
  • 详情解释nsE中文字网

  • 双解释义nsE中文字网

  • 英英释义nsE中文字网

  • 词典解释nsE中文字网

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  • 减轻;解除;缓和
  • 浮雕,浮雕作品
  • 救济,补助
  • 调剂,轻松,宽心
  • 救济金
  • 解围,解救
  • 宽慰,慰藉
  • 地势的起伏
  • 轮廓分明
  • 凸现
  • 对比鲜明
  • 【印】凸版印刷
  • [S][U](痛苦等)缓解,减轻,解除 lessening or ending of pain, distress, etc.
  • [U]轻松,宽慰 thing that reduces tension, relieves monotony or brings pleasing variety
  • [C]换班〔接替〕人,加班〔增开〕的车 person taking over or following after another's turn of duty; bus, train, etc. supplementing a regular service
  • [U]援助,救济 assistance


一. the act of reducing something unpleasant (as pain or annoyance)nsE中文字网

e.g. he asked the nurse for relief from the constant painnsE中文字网

Synonym: easingeasementalleviationnsE中文字网

二. the act of freeing a city or town that has been besiegednsE中文字网

e.g. he asked for troops for the relief of AtlantansE中文字网

三. aid for the aged or indigent or handicappednsE中文字网

e.g. he has been on relief for many yearsnsE中文字网

四. assistance in time of difficultynsE中文字网

e.g. the contributions provided some relief for the victimsnsE中文字网

Synonym: succorsuccourministrationnsE中文字网

五. sculpture consisting of shapes carved on a surface so as to stand out from the surrounding backgroundnsE中文字网

Synonym: relievorilievoembossmentsculptural reliefnsE中文字网

六. a change for the betternsE中文字网

Synonym: easingmoderationnsE中文字网

七. the feeling that comes when something burdensome is removed or reducednsE中文字网

e.g. as he heard the news he was suddenly flooded with reliefnsE中文字网

Synonym: alleviationassuagementnsE中文字网

八. someone who takes the place of another (as when things get dangerous or difficult)nsE中文字网

e.g. the star had a stand-in for dangerous scenes
we need extra employees for summer fill-insnsE中文字网

Synonym: stand-insubstituterelieverbackupbackup manfill-innsE中文字网

九. (law) redress awarded by a courtnsE中文字网

e.g. was the relief supposed to be protection from future harm or compensation for past injury?nsE中文字网

一零. the condition of being comfortable or relieved (especially after being relieved of distress)nsE中文字网

e.g. he enjoyed his relief from responsibility
getting it off his conscience gave him some easensE中文字网

Synonym: easensE中文字网

一一. a pause for relaxationnsE中文字网

e.g. people actually accomplish more when they take time for short restsnsE中文字网

Synonym: respiterestrest periodnsE中文字网

一. 宽慰;安心;欣慰;解脱
If you feel a sense of relief, you feel happy because something unpleasant has not happened or is no longer happening.nsE中文字网


e.g. I breathed a sigh of relief...
e.g. The news will come as a great relief to the French authorities...

二. (疼痛或苦痛的)解除,免除,减轻,缓解
If something provides relief from pain or distress, it stops the pain or distress.nsE中文字网

e.g. This brought considerable relief from the pain.
e.g. ...a self-help programme which can give lasting relief from the torment of hay fever.

三. 救济;救援物资
Relief is money, food, or clothing that is provided for people who are very poor, or who have been affected by war or a natural disaster.nsE中文字网

e.g. Relief agencies are stepping up efforts to provide food, shelter and agricultural equipment.
e.g. ...famine relief.

四. 代班人;换班工人
A relief worker is someone who does your work when you go home, or who is employed to do it instead of you when you are sick.nsE中文字网

e.g. No relief drivers were available.

五. 浮雕
A relief is a sculpture that is carved out of a flat vertical surface.nsE中文字网



六. see also: bas-relief;tax reliefnsE中文字网

一. 浮雕:像谢赫一样,吉伯尔蒂在写作中也使用了三个风格批评术语:色彩(colour)、浮雕(relief)和手法(manner)来具体地描述作品;也如谢赫的视点,吉伯尔蒂更多地关注艺术家的作品而不是艺术家个人.nsE中文字网

二. 缓解:海鸥喝水用硬壳(hull),拉住海鸥快安静(lull),飞到山后去思考(mull),海鸥不同意变公牛(bull),打它一下变白痴(dull),只好重新去挑选(cull)不简洁(brief),哥悲伤(grief),阿姨平躺为缓解(relief)只有er是轻率(temerity),nsE中文字网

