励志名言 苏格拉底的名言英语

一、我知道自己的无知,我知我无知。I know my ignorance, I know my ignorance。tW1中文字网

二、知道的越多,才知知道的越少。Only know know know, the more the less。tW1中文字网

三、熟悉自己,方能熟悉人生。Know yourself, in order to know life。tW1中文字网

四、未经审视的生活是毫无价值的。An unexamined life is not worth。tW1中文字网

五、一暗恋是世界上最美丽的爱情。一 unrequited love is the most beautiful love in the world。tW1中文字网

六、最热烈的爱情会有最冷漠的结局。The most passionate love will be the end of the cold。tW1中文字网

七、教育不是灌输,而是点燃火焰。Education is not taught, but the lighting flame。tW1中文字网

八、人可以犯错,但是不可犯同一个错。Man can make mistakes, but do not make the same mistake。tW1中文字网

九、我平生只知道一件事,我为什么是那么无知。I've only know one thing, why I was so ignorant。tW1中文字网

一零、男人活着全靠健忘,女人活着全靠牢记。Man alive all by forgetfulness, woman alive on remember all。tW1中文字网

一一、知足是天然的财富,奢侈是人为的贫穷。Contentment is natural wealth, luxury is artificial poverty。tW1中文字网

一二、男人靠健忘活着,女人靠牢记活着。Keep in mind that keeps men rely on memory alive, alive。tW1中文字网

一三、想左右天下的人,须先能左右自己。Think about all the people, must first can control yourself。tW1中文字网

一四、想起来,我还欠某人一只雄鸡未还。Come to think of it, I still owe someone a cock also。tW1中文字网

一五、凡是原本可以做得更好的,也算是懒!Who could have done better, also be lazy!tW1中文字网

一六、我去死,你们去活,究竟谁过得更幸福,唯有神知道。I go to dead, you go live, who had more happiness, only god knows。tW1中文字网

一七、只期盼少许,才能接近最高的幸福。Looking forward to a little only, to close to the highest happiness。tW1中文字网

一八、告诉我你的朋友,我就知道你是什么样的人。Tell me about your friend, I know what kind of person you are。tW1中文字网

一九、好习惯是一个人在社交场中所能穿着的最佳服饰。Good habit is a person can wear the best clothes in the social field。tW1中文字网

二零、德性就是知识或:美德即知识,愚昧是罪恶之源。Virtue is knowledge or: virtue is knowledge, but is the source of evil。tW1中文字网

二一、最有效的教育方法不是告诉人们答案,而是向他们提问。The most effective education method isn't tell people the answer, but ask them。tW1中文字网

二二、我不是给人知识,而是使知识自己产生的产婆。I don't give a person knowledge, but to make the midwife who knowledge produce。tW1中文字网

二三、我非常清楚地知道,我并没有智慧,不论大的还是小的都没有。I know very well, I don't have wisdom, no matter big or small all have no。tW1中文字网

二四、谦逊是藏于土中甜美的根,所有崇高的美德由此发芽滋长。Humility is hidden in the sweet root in the soil, all the virtues of noble vitrue grows。tW1中文字网

二五、好的婚姻仅给你带来幸福,不好的婚姻则可使你成为一位哲学家。A good marriage bring you happiness, only a bad marriage can make you to become a philosopher。tW1中文字网

二六、对作家来说,写得少是这样的有害,就跟医生缺乏诊病的机会一样。For writers, write less harmful, just like doctors lack of appeal of the opportunity。tW1中文字网

二七、纵使富有的人以其财富自傲,但在他还不知道如何使用他的财富以前,别去夸赞他。Even wealthy people pride in its wealth, but he didn't know how to use his wealth in the past, not to praise him。tW1中文字网

二八、我与世界相遇,我自与世界相蚀,我自不辱使命,使我与众生相聚。I met with the world, I from phase erosion in the world, and I, make me together with all life。tW1中文字网

二九、要想向我学知识,你必须先有强烈的求知欲望,就像你有强烈的求生欲望一样。If you want to learn knowledge to me, you must first have a strong curiosity, like you have a strong desire to survive。tW1中文字网

三零、如果把世上每一个人的痛苦放在一起,再让你去选择,你可能还是愿意选择自己原来的那一份。If the pain of every person in the world put together, let you choose, you may prefer to choose their own original portion。tW1中文字网

三一、任何确实的实验都说明,任何一种生理或心理的疾病都能靠吃素和喝纯水而减轻病情。Any do experiment shows that any kind of physical or mental illness can drink vegetable diet and pure water and reduce the disease。tW1中文字网