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  • 易受骗的,易上当的,轻信的



一. easily tricked because of being too trusting0a6中文字网

e.g. gullible tourists taken in by the shell game0a6中文字网

二. naive and easily deceived or tricked0a6中文字网

e.g. at that early age she had been gullible and in love0a6中文字网

Synonym: fleeceablegreen0a6中文字网

一. 轻信的;易受骗的;易上当的
If you describe someone as gullible, you mean they are easily tricked because they are too trusting.0a6中文字网

e.g. What point is there in admitting that the stories fed to the gullible public were false?...
e.g. I'm so gullible I would have believed him.

Was she taking part of the blame for her own gullibility?

一. 0a6中文字网

一. 容易受骗上当的:greedy贪婪的 | gullible 容易受骗上当的 | happy 开心的0a6中文字网

二. gullible的近义词0a6中文字网

二. 易受骗的:五. scheme 诡计,阴谋;计划 | 六. gullible 易受骗的 | 七. scam 骗钱;阴谋0a6中文字网

三. 0a6中文字网

三. 轻信的:guilt罪行,内疚n | gullible轻信的 a | gull欺骗0a6中文字网

四. gullible的反义词0a6中文字网

四. 易上当的:gullible 易上当的 | lullaby 摇篮曲 | sonata 奏鸣曲0a6中文字网

  • 近义词0a6中文字网

  • 临近词0a6中文字网

  • easily容易地
  • naive天真的
  • fooled动词fool的过去式,动...
  • credulous轻信的
  • trusting相信的
  • accepting接受
  • innocent清白的
  • green绿色的
  • childlike孩子似的
  • susceptible易受外界影响的...
  • fleeceable可以欺诈的
  • deceivable可骗的
  • gullet
  • Gulliver
I read it but the fact on it was so ridiculous that even to people gullible like me it smelled fishy.(我读了一遍,但是上面所说的事实太匪夷所思了,以至于我这样轻信的人都感到怀疑。)
In 'AWESOM-O,' Cartman disguises himself as a robot and persuades gullible Butters to share his secrets.(在这一集里,卡特曼伪装成一个机器人,哄骗轻信的巴特斯分享他的秘密。)
You forgot, I'm not gullible.(你忘了,我不再会上当受骗。)
Voters are under no obligation to be so gullible.(选民实在是没有义务要受这样的欺骗。)
Links used to direct the gullible to a site selling counterfeits.(一些链接会引导容易上当受骗的人去卖仿造品的网站。)
If you actually believe what the food labels claim, you're gullible.(如果你真的相信什么食品标签要求,你容易上当。)
This isn’t the first time either a publisher or Ms. Winfrey has been gullible in the face of an exaggerated tale.(这并不是出版商或温弗瑞第一次轻信了夸大的故事的骗局。)
You don’t needfear to avoid being a gullible idiot; for that you just need commonsense.(你不需要惧怕 来避免成为上当受骗的啥子;因为你只需常识就可以了。)
Believe?! If you believe you are gullible.(信主?!如果你相信那么你只是轻信。)
I can't believe he called ME gullible.(我不敢相信他说我很好骗。)