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一. filled with shadeh7y中文字网

e.g. the shady side of the street
the surface of the pond is dark and shadowed
we sat on rocks in a shadowy cove
cool umbrageous woodlandsh7y中文字网

Synonym: shadowedshadowyumbrageoush7y中文字网

二. not as expectedh7y中文字网

e.g. there was something fishy about the accident
up to some funny business
some definitely queer goings-on
a shady deal
her motives were suspect
suspicious behaviorh7y中文字网

Synonym: fishyfunnysuspectsuspicioush7y中文字网

三. of questionable taste or moralityh7y中文字网

e.g. a louche nightclub
a louche paintingh7y中文字网

Synonym: loucheh7y中文字网

四. (of businesses and businessmen) unscrupuloush7y中文字网

e.g. a shady operationh7y中文字网

Synonym: fly-by-nighth7y中文字网

一. 背阴的;阴凉的;多阴的
You can describe a place as shady when you like the fact that it is sheltered from bright sunlight, for example by trees or buildings.h7y中文字网

e.g. After flowering, place the pot in a shady spot in the garden...
e.g. The rooms are admirably cool and shady after the hot brown monotony of the countryside.

二. (树)成阴的
Shady trees provide a lot of shade.h7y中文字网

e.g. Clara had been reading in a lounge chair under a shady tree.

三. 可疑的;鬼鬼祟祟的;不正当的
You can describe activities as shady when you think that they might be dishonest or illegal. You can also use shady to describe people who are involved in such activities.h7y中文字网


e.g. The company was notorious for shady deals...
e.g. Joseph watched a shady-looking bunch playing cards aboard a Mississippi steamer.

一. 可疑的;秘密的:Resort to 诉诸于, 采取 | Shady 可疑的;秘密的 | Surveillance 监视, 监督h7y中文字网

二. shady什么意思h7y中文字网

二. 成荫的:shadowy 有影的 | shady 成荫的 | shaft 轴h7y中文字网

三. 阴凉的:shadowy 有阴影的 | shady 阴凉的 | shaggy 毛茸茸的h7y中文字网

四. h7y中文字网

四. 阴凉:shadowyshadowiness 有阴影 | shady 阴凉 | shadyplace 阴凉处h7y中文字网

  • 相关词组h7y中文字网

  • 经典引文h7y中文字网


一. keep shady : 藏匿;h7y中文字网

  • Sun-drenched terraces and shady alcoves.h7y中文字网

    出自:C. Harkness
  • 近义词h7y中文字网

  • 反义词h7y中文字网

  • 临近词h7y中文字网

  • slippery滑的
  • treacherous背信弃义的
  • dishonest不诚实的
  • dusky微黑的
  • in the shade在阴凉处(逊色)...
  • shaded林荫遮蔽的
  • crooked弯曲的
  • shifty诡诈的
  • fishy(味道或气味)象鱼的...
  • dubious怀疑的
  • umbrageous成荫的
  • cool凉爽的
  • fly-by-night逃债者
  • devious迂回的
  • funny可笑的
  • suspicious可疑的
  • louche品德有问题的...
  • criminal罪犯
  • dappled斑纹的
  • black黑的
  • dim暗淡的
  • shadowy阴暗的
  • underhand秘密的
  • corrupt腐败的
  • doubtful可疑的
  • sheltered受保护的; 受庇护的...
  • twilight黄昏
  • suspect怀疑
  • sunny阳光充足的
  • shady avenue
  • shady deal
  • shaft
  • shady tree
  • shady spot
  • shady place
  • shady slope
  • Shadyac
  • shady past
  • shadowy
  • shady person
  • shady side
Team a looked for a shady place that some trees could give shade.(A队寻找一处有一些树阴的多荫的地方。)
The plants should be placed in a shady spot.(这些植物应该放在阴凉的地方。)
These plants are particularly useful for brightening up shady areas.(这些植物特别有助于让背光的地方明亮起来。)
We went to find somewhere cool and shady to have a drink.(我们去找了一个阴凉的地方,喝了一杯。)
The morning sun shining down with steadily increasing warmth made the shady side of the streets pleasantly cool.(早晨的阳光照下来,越来越暖和,使街道背阴的那一面显得凉爽宜人。)
And shame on you if you originally agreed to shady terms.(另外,如果你原来就同意一些模糊的条款,你应该为自己感到羞愧。)
It is comfortable to sit under the shady tree.(坐在成荫的树下很舒服。)
Here are a few resources on hiring a SEO and one on "shady" SEO.(这有几个雇佣搜索引擎优化资源和一个“可疑”的搜索引擎优化。)
Leon is a professional assassin who lives in a shady part of New York City.(里昂是一名专业的杀手,住在纽约城黑暗区域。)
I think there must be something very shady about this contract.(我觉得这张合同里面一定有什么猫腻儿。)