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  • 烙印
  • 焦痕,烧焦痕迹
  • 扣机
  • 西尔(音译名)
  • 使枯萎,使干枯,使凋谢
  • 灼伤,烧灼
  • 干枯,凋萎,枯萎
  • 烧烤,烧焦,烤焦
  • 打烙印
  • 使失去感觉,变得麻木不仁
  • 轻煎,烙
  • 使骤然感到剧痛
  • 使干枯,使凋谢
  • 使变为冷酷无情


一. cause to wither or parch from exposure to heatFmW中文字网

e.g. The sun parched the earthFmW中文字网

Synonym: parchFmW中文字网

二. make very hot and dryFmW中文字网

e.g. The heat scorched the countrysideFmW中文字网

Synonym: scorchFmW中文字网

三. burn slightly and superficially so as to affect colorFmW中文字网

e.g. The cook blackened the chicken breast
The fire charred the ceiling above the mantelpiece
the flames scorched the ceilingFmW中文字网

Synonym: charblackenscorchFmW中文字网

四. become superficially burnedFmW中文字网

e.g. my eyebrows singed when I bent over the flamesFmW中文字网

Synonym: scorchsingeFmW中文字网



一. (used especially of vegetation) having lost all moistureFmW中文字网

e.g. dried-up grass
the desert was edged with sere vegetation
shriveled leaves on the unwatered seedlings
withered vinesFmW中文字网

Synonym: dried-upsereshriveledshrivelledwitheredFmW中文字网

一. 烧掉…的表面;烧焦
To sear something means to burn its surface with a sudden intense heat.FmW中文字网

e.g. Grass fires have seared the land near the farming village of Basekhai.

二. 烧灼;灼伤;灼痛
If something sears a part of your body, it causes a painful burning feeling there.FmW中文字网

e.g. I distinctly felt the heat start to sear my throat.

三. see also: searingFmW中文字网

一. FmW中文字网

一. 烧焦:资料提示: 她是一个从小很调皮,很叼满的小女孩,有一天,she 看见她的姐姐在剪头发(shear),剪完后就开始烫,她一时兴起,把温度调的很高,结果姐姐的头发被烧焦(sear)拉,姐姐痛的流泪(shed),她却哈哈大笑.FmW中文字网

二. 烙印:团名的由来~是藉由著我们想用我们的热情( fire ),灌注到每个音符当中,让我们的音乐,烙印( sear )在每个人的心中.FmW中文字网

三. sear的反义词FmW中文字网

三. 枯萎:drear 阴郁的 | sear 枯萎 | tear 眼泪FmW中文字网

四. sear在线翻译FmW中文字网

四. 烧灼;使骤然感到剧痛:Disturb:干扰 | Sear:烧灼;使骤然感到剧痛 | Post-traumatic stress disorder: 创伤后精神紧张性障碍(简称PTSD)FmW中文字网

五. sear:self esteem and relationship; 自尊心和性关系FmW中文字网

  • 经典引文FmW中文字网

  • If no fire of sun..sear the tender grain.FmW中文字网

    出自:A. C. Swinburne
  • 近义词FmW中文字网

  • 临近词FmW中文字网

  • sere干枯的
  • blacken(使)变黑
  • shrivelled 皱缩(使 ... 束手...
  • parch烘
  • blister气泡
  • flame火焰
  • solder焊接剂
  • char(使)烧成炭
  • singe(稍微)烧焦
  • scorch(使)烧焦
  • roast烤肉
  • burn燃烧
  • withered枯萎的
  • bake烤
  • dried-up干缩的
  • shriveled皱缩的
  • Searcy
  • Searl
  • Searby
  • seaport
  • searing
  • Searls
  • Seari
  • Seares
  • Searle
  • Seara
  • search
The striker has a lug that interacts with the sear and is used to hold the striker in the cocked position.(下手帮手有一个与柄互动的那枯萎的而且用来在被耸立的位置中捉住下手帮手。)
Drive the car and park in a secluded area so you can sear…(开车,并停泊在一个隐蔽的地区,因此您可以搜索它的证据…)
I distinctly felt the heat start to sear my throat.(我明显感到嗓子开始烧得难受。)
Shadow - Obviously a single target sustained DPS, with Mind Sear now should be one of the strongest AOE classes.(暗影-显然是一个持续输出的单体dps,并且在心灵枯萎的帮助下,可以成为最强力的AOE职业之一。)
The best room looked out upon the lawn of the park, now sear and brown, where a little lake lay sheltered.(最好的那个房间俯瞰着公园的草坪。那里的青草已枯黄,草丛中露出一个小湖。)
That sear face has a Japanese name, from the old time of Japan, it had already play the piano in the old music classroom.(那张烤焦的脸有个日本名字,从日据时代就开始在老旧的教室里弹琴。)
Granted , loneness is hard and time flies like an arrow , in addition to the sear of gossips , no one is willing to age lonely .(不错,人生寂寞难捱,光阴如流似箭,外加世俗流言相迫,我们都不愿意一个人孤独地老去。)
It seemed that he began to sear.(看来他开始变得无情了。)
The autumn breeze blows down sear leaves.(秋风吹落枯萎的树叶。)
I spent about an hour sear ching for him when my psycho ex-girlfriend texted me his photo.(我花了将近一个小时去找它,直到我那脑子有点问题的前女友发了张它的照片给我。)