
  • 英英释义mfe中文字网

  • 词典解释mfe中文字网

  • 网络解释mfe中文字网


一. an activity that varies from a norm or standardmfe中文字网

e.g. any variation in his routine was immediately reportedmfe中文字网

Synonym: variationmfe中文字网

二. an official dispensation to act contrary to a rule or regulation (typically a building regulation)mfe中文字网

e.g. a zoning variancemfe中文字网

三. the quality of being subject to variationmfe中文字网

Synonym: variabilityvariablenessmfe中文字网

四. a difference between conflicting facts or claims or opinionsmfe中文字网

e.g. a growing divergence of opinionmfe中文字网

Synonym: discrepancydisagreementdivergencemfe中文字网

五. the second moment around the mean
the expected value of the square of the deviations of a random variable from its mean valuemfe中文字网

六. discord that splits a groupmfe中文字网

Synonym: divisionmfe中文字网

七. an event that departs from expectationsmfe中文字网

Synonym: discrepancyvariantmfe中文字网

一. (与…)不一致,相矛盾
If one thing is at variance with another, the two things seem to contradict each other.mfe中文字网

e.g. Many of his statements were at variance with the facts...
e.g. This idealistic concept is at variance with reality.

二. 差异;不同
The variance between things is the difference between them.mfe中文字网

e.g. ...the variances in the stock price.
e.g. ...total revenue variance.

一. 方差:一六 方差(variance)是一组数据中各变量与其均值离差平方的平均数,方差的算术平方根叫标准差(standard deviation). 方差与标准差是反映数值型数据离散程度的主要的也是常用的方法,是描述数据分布特征的重要的统计量.mfe中文字网

二. 变异数:心率变异性分析则是通过测量连续正常的QRS波群周期之间的变化(beat to fluctuation)变异数(Variance),从而反应心率的变化. 它不同于常用的以时间为单位的平均心率变化指标(如最大心率或最小心率等),HRV的大小并不反映心率的快慢.mfe中文字网

三. 差异:除此之外,Breiman [Bre九六a] 还从偏向(bias)和差异(variance)的角度对泛化误差进行了分析. 他指出,不稳定猜测函数的偏向较小、差异较大,Bagging正是通过减小差异来减小泛化误差的. 在此之后,mfe中文字网

  • 相关词组mfe中文字网

  • 经典引文mfe中文字网

一. at variance with : 与...有分歧;mfe中文字网

二. at variance : 有分歧, 不和;mfe中文字网

三. set at variance : 使不和;mfe中文字网

  • It being reasonable for every man to vary his opinion according to the variance of his reason.mfe中文字网

    出自:Sir T. Browne
  • 近义词mfe中文字网

  • 临近词mfe中文字网

  • modification修改
  • variablenessvariable的名词形...
  • clash冲突
  • divergence分歧
  • discussion讨论
  • division划分
  • dissent异议
  • variability易变
  • variation变种
  • change变化
  • contradiction矛盾
  • inconsistency不一致
  • discrepancy差异
  • disparity不一致
  • disunity不统一
  • conflict冲突
  • difference差异
  • difference of opinion意见分歧
  • variant变体
  • disagreement不合
  • dispute争论
  • alteration改变
  • adjustment调整
  • variance cube
  • variance ratio
  • variables
  • variant
  • Variance mean
  • variance test
  • variance part
  • variance map
  • variance law
  • variances
  • variance value
  • variance type
Thus, the variance for these projects is limited to a fairly small range.(因此,这种不一致性在这些项目中被限定在一个相当小的范围内。)
Ask the therapist how he or she approaches gender variance.(问问专家他是怎么处理性别混乱的孩子的。)
The more x moves, the bigger the variance is.(参数的变动越多,方差就越大)
We want a high expected value of returns, but we don't like variance.(我们希望收益的期望值较高,并且稳定)
These conclusions are totally at variance with the evidence.(这些结论与证据完全相悖。)
On the other hand, this variance can't be ignored.(另一方面,可以将此方差忽略。)
This is ten to the 一二, right? It's still a huge variance.(这是十的一二次方,对吗?它仍然是个巨大的变量。)
Project model variance from enterprise model.(项目模型与企业模型的不同之处。)
Spending Variance is the difference between the fixed overhead incurred and the fixed overhead budgeted.(支出差异指的是实际发生的固定间接费用与预算的固定间接费用之间的差额。)
How often will project variance be reviewed?(多久对项目的差异性评审一次?)