三. relief的反义词nsE中文字网

三. 起伏:表示全局的起伏(Relief)导线宽度扩展. 表示全局的起伏(Relief)项目扩展. 表示全局的起伏(Relief)气隙扩展. 表示翻转(Flip)层. 表示起伏(Relief)形状是否被允许(Gerber选项).nsE中文字网

  • 常用例句nsE中文字网

  • 词汇搭配nsE中文字网

  • 经典引文nsE中文字网

  • This medicine will give you some relief.
  • A doctor's task is to work for the relief of patient's suffering.
  • They send relief to those who made homeless by floods.
  • His words provided some comic relief in what was really a dull speech.
  • The relief for the military guard is expected soon.
  • They had to provide a relief bus because there were so many passengers.
用作名词 (n.)
  • afford〔express〕 relief给予〔表示〕安慰
  • bring relief to sb解除某人的痛苦
  • derive relief from从…得到宽慰
  • grant〔need〕 relief给予〔需要〕宽慰
  • provide relief for refugees救济难民
  • receive〔seek〕 relief接受〔寻找〕安慰
  • great〔immense, much〕 relief极大的安慰
  • necessary〔unnecessary〕 relief必要〔不必要〕的安慰
  • permanent relief永久的解脱
  • temporary relief暂时的缓解
  • tax relief免税
  • stand by as sb's relief站在旁边准备接替某人
  • be in need of relief需要救济
  • heave a sigh of relief松一口气
  • to one's relief使某人松了一口气
  • relief for refugee难民的救济品
  • relief from减轻…
  • relief from duty解除职务
  • relief of the fortress救助那个要塞
  • relief to sb对某个人是个安慰
  • It would be a relief to sit down and have a good cry.nsE中文字网

    出自:L. M. Montgomery
  • Mrs Pratchett was alive! The relief was tremendous.nsE中文字网

    出自:R. Dahl
  • To her great relief she..had not been sent back to school.nsE中文字网

    出自:J. Briggs
  • Some just hoped for relief from misery.nsE中文字网

    出自:R. Dinnage
  • The face of the block..is carved in relief.nsE中文字网

    出自:A. Ure
  • 词义讲解nsE中文字网

  • 词源解说nsE中文字网

relief, help
  • 这两个词都有“帮助”的意思:同relief相比, help提供的帮助有更加急迫需要的意思,并带有出于好心慷慨施予的含义。
    • ☆ 一四世纪晚期进入英语,直接源自古法语的relief,意为帮助。
    • 高考真题例句nsE中文字网

    高考真题例句 OG 一.relief

    Still, most of us volunteers breathe a sigh of relief when the season comes to a close.nsE中文字网

    尽管如此, 当赛季临近尾声时, 我们大多数志愿者都会松一口气。nsE中文字网


    高考真题例句 OG 二.relief

    It was a relief and I came to a sudden stop just in the middle of the road.nsE中文字网

    我松了一口气, 在路中间忽然停了下来。nsE中文字网


    • 近义词nsE中文字网

    • 反义词nsE中文字网

    • 临近词nsE中文字网

    • remission
    • easement
    • afflication
    • relief map
    • reliefer
    • relief crew
    • relic
    • relief cam
    • relief gate
    • Relief Rub
    • relief tax
    • relief law
    • reliefless
    • reliefmap
    • relieve
    Relief workers are still searching through collapsed buildings.(救援人员仍在塌了的建筑物里搜寻。)
    We all heaved a sigh of relief.(我们都如释重负地舒了一口气。)
    His feelings were part anger, part relief.(他感到既愤怒,又解脱。)
    Relief supplies were rushed in.(救援物资很快就运来了。)
    The tax relief will sunset after a year.(税款减免将在一年后废止。)
    Relief agencies are stepping up efforts to provide food, shelter, and agricultural equipment.(救济机构正在加紧努力提供食物、住处和农业设备。)
    A UN spokesman said that the mission will carry 二零 tons of relief supplies.(一位联合国男发言人说该行动将运送二零吨救济物资。)
    They have begun marshalling forces to send relief to the hurricane victims.(他们已经开始结集队伍将救济物资送给遭受飓风侵害的灾民。)
    A shortage of funds is preventing the UN from monitoring relief.(资金短缺使得联合国无法监督救济工作。)
    She sighed with relief.(她松了口气。)