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  • 屋檐
  • 名词eave的复数形式



一. the overhang at the lower edge of a rooftiP中文字网

一. 屋檐
The eaves of a house are the lower edges of its roof.tiP中文字网

e.g. There were icicles hanging from the eaves.

一. 屋檐:但是跟中国的不一样,中国塔是用来瞭望的里面有楼梯,日本塔纯粹就是一件摆设里面是中空的没有楼梯,而且它坚固的原因是因为首先塔的屋檐(eaves)超长,是塔本身宽度的多少多少(不理解的同学去找日本塔的图片看看就知道了,tiP中文字网

二. 檐口:梁板 FLOOR 二 | 檐口 EAVES 七 | 标注 DIM 三tiP中文字网

三. eaves的近义词tiP中文字网

三. 屋:eat 吃 | eaves 屋□ | ebb 退潮tiP中文字网

  • 经典引文tiP中文字网

  • Ushered with a shower still..With minute-drops from off the eaves.tiP中文字网

  • A rim of shady light where the mud walls did not meet the eaves.tiP中文字网

    出自:N. Gordimer
  • 临近词tiP中文字网

  • eaves detail
  • eaves tile
  • eaves board
  • eaves drop
  • Eaton
  • eavesdrip
  • eavestrough
  • eaves vent
  • eaves tiles
  • eaves plate
  • eavesdrop
  • eaves strut
The two doves are cooing under the eaves.(两只鸽子在屋檐下咕咕地叫。)
The crimson brick lodge came first in sight, up to its eaves in dense evergreens.(苔丝最先看见的是用红砖盖成的门房,然后才看见屋檐上长满的厚厚的长青藤蔓。)
The swallow has made a nest under our eaves.(燕子在我们的屋檐下垒了一个窝。)
The lean-to joined the hut at the eaves.(这个棚子和小屋子的后檐连在一起。)
The rainwater drips from the eaves.(雨水从屋檐滴下。)
The rain began to flow down along the eaves, like a broken string of beads, gradually into a line.(雨水顺着房檐流下来,开始像断了线的珠子,渐渐连成了一条线。)
Icicles depended from the eaves.(屋檐上挂着冰柱。)
Also, eaves and perforated screens were installed to prevent overhanging snow.(另外,屋檐和穿孔隔板的安装是为了防止悬雪。)
Wooden block modillions ornamented the front and rear eaves.(木块飞檐托装饰前后檐。)
Rainwater trickled from the eaves.(雨水从屋檐滴下来。)