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  • 不透水的,防水的 that cannot be penetrated by water



一. a water-resistant coat2v4中文字网

Synonym: raincoat2v4中文字网

二. any fabric impervious to water2v4中文字网


一. make watertight2v4中文字网

e.g. Waterproof the coat2v4中文字网


一. not permitting the passage of water2v4中文字网

Synonym: rainproofwaterproofed2v4中文字网

一. 防水的;不透水的
Something which is waterproof does not let water pass through it.2v4中文字网

e.g. Take waterproof clothing — Orkney weather is unpredictable...
e.g. Designed to be completely waterproof, the lights are manufactured from heavy duty plastic.

二. 防水服;雨衣
Waterproofs are items of clothing which do not let water in.2v4中文字网

e.g. For staying dry you'll want nice lightweight waterproofs to wear over your leathers.

三. 对…进行防水处理
If something is waterproofed, it is treated so that water cannot pass through it or damage it.2v4中文字网


e.g. The whole boat has been totally waterproofed...
e.g. Waterproofed fabric pants are more expensive than plastic pants.

一. 2v4中文字网

一. 防水性:他们的防晒霜要比戏水的人的防晒霜容易被冲走或者排出. 当然,如果你的脸上已经没有了防晒霜,SPF也就根本不重要了. 随便说一句,防水性(waterproof)的防晒产品要比抗水性(water-resistant)的防晒产品抗水性强,也就是说呆在皮肤上的时间长.2v4中文字网

二. 的 防水:PENTAX Opti WPi是一台六百万像素、三X光学变焦的小型随身数位相机,具备了 JIS Class 八 的防水 (waterproof) 能力,金属机身亦能防尘并以橡胶防水剂密合.2v4中文字网

三. 防水的:water quench 水翠火的 | waterproof 防水的 | watt-hour 瓦特小时2v4中文字网

  • 常用例句2v4中文字网

  • My mother bought me a waterproof watch.
  • 近义词2v4中文字网

  • 临近词2v4中文字网

  • watertight
  • watershed
  • waterproof ink
  • waterproof wax
  • waterproofer
  • watermelon
  • waterproof bag
  • waterproofGate
  • waterproofing
  • waterproof coil
  • waterproof pain
  • waterproofness
  • Waterproof roof
The birch tree has white bark, and this tough protective outer layer of the tree, this white bark, is waterproof.(桦树有白色的树皮,树上这个坚硬的保护外层,这个白色的树皮,是防水的。)
The underseal is a kind of waterproof material to coat the bottom of the car.(底封是一种涂在汽车底部的防水材料。)
Is your watch waterproof?(你的表是防水的吗?)
It has partnered with DIY website iFixit to teach consumers how to repair their clothing, such as waterproof outerwear, at home.(它与DIY网站iFixit合作,教消费者如何在家里修补自己的衣服,比如防水外套。)
My tent is waterproof.(我的帐篷是防水的。)
This waterproof quality of the bark made it useful for making things like cooking containers, a variety of utensils.(这种树皮的防水性能,使得它可以用来制作烹饪容器和各种各样的器皿。)
This is the waterproof lipstick.(这是防水口红。)
Nick asked for the tile to be delivered in waterproof wrapping.(尼克要求这块砖放被在防水包装材料里寄送。)
Waterproof shower radios.(如防水的淋浴间收音机。)
The eyeliner should be waterproof, as well as hypoallergenic if you have sensitive skin.(眼线笔应该是防水的,如果你有敏感的皮肤,也应该是防过敏的。)