
  • 双解释义EaR中文字网

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  • vi. 逐渐变少或变小 become gradually less or smaller


一. become smaller or lose substanceEaR中文字网

e.g. Her savings dwindled downEaR中文字网

Synonym: dwindle awaydwindle downEaR中文字网

一. (数量上)减少,缩小
If something dwindles, it becomes smaller, weaker, or less in number.EaR中文字网


e.g. The factory's workforce has dwindled from over 四,零零零 to a few hundred...
工厂雇员总数已经从 四,零零零 多人减少到几百人。
e.g. Exports are dwindling and the trade deficit is swelling...

一. 缩小:Dwight Eisenhower 艾森豪威尔 | dwindle 缩小 | Dy 镝EaR中文字网

二. (随风而逝) 减少:consummate 成就 完成 sum 和 (共同完成一个事情的和) | dwindle (随风而逝) 减少 | haphazard 偶然的 随便的EaR中文字网

三. dwindle的反义词EaR中文字网

三. 减少:scorch#烘焦;烧焦 | dwindle#减少 | relinquish#放弃EaR中文字网

四. dwindle什么意思EaR中文字网

四. 缩小,萎缩:budge v. 编预算 | dwindle 缩小,萎缩 | unsustainable 不能维持下去EaR中文字网

  • 常用例句EaR中文字网

  • 经典引文EaR中文字网

  • The number of wild animals on the earth is dwindling.
  • The sun came struggling through again and the rain dwindled to a few glittering drops.EaR中文字网

    出自:J. B. Priestley
  • The uproar had dwindled to silence.EaR中文字网

    出自:R. C. Hutchinson
  • 近义词EaR中文字网

  • 临近词EaR中文字网

  • decline下降
  • fade逐渐消失
  • waste away日益消瘦
  • waste废物
  • shrink收缩
  • fall off跌落
  • drop落下
  • away离开
  • languish衰弱无力
  • lessen减少
  • decrease减少
  • drop off减弱
  • lower低的
  • reduce减少
  • fade away逐渐消失
  • dwindle away减少
  • abate缓和
  • diminish减少
  • subside沉没
  • dwindle down逐渐变小; 逐渐减少...
  • disappear消失
  • dwindlement
  • dwindle in size
  • Dwindle to
  • dwindle away into
  • dwindle down to
  • dwindle down
  • dwell
  • dwindle out
  • dwindle in numBers
  • dwindle away
  • Dy
  • dwindle into
This hits Britain hard as North Sea reserves dwindle and the country imports an ever-greater share of its energy.(因为北海储量减少,国家能源更加依赖进口,英国能源受到了沉重打击。)
I dwindle, thin as a golden flower.(我缩少,尽管薄的一朵金色的花。)
They will always be valuable (possibly even more valuable) while men's supposed natural attributes dwindle.(当男人的那些所谓自然特质逐渐式微之时,女人的那些才是有价值的(很有可能会更有价值)。)
The IIF expects that flows will dwindle to a paltry $一六五 billion this year.(国际金融协会(IIF)预计,今年私人资本的净流入将减少到区区一六五零以美金。)
The boost from firms rebuilding their inventories after running them down in the recession will dwindle.(在经济不景气的时,企业重建库存的动力将会下降。)
But soda companies won't just sit quietly and let their profits dwindle.(不过苏打水公司可不会坐视不管,任凭利润下降。)
Unfortunately, the longer that the credit crunch continues, the more those reserves will start to dwindle.(不幸的是,信贷紧缩持续的越久,更多的储备会下降。)
If we try to avoid the confrontation then creativity, motivation, hope and positivity start to dwindle.(要是我们试图回避挑战,那么创造力、动力、希望和积极性就都会开始减弱。)
As in the Oligocene before it, grasslands continued to expand and forests to dwindle in extent.(在先前的渐新世,草地的面积增大,森林的面积减少。)
But as the online holdings of Google Books increases, will delivery request traffic dwindle?(但当GoogleBooks在线馆藏的日益增加时,是否会减少传递请求数量?)