
  • 详情解释b69中文字网

  • 英英释义b69中文字网

  • 词典解释b69中文字网

  • 网络解释b69中文字网

  • 衰退(期),衰微
  • 缺损
  • 月亏(期),亏缺
  • 减少,减弱,变弱
  • 没落,衰落,败落
  • 钝棱
  • 变小
  • 缺角方木
  • 缺;缺损
  • 变暗淡
  • 没落,衰落,衰败,败落
  • 退潮
  • 减弱,变弱
  • 亏,亏缺
  • 衰微,衰退
  • 减少
  • 消逝,过去
  • 将近尾声
  • 越来越松
  • 变小
  • 呈下弦


一. a gradual decline (in size or strength or power or number)b69中文字网

Synonym: ebbebbingb69中文字网



一. grow smallerb69中文字网

e.g. Interest in the project wanedb69中文字网

Synonym: declinego downb69中文字网

二. decrease in phaseb69中文字网

e.g. the moon is waningb69中文字网

三. become smallerb69中文字网

e.g. Interest in his novels wanedb69中文字网

一. 衰落;减少
If something wanes, it becomes gradually weaker or less, often so that it eventually disappears.b69中文字网

e.g. While his interest in these sports began to wane, a passion for rugby developed.
e.g. ...her mother's waning strength.

二. 减弱;衰落
If something is on the wane, it is becoming weaker or less.b69中文字网


e.g. He was nominally Deputy Prime Minister, certainly, but his influence was clearly on the wane...
e.g. In 一九八二, with his career prospects on the wane, he sold a script for £五,零零零.

三. (月)缺,亏
When the moon is waning, it is showing a smaller area of brightness each day as it changes from a full moon to a new moon.b69中文字网

e.g. The moon was waning, and each day it rose later.
e.g. ...a sky silvered by a waning moon.

一. 变小,减少:choral society 合唱团 | wane 变小,减少 | libel 诽谤b69中文字网

二. b69中文字网

二. 衰微; 退潮:passivity: 被动性 | wane:衰微; 退潮 | peril: 危险b69中文字网

三. wane的近义词b69中文字网

三. 变小:wax 增大 | wane 变小 | reverence 威望b69中文字网

四. b69中文字网

四. 圆木锯成板的边缘斜曲变小衰落月亏:wanderingsequence 跳焊法 | wane 圆木锯成板的边缘斜曲;变小;衰落;月亏 | wane 圆木锯成板的边缘斜曲变小衰落月亏b69中文字网

  • 相关词组b69中文字网

  • 经典引文b69中文字网

一. wane to the close : 接近末尾, 将完结;b69中文字网

  • She, like a moon in wane, Faded before him.b69中文字网

  • That which grows is said to wax, and that which decays to wane.b69中文字网

    出自:B. Jowett
  • 近义词b69中文字网

  • 反义词b69中文字网

  • 临近词b69中文字网

  • ebb退潮
  • recede后退
  • pine松树
  • disappear消失
  • vanish消失
  • disappearance消失
  • afternoon下午
  • lower低的
  • ebbing动词ebb的现在进行式...
  • loosen松开
  • subside沉没
  • decline下降
  • reduce减少
  • abate缓和
  • go down下降,下跌
  • fade逐渐消失
  • lessen减少
  • wither枯萎,干枯
  • decrease减少
  • diminish减少
  • wax蜡
  • Wanens
  • Wanette
  • Wanell
  • wander
  • Waneby
  • Wanetta
  • Waner
  • Wang
  • wane tie
  • waney
  • Waneta
  • Wanecq
Then something in the drip began to wane.(然后,点滴里的药劲儿开始过去。)
The [protracted] episode illustrates how public health scares wax and wane.(这一迟到的插曲表明,公众对健康的担忧一时高涨,一时低落。)
The levels of immune response tend to wane with time, he said.(对病毒的免疫能力随着时间减弱,他说。)
While his interest in these sports began to wane, a passion for lacrosse developed.(他对这些运动项目的兴趣开始减退的同时,对长曲棍球的兴趣却浓厚起来。)
The moon wax till it become full, and then wane.(月亮渐渐变圆直至满盈,然后再变亏缺。)
The star power of British celebrities appears to be on the wane.(英国明星的影响力似乎日渐衰微。)
As time went on, their hopes began to wane.(随着时间的消逝,他们的希望开始变得渺茫。)
It's not long before I learn that I do have limitations, and my enthusiasm begins to wane.(不久我就知道了自身的局限性,我的热情也开始随之消退。)
When you're in a committed, long-term relationship, some of the magic inevitably starts to wane.(当你身处一段坚定且长久的关系之时,一些奇妙的必然性开始消退。)
Some data from the clinical trials indicate immune molecules may wane after three to five years.(临床试验的一些数据表明,在三到五年后有免疫力的分子可能减弱。)