
  • 详情解释7HV中文字网

  • 英英释义7HV中文字网

  • 词典解释7HV中文字网

  • 网络解释7HV中文字网

  • 无能(力)的,不胜任的,不称职的,不善于的
  • 笨拙的,拙劣的,不熟练的,缺乏技巧的
  • 不符合要求的,不恰当的,不合适的,不合场面的
  • 愚蠢的,愚昧的,荒谬的


一. revealing lack of perceptiveness or judgment or finesse7HV中文字网

e.g. an inept remark
it was tactless to bring up those disagreeable7HV中文字网

Synonym: tactless7HV中文字网

二. generally incompetent and ineffectual7HV中文字网

e.g. feckless attempts to repair the plumbing
inept handling of the account7HV中文字网

Synonym: feckless7HV中文字网

三. not elegant or graceful in expression7HV中文字网

e.g. an awkward prose style
a clumsy apology
his cumbersome writing style
if the rumor is true, can anything be more inept than to repeat it now?7HV中文字网

Synonym: awkwardclumsycumbersomeinaptill-chosen7HV中文字网

一. 无能的;笨拙的
If you say that someone is inept, you are criticizing them because they do something with a complete lack of skill.7HV中文字网

e.g. He was inept and lacked the intelligence to govern...
e.g. You are completely inept at writing.

一. 不适当的:inenarrable 难以描述的 | inept 不适当的 | ineptitude 不称职7HV中文字网

二. 无能的,不适当的:adept 老练的,精通的 | inept 无能的,不适当的 | nondescript 没有特征的,平凡的7HV中文字网

三. 不适宜的:ineligible#无资格的;不适当的 | inept#不适宜的 | insidious#狡猾的7HV中文字网

四. inept是什么意思7HV中文字网

四. 无能:inert 惰性 | inept 无能 | inflame 使燃烧7HV中文字网

  • 经典引文7HV中文字网

  • The Air..would contain but few nitrous Particles, and so be inept to maintain the Fire.7HV中文字网

    出自:J. Ray
  • Extrajudicial confession..was totally inept, and void of all strength and effect from the beginning.7HV中文字网

    出自:Sir W. Scott
  • 近义词7HV中文字网

  • 临近词7HV中文字网

  • useless无用的
  • awkward尴尬的
  • ham-fisted愚笨的
  • feckless软弱的
  • hopeless没有希望的
  • ham-handed笨手笨脚的
  • cumbersome粗笨的
  • tactless无机智的
  • ill-chosen(措辞)不恰当的...
  • inexpert不熟练的
  • inefficient无效率的
  • backward向后的
  • heavy-handed笨手笨脚的
  • incompetent无能力的
  • inapt不适当的
  • unskilled不熟练的
  • maladroit笨拙的
  • clumsy笨拙的
  • bungling笨拙的
  • ineptitude
  • Inept handling of the account.
  • inefficient
  • ineptness
  • ineptly
  • inequality
  • inept praise
When we have invested a lot in a choice that turns out to be bad, we're really inept at admitting that it didn't make rational sense.(当我们已经在一个后来被证实 错误的选择上投入很多的时候,总是很难承认那其实是不合理的。)
This was used to proximate social skills since the socially inept would be unlikely to have lots of friends.(这一方法是用来评估社会交往技能的,因为如果社交技能差,写出的朋友数量也会有限。)
But most seem to think the senator is inept at best and a liar at worst.(但是大多数人认为这位议员太过笨拙,还是最差的说谎者。)
He was inept and lacked the intelligence to govern.(他无能而且缺乏管理才干。)
The trouble is that, with no consensus about the past, Japan's establishment is inept better future.(麻烦是,对过去没有共识,日本是不能建立更加美好的未来。)
Ever more Westerners understandably ask why their compatriots must keep dying to prop up the inept and corrupt Mr Karzai.(可以理解,越来越多的西方人质疑为什么他们的同胞要冒着生命危险去支持不称职并且道德败坏的卡尔扎伊先生。)
The irascible, autocratic Ford would prove as inept a chief executive in his later years as he had been brilliant in his youth.(而事实证实 ,性情暴躁且专横的福特虽然年轻时才华横溢,但到了晚年却变成了一个无能的首席执行官。)
Historians have even speculated that he was partly-Jewish himself - or even that his mother died at the hands of an inept Jewish physician.(历史学家们猜测,甚至他很可能自己就是犹太人,或他的母亲因一个无能的犹太医生而死。)
In the service of the empress, this inept chauffeur faced no legal sanction for the mishap.(由于服侍太后,这位无能的司机在这场车祸中没有受到任何法律的制裁。)
He wanted to hold hands. I was young, inept and scared.(他想要握手,可我少不更事,笨拙,惊慌。)