
  • 英英释义pt3中文字网

  • 词典解释pt3中文字网

  • 网络解释pt3中文字网



一. the act of gamblingpt3中文字网

e.g. he did it on a betpt3中文字网

Synonym: betpt3中文字网

二. the money risked on a gamblept3中文字网

Synonym: stakestakesbetpt3中文字网



一. maintain with or as if with a betpt3中文字网

e.g. I bet she will be there!pt3中文字网

Synonym: betpt3中文字网

二. stake on the outcome of an issuept3中文字网

e.g. I bet $一零零 on that new horse
She played all her money on the dark horsept3中文字网

Synonym: betplaypt3中文字网

一. 押(赌注);打赌
If you wager on the result of a horse race, football match, or other event, you give someone a sum of money which they give you back with extra money if the result is what you predicted, or which they keep if it is not.pt3中文字网

e.g. Just because people wagered on the Yankees did not mean that they liked them...
e.g. Golfers had wagered a good deal of money on Nick Faldo winning the championship.

二. (表示很确定)打赌,保证
If you say that you will wager that something is the case, you mean you are confident that it is the case.pt3中文字网

e.g. She was willing to wager that he didn't own the apartment he lived in...
e.g. I'll wager she'll still make the same impact when she's 七零.

一. 赌注:将底金(balance)初始化为一零零零,提示用户下赌注(wager),如果赌注大于底金,则不允许下注,重新下赌注;如果赌注为零,表示退出游戏. 如果用户赢了,将赌注加入底金;如果用户输了,则从底金中扣除赌注.pt3中文字网

二. 赌:wager of battle 决斗断讼法 | wager 赌 | wageworker 工人pt3中文字网

三. wager在线翻译pt3中文字网

三. 下注:平手: push | 下注: wager | 叫牌: hitpt3中文字网

四. 赌博:wage labor 雇佣劳动 | wager 赌博 | Wagner?Jauregg treatment 瓦格?约雷格疗法pt3中文字网

  • 经典引文pt3中文字网

  • Old-timers..lay wagers on the exact day and hour it will occur.pt3中文字网

    出自:A. Dillard
  • I'd wager house and field That..he has it yet.pt3中文字网

  • Stirner wagered Dr. Bernhardt two loaves.., a..stake that might have meant life or death for some inmates.pt3中文字网

    出自:J. Hersey
  • More that $一 billion is wagered annually at state tracks.pt3中文字网

    出自:Atlantic City
  • 近义词pt3中文字网

  • 临近词pt3中文字网

  • shot注射
  • play玩
  • stakes赌注
  • flutter摆动
  • venture冒险(事业)
  • risk危险
  • gamble赌博
  • ante(纸牌游戏中发牌钱下的)...
  • hazard危险
  • stake桩
  • bet打赌
  • wage
  • wagering contract
  • wager of battle
  • waggle
  • wager policy
  • Wagert
  • wager of law
  • wager on
  • wager boat
  • wager potential
If there's a line in Vegas on the odds of life on another planet, now might be a good time to place a wager.(如果维加斯有赌桌赌外星球有生命的几率,现在正是下手的好机会。)
Many in the industry wager the firm will not be able to raise another fund.(许多业内人士打赌,TerraFirma募集不到资金。)
Greece, one might wager, will play out in similar fashion.(有人可能会下注希腊将有类似表现。)
一二% of women under 三五 on OkCupid (and the internet in general, I'd wager) self-identify as bi.(OkCupid上(我敢打赌整个互联网都一样)三五岁以下的女性有一二%自我认定为双性恋。)
I'll wager that she knows more about it than she's saying.(我敢打赌,她知道的比她说的要多。)
Note: This is not me. I have more than 一零零 things. More than 五零零零, I'd wager.(注:这不是我。我拥有的东西比这多一零零件,多五零零零件,我打赌。)
I would wager it was probably about 二零零 years ago, and that is what is going to happen in the future.(我敢打赌约在二零零年前也发生同样的事。在未来这还会发生。)
Some hedge funds are starting to wager on painful times ahead for Japan, the world's second-largest economy.(一些对冲基金开始押注全球第二大经济体日本将面临痛苦的前景。)
And I'll lay a wager that barely anyone in the West believed them.(我会打赌在西方没有人会信这一套。)
I never heard the name in my life. I'll wager anything it is not in the calendar!(我这辈子从来没听说过这个名字。我敢打赌,日历上也没有这个名字!)