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一. a small ball of glass that is used in various gameszCY中文字网

二. a sculpture carved from marblezCY中文字网

三. a hard crystalline metamorphic rock that takes a high polish
used for sculpture and as building materialzCY中文字网


一. paint or stain like marblezCY中文字网

e.g. marble paperzCY中文字网

一. 大理石
Marble is a type of very hard rock which feels cold when you touch it and which shines when it is cut and polished. Statues and parts of buildings are sometimes made of marble.zCY中文字网

e.g. The house has a superb staircase made from oak and marble...
e.g. The entrance-hall was paved with black and white marble tiles.

二. 大理石雕像
Marbles are sculptures made of marble.zCY中文字网

e.g. ...marbles and bronzes from the Golden Age of Athens.

三. (小孩子在地上玩的)弹子游戏,弹球游戏
Marbles is a children's game played with small balls, usually made of coloured glass. You roll a ball along the ground and try to hit an opponent's ball with it.zCY中文字网

e.g. On the far side of the street, two boys were playing marbles.

四. 弹子;弹珠;弹球
A marble is one of the small balls used in the game of marbles.zCY中文字网


五. 失去理智;发疯;行为失常
If you say that someone has lost their marbles, you mean that their ideas or behaviour are very strange, as if they have become insane.zCY中文字网

e.g. I'll tell it to you, although you'll probably think I've lost my marbles.

一. zCY中文字网

一. 大理石:大理石:(marble)商业上指以大理岩为代表的一类装饰石材,包括碳酸盐岩和与其有关的变质岩,主要成分为碳酸盐矿物,一般质地较软. 花岗石:(granite)商业上指以花岗岩为代表的一类装饰石材,包括各类岩浆岩和花岗质的变质岩,一般质地较硬.zCY中文字网

二. (大理石纹理):(gimp 教程)三.十.大理石纹理(Marble)五.主工具栏中选择颜色选取工具(Shift+O),在新建图层中选择颜色相近区域,编辑-->清除(Delete)删除选择区域并填充为白色,选择-->None(Ctrl+Shift+A)取消选区.zCY中文字网

三. zCY中文字网

三. 大理岩:大理岩(marble)一种变质岩,又称大理石. 因在中国由于云南省大理县盛产这种岩石而得名. 由碳酸盐岩经区域变质作用或接触变质作用形成. 主要由方解石和白云石组成,此外含有硅灰石、滑石、透闪石、透辉石、斜长石、石英、方镁石等.zCY中文字网

四. marble的反义词zCY中文字网

四. 彈珠:或者不用咀嚼也能够在宝宝嘴里融化的.绝大多数适合当作finger food的食物,比较硬的应该切成豌豆(pea)大小,比较软的也应该切成弹珠(marble)大小.下面这些都可以是阶段可以考虑的finger food:全麦(whole-wheat)的面包圈(bagel),zCY中文字网

  • 相关词组zCY中文字网

  • 经典引文zCY中文字网

一. lose one's marbles : 失去理智; 气疯了; ;zCY中文字网

  • Clarice had made up her mind.., and she was marble.zCY中文字网

    出自:M. E. Braddon
  • 近义词zCY中文字网

  • 临近词zCY中文字网

  • mottle使成杂色
  • flinty燧石的
  • quartz石英
  • uncompassionate无同情心的
  • smooth光滑的
  • steely钢铁一般的
  • merciless无慈悲心的
  • marble-hearted冷酷的
  • relentless冷酷无情的
  • unfeeling无情的
  • glossy光滑的
  • pea豌豆
  • unkind不和善的
  • variegate 使 ... 多样化...
  • cold-hearted冷淡的
  • toy玩具
  • Cat's eye(装在道路上用于在黑暗中...
  • agate玛瑙
  • cold冷的
  • polished擦亮的
  • white白色的
  • striate加条纹
  • lustrous有光泽的
  • chalcedony玉髓
  • hard硬的
  • hard-hearted硬心肠的; 无情的...
  • dapple斑纹
  • glass ball玻璃球
  • cruel残酷的
  • fleck斑点
  • vein静脉
  • marblewood
  • marblelike
  • marbled
  • maraud
  • Marblette
  • marbleize
  • marbledged
  • Marbleton
  • marbleised
  • marbler
  • marbleise
  • marc
This is marble.(这是大理石。)
The marble entrance hall, piled dizzily with bonbons and cakes, was as crowded and bustling as a railway station.(大理石门厅里堆满了令人眼花缭乱的糖果和蛋糕,像火车站一样拥挤、熙熙攘攘。)
He fell to the ground and, covering the cold marble with kisses, burst into bitter tears.(他倒在地上,在冰冷的大理石上吻了几下,痛哭流涕。)
Wood worked for 三 years on the design to remove the granite walls and replace them with marble.(伍德设计了三年,把花岗岩墙壁换成了大理石。)
Taj Mahal is built entirely of white marble.(泰姬陵完全是用白色大理石建成的。)
Her heels clacked on the marble floor.(她的鞋后跟在大理石地面上发出咔嗒咔嗒的响声。)
It's made of white marble.(这是白色大理石做的。)
The floor was tiled in squares of grey and white marble.(地上铺的是灰白两色的大理石方砖。)
The white marble floors were inlaid in a radial pattern of brass.(这些白色大理石地板镶嵌在铜质的放射形图案中。)
The figures were sculpted from single blocks of marble.(这些雕像都是用整块大理石雕成的。)