
  • 双解释义a5Z中文字网

  • 英英释义a5Z中文字网

  • 词典解释a5Z中文字网

  • 网络解释a5Z中文字网

  • [U]交流,交往,交际 an exchange of feelings, actions



一. the act of sexual procreation between a man and a woman
the man's penis is inserted into the woman's vagina and excited until orgasm and ejaculation occura5Z中文字网

Synonym: sexual intercoursesex actcopulationcoituscoitionsexual congresscongresssexual relationrelationcarnal knowledgea5Z中文字网

二. communication between individualsa5Z中文字网

Synonym: social intercoursea5Z中文字网

一. 性交;交媾
Intercourse is the act of having sex.a5Z中文字网


e.g. ...sexual intercourse...
e.g. We didn't have intercourse.

二. 交际;交往;往来
Social intercourse is communication between people as they spend time together.a5Z中文字网

e.g. There was social intercourse between the old and the young.

一. 性交:escort 如果涉及性交(intercourse)也是违法的,但是很少有警察来抓.但是你要对付拉皮条的(批pimp),还有下迷药的,和国内一样. 还有讹诈的. 应该说escort价钱还是公道德. 美女三零零 左右, 亚非拉 一零零 多就高定了. 一次一个巴西德,a5Z中文字网

  • 常用例句a5Z中文字网

  • 经典引文a5Z中文字网

  • A friendly intercourse is opened between the most remote parts of the world.
  • An increasing freedom of trade and intercourse within a state makes for an increasing participation in the common life of mankind.a5Z中文字网

    出自:W. Lippmann
  • 近义词a5Z中文字网

  • 临近词a5Z中文字网

  • sex act性交
  • coition交媾
  • copulation交配
  • communication交流
  • fornication通奸
  • coitus(尤指人类的)交媾...
  • sexual性的
  • connection联系
  • union结合
  • carnal knowledge性关系
  • interaction相互作用
  • relations交往
  • association协会
  • sexual relation性关系
  • congress代表大会
  • sexual intercourse性交
  • sexual relations性关系
  • social intercourse社交
  • correspondence通信
  • contact接触
  • relation关系
  • sexual congress[医] 性交
  • sex性别
  • dealings(私人或商务)交往或关系...
  • intercourse philosophy
  • intercourse context
  • Intercourse space
  • intercourse principles
  • intercourse vexation
  • intercourse funds
  • intercourse plight
  • intercourse distance
  • intercourse deprivation
  • intercourse practice
  • interdependent
  • interconnect
This was to be the last, then, of his intercourse with a warmhearted and lovable people.(这将是最后一个,那么,他的交往的人体贴和可爱。)
They cannot but remain face to face, and intercourse, either amicable or hostile, must continue between them.(他们不能不面对面,而彼此地来往,不管是和好或敌对的,一定会继续的。)
That's because they have all the words and phrases they need for everyday intercourse and aren't being pushed by frustrated communication to learn more.(因为他们现有的词汇已经足够应付日常交流,除非交流上真的有更多困难,他们很难再多学下去。)
There are much rhetoric disobeying logic in speech social intercourse. This text analyzes the phenomenon with modern logic concept of "possible world".(文章运用现代逻辑中的“可能世界”理论来分析言语交际中的“反逻辑”修辞现象。)
There was social intercourse between the old and the young.(老年人和年轻人之间有社会交往。)
And when you explain, be not too explicit, just as you do not expose your inmost thoughts in ordinary intercourse.(即使是道明情况,也不要和盘托出,就像在日常交往中不要暴露自己真实的想法一样。)
As mentioned above, if your respect proves to be effective, people will show their respect for you, too, and it will benefit your social intercourse.(如上所述,如果您的尊重被证实 是有效的,那么人们也会对您表示尊重,这将有益于您的社交。)
The information network is a instrument system for communication which created by mankind, it is also a medi-system of produce and intercourse in modern society.(信息与网络系统是人类创造的工具、手段系统,是当代社会生产和交往的中介系统。)
The long history and deep impact of intercourse between the two countries are rare in the history of world civilization.(中印两国交往历史之久远、影响之深刻,在世界文明史上实属罕见。)
Culture shock is precipitated by the anxiety that results from losing all our familiar signs and symbols of social intercourse.(文化冲击是焦虑产生的,这种焦虑是由于丧失了指导我们进行社交的熟悉的信号和符号。)