
  • 详情解释tGH中文字网

  • 双解释义tGH中文字网

  • 英英释义tGH中文字网

  • 词典解释tGH中文字网

  • 网络解释tGH中文字网

  • 【文】迄今,至今,至此,到目前为止
  • 直到某时
  • 一直,一向
  • 到这里
  • 至今的,目前的
  • 到目前为止 until this〔that〕 time; up until now


一. used in negative statement to describe a situation that has existed up to this point or up to the present timetGH中文字网

e.g. So far he hasn't called
the sun isn't up yettGH中文字网

Synonym: so farthus farup to nowheretoforeas yetyettil nowuntil nowtGH中文字网

一. 迄今;到目前为止
You use hitherto to indicate that something was true up until the time you are talking about, although it may no longer be the case.tGH中文字网


e.g. The polytechnics have hitherto been at an unfair disadvantage in competing for pupils and money...
e.g. Hitherto, the main emphasis has been on the need to resist aggression...

一. hitherto什么意思tGH中文字网

一. 迄今:hithermost 最靠近的 | hitherto 迄今 | hitherward 向此处tGH中文字网

二. hitherto的翻译tGH中文字网

二. 迄今,至今:二零一. inhibit 禁止 | 二零二. hitherto 迄今,至今 | 二零三. toggle (往返)切换tGH中文字网

三. 至今:hither 到此处 | hitherto 至今 | hive 蜂房tGH中文字网

四. 迄今、至今:八二、obsolete 荒废的、陈旧的 | 八三、hitherto 迄今、至今 | 八四、tort 民事侵权行为tGH中文字网

  • 常用例句tGH中文字网

  • 经典引文tGH中文字网

  • I have mastered about 一零零零零 English words hitherto.
  • Hitherto he had experienced no great success in his attempt.
  • Except the vulgar be better taught than they have hetherto been.tGH中文字网

  • Evening sing-songs produced some hitherto hidden talents.tGH中文字网

    出自:S. Morley
  • The minimum time between..issues would now be 二四 months against 三六 months hitherto.tGH中文字网

    出自:Sunday (Calcutta)
  • 近义词tGH中文字网

  • 临近词tGH中文字网

  • as yet到目前为止
  • heretofore以前
  • until now迄今
  • till now迄今
  • thus far现在为止
  • previously先前
  • before在 ... 以前
  • until then到那时
  • yet还
  • till then到那时
  • up to now迄今
  • up till now到现在为止
  • so far迄今为止
  • Hitler
  • hither
  • hitherto unpublished
Hitherto, pragmatism has prevailed and they have sided with the Turks.(到目前为止,实用主义盛行,他们站到了土耳其这边。)
Hitherto Japan is the only country to have been authorized to make legal bids.(迄今为止日本是唯一被批准可以合法投标的国家。)
It has been weakened by the turmoil in Syria, hitherto its chief obstructionist sponsor.(迄今为止它最主要的支持者叙利亚的国内动荡大大削弱了它的力量。)
Unfortunately, because this approach fails to deal with the underlying causes of inflation, wage and price controls eventually collapse, the hitherto-repressed inflation resurfaces.(不幸的是,由于这种方法未能解决通胀的根本原因,工资和价格控制最终崩溃,迄今为止受到压制的通胀再次出现。)
How does the author view the hitherto high click-through rates?(作者如何看待迄今为止的高点击率?)
Britain has hitherto been more relaxed.(英国迄今为止还比较宽松。)
Even Goldman Sachs, hitherto relatively unscathed, has suffered.(甚至以前股价几乎毫发无损的高盛公司的股价也下跌了。)
Hitherto, genetic modification has been the work of apprentices and journeymen.(过去,基因改造只是学徒或者佣工的活。)
Whether they were alive or not, this was a riddle hitherto unknown.(他们是生是死,迄今还是一个谜。)
The work fills (in) a gap which has hitherto existed in our archaeological literature.(这部著作填补了我国考古学文献中的一个空白。)