
  • 详情解释gcp中文字网

  • 双解释义gcp中文字网

  • 英英释义gcp中文字网

  • 词典解释gcp中文字网

  • 网络解释gcp中文字网

  • 遍及,贯穿,从头道尾, 自始至终
  • 遍布,各处,到处
  • 完完全全,彻头彻尾
  • 在所有的...中
  • 在整个...
  • 在…期间
  • 始终,自始至终,一直
  • 在所有方面,全部
  • 到处,处处
  • 彻头彻尾
  • 各方面
  • (表示时间)自始至终; 在…期间 during; from the beginning to the end; during
  • (表示区域)遍及…地域; 遍及…场所 extending all over


一. from first to lastgcp中文字网

e.g. the play was excellent end-to-endgcp中文字网

Synonym: end-to-endgcp中文字网

二. used to refer to cited worksgcp中文字网

Synonym: passimgcp中文字网

一. 自始至终;从头到尾;贯穿
If you say that something happens throughout a particular period of time, you mean that it happens during the whole of that period.gcp中文字网

e.g. The national tragedy of rival groups killing each other continued throughout 一九九零...
敌对派别相互残杀的国家悲剧 一九九零 年全年都在上演。
e.g. Movie music can be made memorable because its themes are repeated throughout the film.

二. 遍及;遍布
If you say that something happens or exists throughout a place, you mean that it happens or exists in all parts of that place.gcp中文字网


e.g. 'Sight Savers', founded in 一九五零, now runs projects throughout Africa, the Caribbean and South East Asia...
创始于 一九五零 年的国际防盲及救盲组织如今在非洲、加勒比海地区和东南亚各地都开展项目。
e.g. As we have tried to show throughout this book, companies that provide outstanding service don't do it by luck.

一. throughout的解释gcp中文字网

一. 吞吐量:=二零吞吐量(throughout)是指= 九九六八;组特定的数据在特= 四五零;的时间段通过特定= 四零;路径所传输的信息= 七;的实际测量值. 由于= ;诸多原因使得吞吐量= 常常是远小于所用介&= #三六一三六;本身可以提供的最= 二二八二三;数字带宽. 决定吞= 一五二零;gcp中文字网

二. throughout的翻译gcp中文字网

二. 遍及:五八.tempt引诱 | 一.throughout遍及 | 二.zone地区gcp中文字网

三. 遍及...,在各处:They went through the forest. 他们穿过了森林. | throughout 遍及...,在各处. | The police searched for the criminal throughout the mountain. 警察搜山寻找犯人.gcp中文字网

四. 始终:throughmultimodaltransport 全程多种方式联运 | throughout 始终 | throughout-lifewatering 生长全期浇水gcp中文字网

  • 常用例句gcp中文字网

  • 经典引文gcp中文字网

  • It pointed with rain throughout the night.
  • They sang songs throughout the trip.
  • That will be of value to them throughout their lives.
  • I have traveled throughout Europe.
  • By the end of February schools are opened throughout the country.
  • Research seems to have become fashionable throughout the Third World.gcp中文字网

    出自:R. G. Myers
  • 词义讲解gcp中文字网

throughout, during, over
  • 这几个介词均可表示“在…期间,在…时期以内”。during既可以表示句中动词所表示动作或状态持续的时间段,也可以表示动作发生在一段时间中的某时间点上,但它不强调动作何时发生或何时结束; over则往往强调通过一段时间后所产生的结果; throughout更注重时间进展的始末。
    • 高考真题例句gcp中文字网

    • 考研真题例句gcp中文字网

    高考真题例句 OG 一.throughout

    I had advised the kids that while verbs(动词) may seem dull, most of the fun things they do throughout their lives will be verbs.gcp中文字网

    我曾告诉孩子们, 虽然动词似乎很枯燥, 但他们自己一生中做的大多数有趣的事情都和动词有关。gcp中文字网


    高考真题例句 OG 二.throughout

    After you exercise, you continue to burn calories throughout the day.gcp中文字网

    运动后, 你一整天都在燃烧卡路里。gcp中文字网


    考研真题例句 OG 一.throughout

    This is a skill that will help them all throughout life.gcp中文字网



    考研真题例句 OG 二.throughout

    Take a "journalistic" approach to seizing moments of deep work when you can throughout the day.gcp中文字网



    考研真题例句 OG 三.throughout

    Two paradoxes exist throughout this credibility process.gcp中文字网



    考研真题例句 OG 一.throughout

    Renaissance ideas had spread throughout Europe well into the 一七th century.gcp中文字网



    • 近义词gcp中文字网

    • 临近词gcp中文字网

    • during
    • throughout the day
    • throughput
    • through
    • throughout capacity
    • throughout the world
    • throughout history
    • throughout with
    • throughout the year
    • throughout the night
    • throughout the land
    • throughout distance
    • throughout the week
    He behaves throughout with a certain sang-froid.(他一直表现得很镇静。)
    The match was finely balanced throughout.(比赛自始至终不分上下。)
    Election results flowed in throughout the night.(整夜不断传来选举的结果。)
    Heavy thundery rain fell throughout Thursday.(星期四下了一整天的雷暴大雨。)
    The route is well sign-posted throughout.(这条路线全程设有路标。)
    I was cold throughout the whole of my body.(我浑身冰冷。)
    There was continuous firing throughout the night.(整夜枪炮不息。)
    She remained dry-eyed throughout the trial.(整个审讯过程中她没掉一滴眼泪。)
    Doctors battled throughout the night to save her life.(医生们奋战了整个晚上来抢救她的生命。)
    They were very happy throughout their married life.(他们婚后生活一直很幸福。)