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一. cause to be calm or quiet as by administering a sedative toO9w中文字网

e.g. The patient must be sedated before the operationO9w中文字网

Synonym: calmtranquilizetranquillizetranquilliseO9w中文字网



一. characterized by dignity and proprietyO9w中文字网

Synonym: staidO9w中文字网

二. dignified and somber in manner or character and committed to keeping promisesO9w中文字网

e.g. a grave God-fearing man
a quiet sedate nature
as sober as a judge
a solemn promise
the judge was solemn as he pronounced sentenceO9w中文字网

Synonym: gravesobersolemnO9w中文字网

一. 安静的;庄重的;不苟言笑的;平淡无奇的
If you describe someone or something as sedate, you mean that they are quiet and rather dignified, though perhaps a bit dull.O9w中文字网

e.g. She took them to visit her sedate, elderly cousins...
e.g. Her London life was sedate, almost mundane...

...sedately dressed in business suit with waistcoat.

二. 不慌不忙的;慢悠悠的;从容的
If you move along at a sedate pace, you move slowly, in a controlled way.O9w中文字网

e.g. We set off again at a more sedate pace.
e.g. ...a heavy car with solid but sedate performance.

He pulled sedately out of the short driveway.

三. 给…施用镇静剂
If someone is sedated, they are given a drug to calm them or to make them sleep.O9w中文字网


e.g. The patient is sedated with intravenous use of sedative drugs...
e.g. Doctors have been told not to sedate children with an anaesthetic that may be linked to five deaths.

Grace was asleep, lightly sedated.

一. 沉着的:sedan 私家轿车 | sedate 沉着的 | sedately 镇静地O9w中文字网

二. 使......镇静:六. dispel: 驱散. | 八. sedate: 使......镇静. | 九. totalitarian:极权主义的.O9w中文字网

三. 安静的、镇静的:sober 冷静的,镇定的;认真的,严肃的 | sedate 安静的、镇静的 | steady 稳固地;平稳地O9w中文字网

四. 文静的:perilous#危险的 | sedate#文静的 | intrepid#勇敢的O9w中文字网

  • 经典引文O9w中文字网

  • The last mourners seem sedate and sombre.O9w中文字网

    出自:G. Greene
  • Life seemed..a sedate and ordered affair.O9w中文字网

    出自:A. Lee
  • 近义词O9w中文字网

  • 反义词O9w中文字网

  • 临近词O9w中文字网

  • serious严肃的
  • composed镇静的
  • anaesthetize使…麻醉
  • demure严肃的
  • calm平静的
  • tranquillize(使)镇静
  • dignified高贵的
  • tranquillisevi
  • unexciting不令人兴奋的...
  • sober清醒的
  • staid固定的
  • grave坟墓
  • solemn庄严的
  • put under使处于 ... 下...
  • collected收集成的
  • slow-moving动作缓慢的
  • put out熄灭
  • cool凉爽的
  • drug毒品
  • dull呆滞的
  • knock out敲出
  • tranquilize(使)平静
  • stimulate刺激
  • excitable易激动的
  • sedately
  • sedative
  • sedated adj.
  • sedan
  • Sedate coitus
  • sedateness
  • Sedated state
Natural comfortable shoulder line, give a person a kind of sedate feeling capable.(天然舒服的肩部线条,给人一种干练稳重的感觉。)
Orbits were not the sedate, orderly system they are today.(轨道还不是今天那样静止、有序的系统。)
Her London life was sedate, almost mundane.(她在伦敦的生活平淡无奇,几乎有些枯燥。)
Proponents of the Sleeping Beauty diet sedate themselves heavily for many days, so that when they wake up they’re much thinner.(很多睡美人饮食的支持者通过多日沉重而安静的睡去,所以当他们醒来的时候,他们更瘦了。)
Today's celebrations have been altogether more sedate.(今天的庆祝活动显然更加庄重。)
Now I will be quiet now want to understand a lot of things, now I'm more sedate.(现在的我会安静现在想明白很多事情,现在的我更稳重了。)
In this sedate garrison town ringed by jagged peaks, the gentle thrum of the day is usually reduced to a whisper by night.(在这个群峰环绕、安详的卫戍小镇上,白天温柔的声响总是变成夜间温柔的窃窃私语。)
Sedate, quiet, people communicate with stone can realize a lot of life philosophy.(稳重、宁静,人与石沟通能悟出许许多多的人生哲理。)
Distracted hens in coops occupied spots where formerly stood chairs supporting sedate agriculturists.(在从前摆放椅子的地方,现在却摆放着鸡笼,从前椅子上坐着安详的农民,而现在鸡笼里却养着心神不宁的母鸡。)
But not so the sedate gentleman in the black bowler hat who made quite a fool of himself.(然而,那位头戴黑色圆顶硬礼帽、举止稳重的人,却出了洋相。)