • 词典解释tF7中文字网

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  • 中风,忽然发作
  • 一笔,一划
  • 一击,一抽
  • 跳动
  • 脉搏
  • 鸣声
  • 笔触
  • 手法,划法,打法
  • 一项工作
  • 机缘
  • 意想不到的事
  • 一举
  • 打,击,敲
  • 抚,摸,捋,抚摩
  • 摸,抚,摩,捋,抚摩(动物的毛皮),抚摸
  • 画短线于,在...上划线
  • 勾销,删掉
  • 击(球),抽(球)
  • 【裁缝】弄伸皱褶
  • 为...担任尾桨划手,(使)划尾桨
  • 拍打
  • 挑动
  • 轻挪,轻触,轻拭
  • 待(某人)非常好
  • 顺着(某人)以便为自己办事
  • 奉承某人
  • 安慰某人
  • [C] 一击 a hit, especially with (the edge of) a weapon
  • [C] 一画,一笔 a line made by a single movement of a pen or brush in writing or painting
  • [C] (游泳或划船的)划,划法; 游法 a method of swimming or rowing
  • [C] 钟的敲声 the sound made by a clock in giving the time
  • [S] 中风 sudden attack of illness in the brain that can cause loss of the power to move, speak clearly, etc.
  • [C] 轻抚 passing the hand gently over (a surface), usually again and again



一. a light touch with the handstF7中文字网

Synonym: strokingtF7中文字网

二. a single complete movementtF7中文字网

三. (sports) the act of swinging or striking at a ball with a club or racket or bat or cue or handtF7中文字网

e.g. it took two strokes to get out of the bunker
a good shot requires good balance and tempo
he left me an almost impossible shottF7中文字网

Synonym: shottF7中文字网

四. any one of the repeated movements of the limbs and body used for locomotion in swimming or rowingtF7中文字网

五. a mark made on a surface by a pen, pencil, or paintbrushtF7中文字网

e.g. she applied the paint in careful strokestF7中文字网

六. a punctuation mark (/) used to separate related items of informationtF7中文字网

Synonym: solidusslashvirgulediagonalseparatrixtF7中文字网

七. anything that happens suddenly or by chance without an apparent causetF7中文字网

e.g. winning the lottery was a happy accident
the pregnancy was a stroke of bad luck
it was due to an accident or fortuitytF7中文字网

Synonym: accidentfortuitychance eventtF7中文字网

八. the maximum movement available to a pivoted or reciprocating piece by a camtF7中文字网

Synonym: throwcam stroketF7中文字网

九. a light touchtF7中文字网

一零. the oarsman nearest the stern of the shell who sets the pace for the rest of the crewtF7中文字网

一一. (golf) the unit of scoring in golf is the act of hitting the ball with a clubtF7中文字网

e.g. Nicklaus won by three strokestF7中文字网

一二. a sudden loss of consciousness resulting when the rupture or occlusion of a blood vessel leads to oxygen lack in the braintF7中文字网

Synonym: apoplexycerebrovascular accidentCVAtF7中文字网


一. treat gingerly or carefullytF7中文字网

e.g. You have to stroke the bosstF7中文字网

二. strike a ball with a smooth blowtF7中文字网

三. row at a particular ratetF7中文字网

四. touch lightly and repeatedly, as with brushing motionstF7中文字网

e.g. He stroked his long beardtF7中文字网

一. 轻抚;抚摩
If you stroke someone or something, you move your hand slowly and gently over them.tF7中文字网

e.g. Carla, curled up on the sofa, was smoking a cigarette and stroking her cat...
e.g. She walked forward and embraced him and stroked his tousled white hair.

二. 中风;脑卒中
If someone has a stroke, a blood vessel in their brain bursts or becomes blocked, which may kill them or make them unable to move one side of their body.tF7中文字网


e.g. He had a minor stroke in 一九八七, which left him partly paralysed.
他 一九八七 年曾患轻度中风,之后就半身不遂了。tF7中文字网

三. (铅笔、刷子的)一笔,一挥,笔画
The strokes of a pen or brush are the movements or marks that you make with it when you are writing or painting.tF7中文字网

e.g. Fill in gaps by using short, upward strokes of the pencil.

