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  • [C] 铲子;锹 a spade-like tool
  • vt. & vi. 铲;铲起 take or move with a shovel



一. a machine for excavating2lQ中文字网

Synonym: power shovelexcavatordigger2lQ中文字网

二. a hand tool for lifting loose material
consists of a curved container or scoop and a handle2lQ中文字网

三. a fire iron consisting of a small shovel used to scoop coals or ashes in a fireplace2lQ中文字网

四. the quantity a shovel can hold2lQ中文字网

Synonym: shovelfulspadeful2lQ中文字网


一. dig with or as if with a shovel2lQ中文字网

e.g. shovel sand
he shovelled in the backyard all afternoon long2lQ中文字网

in AM, use 美国英语用 shoveling, shoveled

一. 铲;铁锹
A shovel is a tool with a long handle that is used for lifting and moving earth, coal, or snow.2lQ中文字网

e.g. ...a coal shovel...
e.g. She dug the foundation with a pick and shovel.

二. 铲;铲起;用铲挖
If you shovel earth, coal, or snow, you lift and move it with a shovel.2lQ中文字网

e.g. He has to get out and shovel snow...
e.g. Pendergood had shovelled the sand out of the caravan.

三. 迅速把…大量送入
If you shovel something somewhere, you push a lot of it quickly into that place.2lQ中文字网

e.g. Randall was shoveling food into his mouth.

一. shovel什么意思2lQ中文字网

一. 铁锹:罗丝拉再回到挖墓人处,只有铁锹矗立在风中,她抄起铁锹(Shovel)向左走. 来到一片废墟旁,一见墙上那红眼恶狗的影子便头也不回地逃开了. 在墓地里她看见一个身穿黑斗篷的女人在一座大坟前痛哭流涕. 这时从天空中飞过一匹黑马,2lQ中文字网

二. 铲:这时出现一头牛,引诱它撞开三只堆在一起的木箱上,进入木箱后的通道. 来到二楼,进入南面的通道,滑下斜坡来到Trenches(壕沟). 回到狮身人面像下面的石碑前,使用铁铲(Shovel)挖开地面,来到Underneath The Sphinx(狮身人面像底部).2lQ中文字网

三. shovel在线翻译2lQ中文字网

三. 铲子:需求:铲子(shovel)或十字镐(pickaxe),一座矿场音乐家技能的高低决定你弹奏乐器时产生的是音乐或是噪音. 这个技能和诗人的另两项技能:魅惑术(Enticement)及挑拨术 (Provocation)是相互作用的. 补锅匠通常都会在大街上沿街喊叫来招揽生意.2lQ中文字网

四. shovel2lQ中文字网

四. 雪铲:装备:滑雪服装内、中、外层按春季北大湖或长白山野滑的标准准备即可;滑雪板最好准备专门的野雪板,板腰宽度在一零五MM内外、长度与身高等高或长出五--一零MM为宜;如果确定将选择直升机或雪猫滑雪,需携带雪崩生命寻呼器(BEACON)、雪铲(SHOVEL)和探杆(PROBE),2lQ中文字网

  • 常用例句2lQ中文字网

  • 经典引文2lQ中文字网

  • He was working with a pick and shovel.
  • He stopped shovelling for a few minutes to get his breath back.
  • Sergei..snatched up a shovel..and scooped out a heap of red-hot charcoal.2lQ中文字网

    出自:P. Fitzgerald
  • 近义词2lQ中文字网

  • 临近词2lQ中文字网

  • ladle杓子
  • tool工具
  • dredge用挖泥机疏浚...
  • spoon匙
  • move移动
  • steam蒸汽
  • posthole地上所掘的插旗秆或电线用...
  • implement工具
  • scoop铲子
  • heap堆
  • power shovel动力铲
  • digger挖掘者
  • excavate挖掘
  • furrow犁沟
  • spadeful满满一铲子
  • spud马铃薯
  • cat猫
  • gouge用圆凿子挖
  • spade铲子
  • steam shovel 蒸汽铲
  • groove槽
  • trowel泥刀
  • plow犁
  • shovelful满铲
  • excavator打洞机
  • bulldozer推土机
  • posthole digger大型螺旋挖坑机,柱穴挖掘...
  • snowplow雪犁
  • dig挖
  • shovel铲
  • dozer推土机
  • trench沟
  • shoveller
  • Shovelton
  • shovel lip
  • shoveler
  • shovelrun
  • shovelful
  • show
  • shovelfish
  • shovelman
  • shove
  • Shovell
  • shovel hat
Their tools are a spade, shovel and hoe.(他们的工具就是铁铲、铁锨和锄头。)
Throwing fish food with a shovel can get tiresome.(用铲子撒鱼食是一件很辛劳 的事情。)
As I picked up the second scuttle by the handles and tried to shovel the coke up off the floor, the mountain began to move.(当我握住第二个煤斗的把柄,并尽力将焦炭从地上铲起来时,这座煤山开始移动起来。)
No pail and shovel required.(不需要桶或铲子。)
The child packed the sand down with his shovel.(小孩用铲子将泥沙压紧。)
She took the bread-shovel and drew them all out.(她拿起面包铲,把它们全都挖了出来。)
He's about to stand up when WHAM! A shovel slams him square in the face.(就在他准备站起身来时,砰!一把铁铲迎面坚固 地击中了他的脸。)
Terri: Why do you need a shovel?(特里:你要铲子干吗?)
He took a shovel, dug a hole, and buried his once-prized possessions.(他拿了一把铲子,挖了个坑,埋下了他曾经珍爱的物品。)
What business has a pick and a shovel here?(这里要镐和铲子干什么?)