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一. partially melted snow (or a mixture of rain and snow)veR中文字网



一. precipitate as a mixture of rain and snowveR中文字网

e.g. If the temperature rises above freezing, it will probably sleetveR中文字网

一. 雨夹雪;雨夹雹;冻雨
Sleet is rain that is partly frozen.veR中文字网

e.g. ...blinding snow, driving sleet and wind.

一. 雨夹雪:雨夹雪 雨夹雪(sleet) 雨滴和雪同时降落的天气现象. 雪是水的结晶体. 天空中的云碰到冷空气,温度下降,水气中在低温和微小尘埃的共同作用下形成冰晶. 体积不断增大. 密度超过了空气就掉下来了,也就是下雪了. 晴朗的天空一般是不会下雪的.veR中文字网

二. 冰雨:在冰雨(Sleet)及冰雪(IcyWeather)连续飘下时,意外事故更易发生. 一九九六年十二月九日及十四日的大风雪及冰雨,不但为美东带来诸多不便,更已经造成了七十余人丧生及无数连环车祸的惨剧. 由此可见虚心学习雪地驾驶技巧的重要性.veR中文字网

三. 雨夹雪;雹;冻雨:fog 浓雾 | sleet 雨夹雪;雹;冻雨 | hurricane 飓风veR中文字网

四. sleetveR中文字网

四. 雨加雪:hurricane: 飓风 | sleet: 雨加雪 | makeshift house: 临时房屋veR中文字网

  • 经典引文veR中文字网

  • It was dark and cold and it had begun to sleet.veR中文字网

    出自:New Yorker
  • 近义词veR中文字网

  • 临近词veR中文字网

  • slush软泥(油灰
  • ice冰
  • shower淋浴
  • frozen rain冻雨
  • hail冰雹
  • snow雪
  • sleety
  • sleet load
  • Sleetmute
  • sleet accident
  • sleet chaser
  • sleeve
  • sleet-proof
  • sleet proof
  • sleet jump
  • sleet freezes
  • sleepy
  • sleetproof
Like the rain back in Canada that later turned to sleet.(雨最终转化为雨夹雪,就像在加拿大那样。)
We have had snow and sleet for the past two days in Colorado's high country and the plan was to photograph some snowy images in the mountains.(在过去的两天里,科罗拉多州的高海拔地区一直有雪和雨夹雪,计划是在山区拍摄一些雪景。)
It's ugly, wet, and cold with sleet and rain all piled on top of each other. Wet socks.(这个时节丑陋不堪、潮湿严寒,雪花和雨水相互堆积。)
The boys threw their hockey gear to the top of the hill and tried climbing up the path, but the sleet had created a smooth glacier.(男孩儿把他们的冰球装备扔到山顶上,然后试着沿小路往上爬,但雨夹雪已经令山坡变得更加的滑。)
The wind was whipping waves of sleet across the pond.(寒风卷着雨夹雪,在池塘上肆虐。)
By the time they reached the top, the sleet had changed to fluffy snow.(当他们爬到山顶上的时候,雨夹雪已经变成了柔软的雪花。)
Mikey's soggy LACES tangled around her ankles. Blinking sleet from her eyelashes, she struggled to get out of her skates.(米奇的脚踝缠着湿透了的鞋带,眼睫毛上也挂上了闪闪的冰霜,她使劲地把脚上的冰鞋脱下来。)
Lindbergh flew through darkness, fog and sleet, his plane at times skimming just 一零 ft. (三 m) above the frigid Atlantic.(林德伯格在黑暗中飞行,在雾中飞行,也在冻雨中飞行,飞得最低时,飞机距离大西洋洋面只有三米。)
He continues up the mountain on foot - in the snow and sleet, and he's getting sick from the cold.(他继续步行上山,一路上雨雪纷飞,他也就感冒生病了。)
Evening temperatures drop to below freezing point in Yushu, and there was a little snow and sleet on Monday afternoon.(玉树的夜间温度降到零下,周一下午还下起了小雪转雨夹雪。)