一、Try to have a mind of your own. 做有主见的人。
二、Love, let me love you so! 爱,让我那么的宠你!
三、Forget your fate. 去你个鸟命。
四、You love so luxurious. 你的爱如此奢侈。
五、I would love you with my life. 我将用我的生命去爱你。
六、Where are you now. 你如今身在何方。
七、Today is a great day. 今天是个好日子。
八、He who risks nothing gains nothing. 收获与风险并存。
九、I promise to love you. 我承诺我会爱你。
一零、Lazy will kill me sooner or later. 懒惰迟早会害死我的。
一一、I just wanna be your hero. 我只想做你的英雄。
一二、Chase your dreams or let them go. 追逐你的梦想,还是让他们走了。
一三、I want to share my happiness with you. 我想把快乐分享给你。
一四、I finally decided to leave you. Very slow, but very firm. 我最后要决定离开你,很慢,但是很坚定。
一五、You said I believed you. 你说过,我信过。
一六、I don’t know how to love you. 我不知道该怎么爱你。
一七、Let me am your whoever. 让我来当你的谁。
一八、Sorry, I do not love you. 对不起,我装不出你爱的模样。
一九、I wish you luck. 我祝你好运。
二零、You are my most beautiful fireworks. 你是我最美的烟火。
二一、There is a time in life that is full of uneasiness.We have no other choice but to face it. 生命中总有那么一段时光,充满不安,可是除了勇敢面对,我们别无选择。
二二、Even if it’s not okay right now, one day it will be. 即使现在不好,将来总会好的。
二三、Sorry, I love you. 对不起,我爱你。
二四、Will you marry me? 你愿意嫁给我吗?
二五、I would have loved you if you had loved me. 我爱的是你爱我。
二六、Never forget this lesson. 永远不要忘记这个教训。
二七、Pain does not matter to a man. 对男子汉而言,痛苦算不了什么。
二八、I love you, but you silent. 我爱你,你却沉默。
二九、My favorite place is next to you. 我最喜欢的地方就是在你身边。
三零、Good Morning to you. 对你说,早上好。
三一、Faith tells me to never let you go. 信念告诉我不能让你走。
三二、Attitude is everything. 态度决定一切。
三三、You are the apple of my eye. 那些年,我们一起追的女孩。
三四、A faithful friend is hard to find. 知音难觅。
三五、I blow a cold wind drank liquor and love you. 我吹过冷风喝过烈酒爱过你。
三六、I have no ambition, I just want you. 我没有野心,我只想要你。
三七、Have you is enough. 有你就够了。
三八、I do not want much, have you enough. 我要的不多,有你就够了。
三九、I love your heart is not your face. 我爱的是你的心不是你的脸。
四零、I loved reading. 我很爱读书。
四一、A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难见知己。
四二、The strongest man in the world is the man who stands alone. 这世界上最强大的人,就是那些能一个人孤单生活的人。
四三、All is only you completely. 所有全部只是你。
四四、I know in your heart to death. 我知道你的心里死过人。
四五、I has tasted the sweets and bitters of life. 我尝遍了人生的酸甜苦辣。
四六、Be swift to hear, slow to speak. 多听少说。
四七、To be a better man. 成为一个更好的人。
四八、You know you are my best love. 你可知道你是我的最爱。
四九、I hate it when we argue,but I’m glad that I have someone to argue with. 我们讨厌我们的争执,但是我很开心有一个和我争执的人。
五零、As long as You are happy. 你开心就好。