四. 划水动作;划桨动作;(游泳或划船的)一次划水
When you are swimming or rowing, your strokes are the repeated movements that you make with your arms or the oars.tF7中文字网

e.g. I turned and swam a few strokes further out to sea...
e.g. The boatmen accompany the stroke of their oars with the sound of their voices.

五. 游泳姿势;游法
A swimming stroke is a particular style or method of swimming.tF7中文字网

e.g. She spent hours practising the breast stroke.

六. 钟声;鸣;敲
The strokes of a clock are the sounds that indicate each hour.tF7中文字网

e.g. On the stroke of 一二, fireworks suddenly exploded into the night.
一二 点的钟声刚敲响,焰火便在夜空中绽放。tF7中文字网

七. 击球(动作);一击;一抽
In sports such as tennis, baseball, cricket, and golf, a stroke is the action of hitting the ball.tF7中文字网

e.g. Compton was sending the ball here, there, and everywhere with each stroke.

八. 一件(幸运的)事
A stroke of luck or good fortune is something lucky that happens.tF7中文字网

e.g. It didn't rain, which turned out to be a stroke of luck.

九. (灵感的)突发;(天才的)一举
A stroke of genius or inspiration is a very good idea that someone suddenly has.tF7中文字网


e.g. At the time, his appointment seemed a stroke of genius.

一零. 一下子;一举
If something happens at a stroke or in one stroke, it happens suddenly and completely because of one single action.tF7中文字网


e.g. The disease wiped out 四零 million rabbits at a stroke...
该疾病一下子就使 四,零零零 万只兔子丧命。
e.g. How can Britain reduce its prison population in one stroke?

一一. 动一动;干一点
If someone does not do a stroke of work, they are very lazy and do no work at all.tF7中文字网

e.g. I never did a stroke of work at college.

一. 冲程:式赛车的比赛规定(一九九九年).赛车最大宽度为一八零cm.前轮的突出悬挂系统(overhang)与前轮中心距离在一二零cm以内.后轮的突出悬挂系统与后轮中心距离在五零cm以内.引擎要求为自然吸气.最大排气量为三零零零cc的四冲程(stroke).一二气缸以内.该tF7中文字网

二. 行程:由于全电式注塑机的驱动源皆异于液压致动器之射出机,传统的注塑机控制器均不适用,因此厂商多半自行研发控制器及伺服控制法则,不仅要作位置的死循环控制,更要同时作速度(Speed)与行程(Stroke)的死循环控制,使得控制稳定性及准tF7中文字网

三. stroke的解释tF7中文字网

三. 中风:这份发表于美国心脏协会周刊<>(stroke)的研究汇报记入了其他已知的得中风的风险因素,结果依然显示长时间睡眠的女性中风风险更高. 这份发表于美国心脏协会周刊<>(stroke)的研究汇报记入了其他已知的得中风的风险因素,结果依然显示长时间睡眠的女性中风风险更高.tF7中文字网

  • 常用例句tF7中文字网

  • 词汇搭配tF7中文字网

  • 经典引文tF7中文字网

  • He broke the lock with one stroke of the hammer.
  • A paper tiger can be punctured with a mere stroke!
  • He was putting the finishing stroke to the portrait.
  • Can you do the backstroke?
  • She arrived on the stroke of six.
  • She had a stroke and was unable to walk again .
  • She gave the cat a stroke.
用作名词 (n.)
  • have〔suffer〕 a stroke患中风
  • keep stroke有节奏地划桨
  • swim a fast stroke游得快
  • finishing stroke最后一击,最后一笔
  • thick〔thin〕 strokes粗〔细〕笔画
  • backstroke仰泳
  • breaststroke蛙泳
  • butterflystroke蝶泳
  • at a stroke一举,一下子
  • on the stroke准时
  • write with firm strokes笔力遒劲
  • a stroke of midnight午夜钟声
  • a stroke of the hammer锤击
  • You..couldn't cut a man's head off with one stroke.tF7中文字网

