Marshall argued that cost of production and utility are the two scissor blades which together determine value.(马歇尔认为,生产成本和效用是两个剪片的共同决定价值。)
Scissor cuts a flower to want to use sharp knife, need not shears, with early morning or dusk advisable.(剪取切花要用锋利的刀,不用剪子,以清晨或傍晚为宜。)
Scissor bite.(剪式咬合。)
Both the Diablo and the Countach are no longer being produced, so the only Lamborghini car with scissor doors today is the Murcielago.(狄阿波罗与库塔什都停产了,所有如今采用剪刀车门的兰博基尼只剩下蝙蝠了。)
Scissor - style system control the up and down of the platform, performance is stable.(剪式系统控制平台的起落,性能稳定耐用。)
You should come again, I with respect to the auditive scissor you!(你要再来,我就把你的耳朵剪下来!)
The legs move in a scissor action.(两腿像剪刀似地运动。)
You are my teddy bay, I am the scissor girl.(你是我的玩具的海湾,我的剪刀女孩。)
Mangrove poles are also used for scissor nets in housing construction.(在建房中,红树林木桩还用于剪刀网。)
The scissor blades are stainless steel and cut very clean with a micro edge.(剪刀刀身是不锈钢质的并且能够用它锋利的刀刃剪得非常干净。)