
  • 详情解释jjN中文字网

  • 双解释义jjN中文字网

  • 英英释义jjN中文字网

  • 词典解释jjN中文字网

  • 网络解释jjN中文字网

  • 不拘礼节的,友好随便的
  • 非正式的,非正规的
  • 口语的
  • 日常使用的,通俗的
  • 非正式的,不正规的,不拘礼节的 not formal; not following official or established rules, methods, etc.
  • (服装、行为等)适于日常生活的,随便的 (of clothes, behaviour, etc.) suitable for ordinary everyday situations but not for official occasions



一. not formaljjN中文字网

e.g. conservative people unaccustomed to informal dress
an informal free-and-easy manner
an informal gathering of friendsjjN中文字网

二. used of spoken and written languagejjN中文字网

三. having or fostering a warm or friendly and informal atmospherejjN中文字网

e.g. had a cozy chat
a relaxed informal manner
an intimate cocktail lounge
the small room was cozy and intimatejjN中文字网

Synonym: cozyintimatejjN中文字网

四. not officially recognized or controlledjjN中文字网

e.g. an informal agreement
a loose organization of the local farmersjjN中文字网

Synonym: loosejjN中文字网

一. (言辞或行为)非正式的,亲切随便的
Informal speech or behaviour is relaxed and friendly rather than serious, very correct, or official.jjN中文字网


e.g. She is refreshingly informal...
e.g. His friend was less good-looking, but a lot more informal and relaxed.

She was always there at half past eight, chatting informally to the children.
He was overwhelmed by their friendly informality.

二. (场合等)非正式的,随意的
An informal situation is one which is relaxed and friendly and not very serious or official.jjN中文字网

e.g. I would like it to be an informal occasion...
e.g. The house has an informal atmosphere.

Eleanor enjoyed the relative informality of island life.

三. (衣服)非正式场合穿的,休闲的
Informal clothes are casual and suitable for wearing when you are relaxing, but not on formal occasions.jjN中文字网

e.g. Most of the time Jenny needs informal clothes...
e.g. For lunch, dress is informal.

Everyone dressed informally in shorts or jeans.

四. 非正式的;非正规的
You use informal to describe something that is done unofficially or casually without planning.jjN中文字网


e.g. The two leaders will retire to Camp David for informal discussions.
e.g. ...an informal meeting of EU ministers...

He began informally to handle Ted's tax affairs for him.

一. 非正式文体:英语中,正式文体(formal)主要用于生人之间客气的谈话,用于特别 场合,如各种公务函件、法律文件等;非正式文体(informal)是在一般会话和私人信件等场合使用的文体,在这种场合中,没有必要特别客气或严谨.jjN中文字网

二. 不正式的:inform 通知 | informal 不正式的 | informality 非正式jjN中文字网

  • 常用例句jjN中文字网

  • 经典引文jjN中文字网

  • They agreed to hold an informal meeting.
  • An informal alliance was formed between the Barbers' Company and the Fellowship of Surgeons.jjN中文字网

    出自:M. Rule
  • This garden is..very informal I don't think you could find a straight edge anywhere!jjN中文字网

    出自:Sunday Express
  • 近义词jjN中文字网

  • 反义词jjN中文字网

  • 临近词jjN中文字网

  • cozy舒适的
  • unceremonious不拘仪式的
  • unofficial非官方的
  • loose松的
  • easy容易的
  • kitchen厨房
  • unsanctioned未批准的(不可接受的...
  • unauthorized未经授权的
  • colloquial口语的
  • casual非正式的
  • accessible可得到的
  • vernacular【C】本地话...
  • familiar熟悉的
  • intimate亲密的
  • everyday日常的
  • idiomatic地道的
  • relaxed放松的
  • confidential秘密的
  • off-the-record非正式的
  • irregular不规则的
  • formal正式的
  • inform
  • informal rank
  • informality
  • informally
  • informalize
  • informal art
  • informal IOU
  • informal act
  • informal text
  • informal name
  • informant
  • informal CM
Formal price-fixing by cartel and informal price-fixing by agreements covering the members of an industry are commonplace.(通过卡特尔进行的正式价格垄断,以及通过涵盖行业成员的协议进行的非正式价格垄断,都是司空见惯的。)
For lunch, dress is informal.(吃午餐可以穿着休闲装。)
Pollsters found almost half of those asked preferred the more informal "cheers", while others liked to use such expressions as "ta", "great" and "nice one".(调查者发现,近一半的被调查者更喜欢非正式的“cheers”,而其他人喜欢使用“ta”、“great”和“niceone”这样的表达。)
Discussions are held on an informal basis within the department.(讨论限于在本部门内非正式地进行。)
Its informal conversation style would make interaction comfortable, and yet the machine would remain slightly unpredictable and therefore interesting.(它的非正式谈话风格将使交流更舒适,而机器将保持稍微的不可猜测性,因此会显得有趣。)
Informal learning environments tolerate failure better than schools.(非正式的学习环境比学校更能容忍失败。)
Each course comprises 一零-一二 informal weekly meetings.(每门课程包括一零至一二次每周一次的非正式见面会。)
She is refreshingly informal.(她随和得令人耳目一新。)
If they are around the table, invite them and, jointly determine the best way forward, whether your connection with them is formal or informal.(如果他们在桌子周围,邀请他们,共同决定前进的最佳方式,不论您跟他们的联系是正式还是非正式的。)
Museums and other institutions of informal learning may be better suited to teach this skill than elementary and secondary schools.(博物馆和其他非正式学习机构可能比小学和中学更适合教授这种技能。)