一. the act of withdrawing or going backward (especially to escape something hazardous or unpleasant)
二. withdrawal for prayer and study and meditation
e.g. the religious retreat is a form of vacation activity
Synonym: retirement
三. (military) withdrawal of troops to a more favorable position to escape the enemy's superior forces or after a defeat
e.g. the disorderly retreat of French troops
四. an area where you can be alone
Synonym: hideaway
五. (military) a bugle call signaling the lowering of the flag at sunset
六. (military) a signal to begin a withdrawal from a dangerous position
七. a place of privacy
a place affording peace and quiet
一. make a retreat from an earlier commitment or activity
e.g. We'll have to crawfish out from meeting with him
He backed out of his earlier promise
The aggressive investment company pulled in its horns
Synonym: pull backback outback awaycrawfishcrawfish outpull in one's hornswithdraw
二. pull back or move away or backward
e.g. The enemy withdrew
The limo pulled away from the curb
Synonym: withdrawpull awaydraw backrecedepull backretiremove back
三. move back
e.g. The glacier retrogrades
Synonym: retrograde
四. move away, as for privacy
e.g. The Pope retreats to Castelgondolfo every summer
一. 退避;后退;离开
If you retreat, you move away from something or someone.
e.g. 'I've already got a job,' I said quickly, and retreated from the room...
e.g. The young nurse pulled a face at the Matron's retreating figure.
二. (军队)撤退,退却
When an army retreats, it moves away from enemy forces in order to avoid fighting them.
e.g. The French, suddenly outnumbered, were forced to retreat...
e.g. Retreating soldiers were dousing homes and shops with petrol and setting them on fire.
三. 放弃,远离(计划、生活方式等);从…中隐退
If you retreat from something such as a plan or a way of life, you give it up, usually in order to do something safer or less extreme.
e.g. I believe people should live in houses that allow them to retreat from the harsh realities of life...
e.g. From bouncing confidence she had retreated into self-pity.
四. 隐居地;静养所
A retreat is a quiet, isolated place that you go to in order to rest or to do things in private.
e.g. He spent yesterday hidden away in his country retreat.
五. 匆匆离开;仓皇撤退
If you beat a retreat, you leave a place quickly in order to avoid an embarrassing or dangerous situation.
e.g. Cockburn decided it was time to beat a hasty retreat.
一. 撤退:输掉的玩者必须a) 查核伤亡人数(Check for casualties)b) 撤退(Retreat)伤亡数字用以下形式决定: 战胜者展示他在战事中所得到的宝剑图标(Sword icons)数目; 战败者则展示他在战事中所得到的围墙图标(Fortification icons)数目.
二. 闭关:那在闭关(retreat)期间,一个修内观禅者要注重那几点?最重要的是他的基础要捉得很好. 其一是要明白正念(mindfulness)是什么,因为你修行的五根之一就是要培养正念,如果你不明白正念是什么,你怎样去培养它?因为正念是一种经验来的,
三. retreat
三. 后退:过去研究显示后退(retreat)的东非赤道冰河会产生更多水潭,进而助长虐蚊的繁衍. 此外,赤道冰河亦提供重要的气候变迁资讯. 赤道地区的气候纪录扮演著重要的角色,因为赤道地区是大气及海洋环流的发源地,研究赤道气候可以帮助我们更了解大气及海洋环流等.
一. beat a retreat : 撤退, 放弃;
To harass the..German retreat by..ambushing.
出自:M. R. D. FootThe dollar was on the retreat.
出自:J. ArcherThe intruders were in retreat.
出自:TimeThere can be no retreat from the truth.
出自:S. RushdieHe saw his troops retreat from the field.
出自:H. H. WilsonFootsteps..retreated on the pavement.
出自:W. SansomShe would retreat to Crowlink.
出自:J. BriggsNed retreated into a private world.
出自:G. Daly词义讲解