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  • 【生】孢子,芽孢
  • 胚种,种子,胚芽
  • 根源
  • 生殖细胞


一. a small usually single-celled asexual reproductive body produced by many nonflowering plants and fungi and some bacteria and protozoans and that are capable of developing into a new individual without sexual fusionJua中文字网

e.g. a sexual spore is formed after the fusion of gametesJua中文字网

一. 孢子;胚种
Spores are cells produced by bacteria and fungi which can develop into new bacteria or fungi.Jua中文字网


一. 芽胞:芽胞 概况 芽胞(spore) 在一定条件下,芽胞杆菌属(如炭疽杆菌)及梭状芽胞杆菌属(如破伤风杆菌、气性坏疽病原菌)能在菌体内形成一个折光性很强的不易着色小体,称为内芽胞(endospore),简称芽胞.Jua中文字网

二. 芽孢:绝大多数细菌不含叶绿素,是异养植物. 其繁殖方法为细胞分裂,不进行有性生殖. 某些杆菌在不良的环境下. 每个细胞形成一个内生芽孢,在环境适宜的时候,芽孢(spore)再发育成一个细菌,芽孢是渡过不良环境的适应结构,并不是繁殖的.Jua中文字网

三. 孢:细菌细胞的特别 构造有鞭毛(flagellum)、伞毛(pilus)、荚膜(capsule)和芽孢(spore). 到目前为止,已大量投产的微生物多糖主要有黄原胶(xanthan gum),结冷胶(gellan gum),右旋糖酐(dextran),小核菌葡聚糖(scleroglucan),Jua中文字网

  • 近义词Jua中文字网

  • 临近词Jua中文字网

  • bacterium细菌
  • microorganism微生物
  • sporeless
  • spore oil
  • Sporelius
  • sporetia
  • sporer
  • spore rod
  • Sporeno
  • sporedie
  • Sporea
  • spore sac
  • sporadic
  • sport
All of the protoplasm of the rod seems to condense into the granule, or young spore. in a hard dehydrated, resistant state.(杆菌中的所有原生质似乎都凝聚到此颗粒(即幼芽孢)中,使之处于一种干硬而有抵抗力的状态。)
Two fossil spore-pollen assemblages are found in the Cretaceous red beds of Jin Ju Basin, Chekiang Province.(浙江金衢盆地白垩系红层,共发现二个化石孢粉组合。)
Spore characters of 二三 acrocarpous moss taxa in China are reported.(报道了中国二三种顶蒴藓类孢子的形态特征。)
The cation penetrates the spore.(这种阳离子能透入孢子。)
The ovules are hemitropous, with 二 integuments, tenuinucellate and the archesporial cell functions directly as the mega-spore mother cell.(胚珠是半球形的,有二个被膜,腱鞘状,而原孢子细胞直接作为大孢子母细胞起作用。)
Some pathogens, though, can survive in spore form.(但是还是会有一些病原本以孢子的形式存活下来。)
Head over to the forum discussion on rendering creatures from Spore.(头到论坛的讨论从上渲染生物孢子。)
The seed's chances of survival are greatly enhanced over those of the naked spore.(种子的存活率大大高于裸孢子的存活率。)
No significant correlation exhibited between mycorrhizal infection and spore density.(菌根侵染率与孢子密度间没有显著相关性。)
One individual spore can recycled development become whole mycelium of fungi.(一个单个的孢子是能够再生发育成真菌的整个菌丝体。)