
  • 英英释义tvX中文字网

  • 词典解释tvX中文字网

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一. (architecture) a slender upright spire at the top of a buttress of towertvX中文字网

二. a lofty peaktvX中文字网

三. the highest level or degree attainable
the highest stage of developmenttvX中文字网

e.g. his landscapes were deemed the acme of beauty
the artist's gifts are at their acme
at the height of her career
the peak of perfection
summer was at its peak
...catapulted Einstein to the pinnacle of fame
the summit of his ambition
so many highest superlatives achieved by man
at the top of his professiontvX中文字网

Synonym: acmeheightelevationpeaksummitsuperlativemeridiantiptoptoptvX中文字网


一. raise on or as if on a pinnacletvX中文字网

e.g. He did not want to be pinnacledtvX中文字网

二. surmount with a pinnacletvX中文字网

e.g. pinnacle a pedimenttvX中文字网

一. 尖锥形石;尖岩
A pinnacle is a pointed piece of stone or rock that is high above the ground.tvX中文字网


e.g. A walker fell 八零ft from a rocky pinnacle.

二. 顶峰;极点;顶点
If someone reaches the pinnacle of their career or the pinnacle of a particular area of life, they are at the highest point of it.tvX中文字网

e.g. John Major has reached the pinnacle of British politics...
e.g. She was still a screen goddess at the pinnacle of her career.

一. pinnacletvX中文字网

一. 小尖塔:别针(FINIAL) 一种安置在三角墙(GABLE)、小尖塔(PINNACLE)或类似的尖形建筑物顶端的相对较小的装饰元素. 丙烯(ACRYLIC) 从一九六零年左右开始使用的一种颜料(PIGMENTS)的可塑性粘合媒介(MEDIUM),可溶于水(彩图一五一、一六四).tvX中文字网

二. 岩峰:称为砾漠(gravel desert)与岩漠(rock desert). 蒙古的戈壁即是以砾漠和岩漠为主要形态. 风蚀也可造成许多奇岩怪石,如将岩块磨成多稜面的风稜石(ventifacts). 或在水平沉积岩区,残余许多平顶的方山(mesa)及孤立的岩峰(pinnacle).tvX中文字网

  • 经典引文tvX中文字网

  • Points of roofs and pinnacles along the skyline.tvX中文字网

    出自:C. Brooks
  • 近义词tvX中文字网

  • 临近词tvX中文字网

  • summit顶点
  • crest浪尖
  • acme顶点
  • vertex[几何]顶点
  • peak尖端
  • ridge脊
  • altitude高度
  • tiptop绝顶
  • spire(教堂的)尖塔...
  • terminal末端
  • prime最好的
  • elevation提升
  • high point增高齿顶
  • height高度
  • meridian子午线
  • crown王冠
  • pink粉红色的
  • superlative最上的
  • zenith顶点
  • apex顶点
  • top顶部
  • glory光荣
  • pinnacle a pediment
  • pinnacle of sacrifice
  • pinnacle stage value of electronystagmo-graphy
  • pinnacle iceberg
  • pinnacled iceberg
  • pinky
  • pinnacle construction language
  • pinnacle nut
  • pinnacled
  • pinnacle reef
  • pinot
"And I need to get here," he explains, moving the marker to the pinnacle.(他接着解释说:“我需要到这里,”同时把彩笔移到顶点。)
Z great joys of life (zest) : Put the most perfect things done to reach the pinnacle of life.(z极大的生活乐趣(zest):把所做的事情都做得最完美,努力达到生活的顶峰。)
But the PGA Tour is the best, is the pinnacle.(但PGA巡回赛是最好的,是顶点。)
But force would devastate the image of a state that he exalts as the pinnacle of good governance.(但是武力将会破坏他鼓吹的完美统治的国家形象。)
“These polar molecules are the pinnacle of quantum optics.”(“这些极性分子(的研究)是量子光学的顶峰。”)
Has the software giant reached the pinnacle of its power?(软件巨人的能力是否已近极限?)
She was still at the pinnacle of her career.(她依然处在事业的巅峰时期。)
Buffett is the most successful investor in history, yet he has reached that pinnacle while also being supremely ethical.(巴菲特是史上最成功的投资者,而且在到达那个顶峰的同时他仍保持着极高的道德操守。)
A walker broke his arms, legs, and pelvis yesterday when he plunged 八零 feet from a rocky pinnacle.(一位步行者昨天从八零英尺高的尖锥形岩石上摔下来,摔断了胳膊、腿和骨盆。)
I would have stayed at that job forever — it seemed to be the pinnacle of all my dreams fulfilled.(我将会在这个职务上一直做下去,看上去,我的梦想的顶尖已经完成。)