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  • 灯芯
  • 蜡烛芯
  • 【机】虹吸油芯
  • 吸油绳
  • 农场(建筑物)
  • 奶牛场
  • 奶牛棚
  • 【外科】塞伤口的纱布
  • 烛芯
  • 激怒
  • 招惹
  • 灯心
  • 烛花
  • 导火线
  • 不断烦扰某人
  • 打火机芯
  • 威克(音译名)
  • 维克(音译名)



一. a loosely woven cord (in a candle or oil lamp) that draws fuel by capillary action up into the flameSDA中文字网

Synonym: taperSDA中文字网

二. any piece of cord that conveys liquid by capillary actionSDA中文字网

e.g. the physician put a wick in the wound to drain itSDA中文字网

一. 蜡烛芯
The wick of a candle is the piece of string in it which burns when it is lit.SDA中文字网


二. (煤油灯的)灯芯;(打火机的)棉芯
The wick of a paraffin lamp or cigarette lighter is the part which supplies the fuel to the flame when it is lit.SDA中文字网



三. 惹怒;激怒
If you say that someone or something gets on your wick, you mean that they annoy and irritate you.SDA中文字网


e.g. The Professor was beginning to get on Molly's wick.

一. 灯芯:炸药(Dynamite):组合灯芯(wick) 红泥(clay) 硝化甘油(nitroglycerine). 蜡烛: 甘油(glycerin) 烧开的水 =没有灯芯的蜡烛(candle wax). 蜡烛 灯芯 =点燃的蜡烛(candle),这是油灯的替代品. 爬下去楼梯来到深穴,SDA中文字网

二. 威克:根据一九七四年我和威克(Wick)的一个理论,两个高能量重核对撞时,互相穿过去,穿过去后,留下的一小段空间在很短的时期内可以被激发. 现在的真空被激发后,可以接近我们宇宙开始大膨胀时比较对称的真空. 我们要研究它,把这原始的真空掌握住,SDA中文字网

三. 维克:我在一九七四年同维克(Wick)就讨论了,当时觉得比较新奇. 现在理论上大家已经一致公认这-点了,当然这还有待于实验的进一步证实 . 这是量子色动力学里的真空,它里面是一个抗电磁场的凝聚态. 可就在超导液里,你如增加温度、增加能量或加压可以改变其性质,SDA中文字网

四. SDA中文字网

四. 芯:热管是高性能的热导体,其基本形式为一封闭容器,内装能蒸发的流体,与有毛细作用,称为芯(wick)的材料或结构. 在基本上是等温的过程. 输入端,即蒸发器的热使流体蒸发;蒸气流过容器中央到达输出端,即凝结器;在那里蒸气凝结,SDA中文字网

  • 经典引文SDA中文字网

  • Mrs Bruce turned up the wick of the lamp.SDA中文字网

    出自:P. Abrahams
  • The pile on the inside wicks moisture..off the skin so keeping the wearer warm and dry.SDA中文字网

  • 近义词SDA中文字网

  • 临近词SDA中文字网

  • taper小蜡烛
  • WI
  • Wickey
  • Wickel
  • Wicke
  • wicky
  • Wicken
  • wickup
  • Wickes
  • wicked
  • Wickl
  • Wickus
  • Wicki
He asked everyone whom he met about Lamp-Wick, but no one had seen Lamp-Wick.(他问他碰到的每个人关于蜡烛芯的情况,但是没有人见过蜡烛芯。)
"After she gets tired, she will stop," said Lamp-Wick.(“她累了,就会停下来了。”混账蜡烛芯说。)
If there is only a very small amount of honey on the wick, though, it might still burn.(然而,如果棉芯上有,哪怕是只有很少量的蜂蜜,它仍是有可能点燃的。)
I'm glad it's wick!(我很高兴它活蹦乱跳!)
Oh, if I meet Lamp-Wick I am going to tell him what I think of him--and more, too!(啊,要是我碰见蜡烛芯,我就要告诉他我对他的看法——而且还要说得更多!)
Pinocchio, instead of becoming a boy, runs away to the Land of Toys with his friend, Lamp-Wick.(皮诺乔没有变成一个男孩,而是和他的朋友蜡烛芯跑到愚人国去了。)
Lamp-Wick was bought by a farmer whose donkey had died the day before.(蜡烛芯被一个农民买了,他的驴子前一天死了。)
Who is this Lamp-Wick?(这个蜡烛芯是谁呢?)
On mild days, wear running gloves that wick moisture away.(在温和的天气里,戴着跑步手套可以吸水。)
Will you do me a favor, Lamp-Wick?(你能帮我一个忙吗,蜡烛芯?)