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  • 词典解释PXw中文字网

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  • 女性的,妇女的,女人的
  • 娇柔的,柔弱的
  • 【文、语法】阴性的
  • 女孩子气的, 女人气的
  • 适合于女子的
  • 女性特有的,女性特点的,有女性气质的
  • 句尾有一多余轻音节的,弱韵的
  • 阴性词(形式)
  • 女性
  • 【文、语法】阴性
  • 温柔的女性
  • [A]有女性气质的,女子气的,适于女子的 of or having the qualities suitable for a woman
  • [A]阴性的 for or belonging to the class of words that usually includes most of the words for females


一. a gender that refers chiefly (but not exclusively) to females or to objects classified as femalePXw中文字网


一. associated with women and not with menPXw中文字网

e.g. feminine intuitionPXw中文字网

二. befitting or characteristic of a woman especially a mature womanPXw中文字网

e.g. womanly virtues of gentleness and compassionPXw中文字网

Synonym: womanlyPXw中文字网

三. of grammatical genderPXw中文字网

四. (music or poetry) ending on an unaccented beat or syllablePXw中文字网

e.g. a feminine endingPXw中文字网

一. 女性的;女人的
Feminine qualities and things relate to or are considered typical of women, in contrast to men.PXw中文字网


e.g. ...male leaders worrying about their women abandoning traditional feminine roles.
e.g. ...a manufactured ideal of feminine beauty.

二. 女子气的;女人味的;(尤指)优美 的
Someone or something that is feminine has qualities that are considered typical of women, especially being pretty or gentle.PXw中文字网

e.g. I've always been attracted to very feminine, delicate women...
e.g. The bedroom has a light, feminine look.

三. (名词、代词或形容词)阴性的
In some languages, a feminine noun, pronoun, or adjective has a different form from a masculine or neuter one, or behaves in a different way.PXw中文字网


一. 阴性:词性方面有阳性(musculine),阴性(feminine)及中性(neuter)(在中文中极难分文字的性别). 副词(adverbs):是动词语族中的一部分,修饰或限定动词,形容词. 例如,温柔地(softly),真诚地(earnestly),快速地(fast),够了(enough),PXw中文字网

二. PXw中文字网

二. 女性化:在亚洲女士的化妆中,眉形占有极重要的地位. 因为我们不像西方人般轮廓分明,相反地,细致的肌肤,优美的线条特别是眉形,就成为了美丽的焦点. 其实眉形和化妆潮流一样,可以分为两类型:女性化(Feminine)和型格化(Character).PXw中文字网

  • 常用例句PXw中文字网

  • 词汇搭配PXw中文字网

  • 经典引文PXw中文字网

  • There are few feminine members of the committee.
  • She was a very feminine person.
  • He has a rather feminine voice.
  • Jewelry and lace are mostly feminine belongings.
  • The feminine form of actor is actress .actor
用作形容词 (adj.)
  • feminine noun阴性名词
  • feminine beauty女性美
  • A soul feminine saluteth us.PXw中文字网

    出自:Love's Labour's Lost,Shakespeare
  • 词义讲解PXw中文字网

  • 词源解说PXw中文字网

feminine, female
  • 这两个词都可指“女子的,女性的”。female可指人,表示“女子的,女性的”,也可指动植物,表示“雌的,雌性的”,着重于性别的区分; feminine指人时,意思是“女性的,女人似的,女子气的”,着重指女性所具有的特征,并不强调性别。
    • ☆ 直接源自拉丁语的femininus,意为妇女的,女子气的。
    • 近义词PXw中文字网

    • 反义词PXw中文字网

    • 临近词PXw中文字网

    • female
    • male
    • Feminine art
    • femininity
    • Feminine Time
    • feminine view
    • feminine core
    • feminine text
    • feminine terms
    • femininely
    • Feminine right
    • feminine arts
    • feminine ruby
    • female
    The house was decorated in a very feminine manner.(这个房子是按照女性的风格装饰的。)
    But inside I felt feminine - and I still do.(但是内心我去感觉的更女性化——现在依然是。)
    But I believe women should be feminine.(但我认为女人应该有女人味。)
    This showed that the more feminine a brain was, regardless of the body it inhabited, the more it liked red and pink.(这表明,无论身体状况如何,一个越女性化的大脑,它就越喜欢红色和粉红色。)
    As for high-heels, they hoist the derriere and make the gait more feminine and physically attractive.(至于高跟鞋,它们提升了臀部,使步态更女性化,从而体态迷人。)
    Now she is more feminine, but I still love it.(如今她更女性化,但是我依然喜欢她。)
    Some people prefer not to use the feminine form 'actress' and use the word 'actor' for both sexes.(有些人不喜欢使用actress这一阴性形式,而用actor一词代表两个性别。)
    Wollstonecraft nonetheless managed to show how the traditionally feminine virtues of sentimental morality had been transferred by Burke to the aristocracy.(沃斯通克拉夫特还是成功地展示了传统女性的情感道德美德是如何被伯克转移到贵族阶层的。)
    That option is unavailable when the plural is always masculine or feminine in other languages.(在其他语言中,当复数总是阳性或阴性时,就没有这种选择了。)
    Inside I felt feminine–and I still do.(内心深处,我觉得自己很女性化——现在依然如此。)