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  • 晶体管收音机
  • 【无线电】晶体(三极)管
  • 【无线电】电晶体
  • 三极管
  • 半导体扭矩测定器
  • 半导体管
  • 半导体收音机
  • [C]晶体管 a small electrical apparatus,especially used in radios,televisions,etc.
  • [C]晶体管收音机,半导体收音机 a radio that has these instead of valves



一. a semiconductor device capable of amplificationvKv中文字网

Synonym: junction transistorelectronic transistorvKv中文字网

一. 晶体管
A transistor is a small electronic part in something such as a television or radio, which controls the flow of electricity.vKv中文字网


二. 晶体管收音机
A transistor or a transistor radio is a small portable radio.vKv中文字网


一. 电晶体:双极电晶体简介 电晶体(transistor)是近代电子电路的核心元件,他的主要功能是做电流的开关,就如同控制水管中水流量的阀(valve),图一即此类比的示意图.和一般机械开双极电晶体简介体导通的电位降.共集极组态的各特性曲线就让读者当做练习画一画.vKv中文字网

二. 三极管:贝尔实验室(Bell Labs)的Russel Ohl才开发了第一个对集成电路来讲具有严格意义上的PN结(junction):当该PN结暴露在光源下的时候,PN结两端产生零.五V 的电压. 顺便提一句,那个时代Bell实验室在材料研究上具有很强大的力量,正是这个领导力量开创了半导体技术的纪元. 一九四五 - 三极管(Transistor)发明vKv中文字网

三. transistorvKv中文字网

三. 晶体三极管:晶体三极管结构 晶体三极管 (Transistor)简称晶体管,也是一种用半导体制成的半导体器件. 晶体管有两种结构,分别称为NPN型晶体管和PNP型晶体管. 如果在两块N型半导体之间夹上一块很薄的P型半导体,并且紧密地结合在一起,vKv中文字网

  • 常用例句vKv中文字网

  • 经典引文vKv中文字网

  • He gave me a transistor radio yesterday.
  • The Puerto Rican sweepers carried transistors playing Latin music.vKv中文字网

    出自:S. Bellow
  • 近义词vKv中文字网

  • 临近词vKv中文字网

  • junction transistor结式晶体管,面结型晶体管...
  • transistorize
  • transistorchip
  • transistor unit
  • transistor set
  • transistors
  • transit
  • transistorise
  • transistored
  • transistorized
  • transient
  • transistorlike
  • transistorised
The atomic transistor works, as its name suggests, by shuffling individual atoms around within the device.(原子晶体管的工作方式就像它名字所示的那样,是通过移动该元件内部的单个原子进行工作的。)
The transistor laser adds a third port for optical output, emitting light.(晶体管激光增加了光输出,发光的第三个端口。)
A transistor needs to be completely semiconducting to hold information, Tour says.(图尔表示,晶体管必须是纯粹的半导体才能传载信息。)
Your transistor radio can accompany you wherever you go.(晶体管收音机伴你走四方。)
This closes the circuit and turns the transistor on.(这样就会接通电路,打开晶体管。)
The “DNA transistor” could make it faster and cheaper to sequence individuals’ complete genomes.(“DNA晶体管”能够使个体全基因组测序更快更省钱。)
Yes, that's right. The transistor.(是的,没错就是晶体管。)
SOI technology is used to reduce the device capacitance and increase transistor performance.(SOI技术用于减少器件电容和提高晶体管性能。)
The resistor and the capacitor together were the timer, and the transistor worked as the switch.(电阻器和电容器一起组成计时器,晶体管作为开关。)
This make of transistor radio is small and beautifully designed.(这半导体收音机小巧玲珑。)