
  • 详情解释ACq中文字网

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  • 词典解释ACq中文字网

  • 网络解释ACq中文字网

  • 分裂
  • 分裂教会罪
  • 分立
  • 宗派活动
  • 教会分裂
  • 分派
  • 宗派
  • 派别
  • 派系
  • 【宗】犯宗派分立罪
  • 分歧



一. division of a group into opposing factionsACq中文字网

e.g. another schism like that and they will wind up in bankruptcyACq中文字网

Synonym: splitACq中文字网

二. the formal separation of a church into two churches or the withdrawal of one group over doctrinal differencesACq中文字网

一. (由于思想、信仰不同造成的)分裂,分离
When there is a schism, a group or organization divides into two groups as a result of differences in thinking and beliefs.ACq中文字网


e.g. ...the great schism which divided the Christian world in the 一一th century...
一一 世纪划分基督教世界的大规模教会分裂
e.g. The church seems to be on the brink of schism.

一. 分裂:西方基督教之于东方基督教的关系就如同透视的象征之于金色背景的象征的关系--而最后的分裂(schism)的发生在教会中和在艺术中几乎是同时的. 风景画背景中所描绘的场景与上帝的动态的无限性也是同时被理解的;还有,与宗教绘画的金色背景一起,ACq中文字网

二. ACq中文字网

二. 分裂;宗派活动;教会的分裂:skepticism 怀疑态度;怀疑主义 | schism 分裂;宗派活动;教会的分裂 | scholasticism 经院哲学ACq中文字网

三. schism的意思ACq中文字网

三. 分裂,分歧,不和:Depletion: 竭尽 | Schism: 分裂,分歧,不和 | Contradict: 反驳,否认ACq中文字网

  • 经典引文ACq中文字网

  • The schism between the Greek and Latin churches..in the ninth century.ACq中文字网

    出自:C. Burney
  • The community of Old Believers, who upheld the schism in the Orthodox Church.ACq中文字网

    出自:Times Literary Supplement
  • 近义词ACq中文字网

  • 临近词ACq中文字网

  • gulf海湾
  • disunity不统一
  • rift裂口
  • faction内讧
  • rupture破裂
  • breakup破裂
  • division划分
  • break打碎
  • split分裂
  • Schismus arabicus
  • schismatist
  • schismatic
  • schismatical
  • scheme
  • schism over Iraq
  • Schismus
  • schist
  • Schismatoglottis hainanensis
  • Schismatoglottis calyptrata
  • Schismatoglottis
  • schismatize
The church seems to be on the brink of schism.(该教会看来处于分裂的边缘。)
The schism between science and the humanities has, if anything , deepened in this century.(总之,科学与人文科学的分歧在本世纪时候深厚的。)
We are much too apt to look at schism in our church as an unmitigated evil.(我们很容易把自己教会中的分派看成是一种十恶不赦的罪恶。)
The protective system of traditional MTS is made up of schism organs, but framework is complex and reliability is rather bad, which badly impacts the running stability of coal mining face.(传统型移动变电站综合保护系统大都采用分立元件实现,结构复杂,可靠性差,对采区工作面的稳定运行造成了很大影响。)
Traditional DC timing system is based on complex PID simulation control system which is composed of schism components, so it has deficiency on reliability, flexibility and control ability.(但传统的直流调速系统所采用的是由分立元件构成的复杂PID模拟控制系统,在可靠性和灵活性以及控制性能都存在不足。)
The agreement that the debt before company component reachs by place is assumed by the company after schism.(公司分立前的债务按所达成的协议由分立后的公司承担。)
Its failure put Thoreau into debt that took years to pay off, and Emerson's flawed advice began to cause a schism between the friends that never entirely healed.(此次失败让梭罗陷入花了数年才偿清的债务之中,而爱默生的不妥建议开始导致了朋友间终未彻底解决的不和。)
Hope that my colleagues do not complain of any mutual schism?(希望各位同仁不要在互相抱怨有任何门派之争?)
IT is in the midst of a hiring schism, where the people that the field needs the most are the least interested in joining.(IT正处在招募人才的危急存亡之秋——往往这个领域最需要的人却最没有兴趣加入。)
In the 一五th century a schism opened in the world of beer.(一五世纪,啤酒界开始了一次强烈的意见分歧。)