    出自:C. Isherwood
  • The cook..beat her..dough with steady strokes.tF7中文字网

    出自:R. Jarrell
  • Pa..would probably cane her.., just a few strokes.tF7中文字网

    出自:B. Emecheta
  • His white man'd Steeds..He chear'd to Courage with a gentle Stroke.tF7中文字网

  • She gave her hair a long..stroke with the brush.tF7中文字网

    出自:H. E. Bates
  • She..strok'd down her band.tF7中文字网

    出自:T. Gray
  • David's mother stroked her shoulders soothingly.tF7中文字网

    出自:H. Roth
  • The Doctor stroked his moustache thoughtfully.tF7中文字网

    出自:T. Heggen
  • Jacqueline with one slow lean arm began to stroke the dog.tF7中文字网

  • 词义讲解tF7中文字网

  • 词源解说tF7中文字网

stroke, blow, knock
  • 一.这组词都有“打击”“捶打”的意思, blow, stroke, knock均可指用工具、器械对另一物体的击打。例如:
  • Children's furniture must withstand kicks and blows.孩子们用的家具必须经得起踢打。
  • He drove in a nail with one stroke of the hammer.他一锤子就把钉子敲进去了。
  • Did you hear a knock at the door?你听到有人敲了一下门吗?
  • 二.blow和knock还可指用手击打,表示击打某人时, blow尤指用拳头打, knock也可指用拳头和指关节敲打。例如:
  • The big boy aimed a blow at me.那个大个男孩朝我打来一拳。
  • There came the 三 p.m. knock on the door.下午三点钟来客的敲门声响了。
  • 三.blow的对象可以是物,也可以是身体某部位,还可以是某人; stroke的对象可以是物,也可以是人; knock的对象则是门、地板等物。例如:
  • He got a nasty blow on the head.他的头部受到重重的一击。
  • She killed him with one stroke of her sword.她一剑刺死了他。
  • He split the log with one stroke of the axe.他一斧头就把那圆木劈开了。
  • If you are not up by eight I'll give you a knock.如果你到八点钟还不起床,我就敲门叫醒你。
  • 四.stroke的工具或器械可以是硬质的东西,也可以是软质的东西; knock的工具或器械一般是硬质的东西。例如:
  • The man was given several strokes of the whip.那人挨了几鞭子。
    • ☆ 一三零零年左右进入英语,直接源自古英语的strac;最初源自原始日耳曼语的straikaz,意为引人注目的行为。
    • 近义词tF7中文字网

    • 临近词tF7中文字网

    • brush
    • blow
    • strokes
    • stroke set
    • stroke out
    • stroke end
    • stroke off
    • stroke oar
    • stroker
    • stroke dog
    • strokeside
    • strive
    • stroll
    • strokesman
    There're many people who recover from cancer, stroke, or heart disease.(有许多人从癌症、中风或心脏病中康复。)
    Your idea was a stroke of genius.(你的主意很高明。)
    She swam with a graceless stroke.(她游泳的姿势很难看。)
    Butterfly is the only stroke I can't do.(只有蝶泳我不会。)
    A stroke can disrupt the supply of oxygen to the brain.(中风可导致大脑供氧中断。)
    It was a stroke of luck that I found you here.(我在这儿看见你纯属巧遇。)
    People who are overweight run a risk of a heart attack or stroke.(超重的人有犯心脏病和中风的危险。)
    It was a stroke of luck that we found you.(真巧我们找到了你。)
    The stroke left him partly paralysed.(他因中风身体局部瘫痪了。)
    Compton was sending the ball here, there, and everywhere with each stroke.(康普顿把球发到这儿,发到那儿,每一次击球都打到不同地方。)