
  • 双解释义sB6中文字网

  • 英英释义sB6中文字网

  • 词典解释sB6中文字网

  • 网络解释sB6中文字网

  • vi. (液体)沸腾 (of a liquid) move about as if boiling
  • vi. 激动,大怒 be very excited or angry


一. boil vigorouslysB6中文字网

e.g. The liquid was seething
The water rolledsB6中文字网

Synonym: rollsB6中文字网

二. foam as if boilingsB6中文字网

e.g. a seething liquidsB6中文字网

三. be in an agitated emotional statesB6中文字网

e.g. The customer was seething with angersB6中文字网

Synonym: boilsB6中文字网

四. be noisy with activitysB6中文字网

e.g. This office is buzzing with activitysB6中文字网

Synonym: humbuzzsB6中文字网

一. 强压怒火;生闷气
When you are seething, you are very angry about something but do not express your feelings about it.sB6中文字网

e.g. She took it calmly at first but under the surface was seething...
e.g. She grinned derisively while I seethed with rage...

二. 充满,遍布,到处都是(人或物)
If you say that a place is seething with people or things, you are emphasizing that it is very full of them and that they are all moving about.sB6中文字网

e.g. The forest below him seethed and teemed with life...
e.g. Madrigueras station was a seething mass of soldiers.

一. sB6中文字网

一. 沸腾:seethe with 激动 | seethe 沸腾 | seething 沸腾的sB6中文字网

二. 煮沸:seesawswitch 交互转换开关 | seethe 煮沸 | seethisdrawing 见本图sB6中文字网

三. seethesB6中文字网

三. 煮沸;沸腾;激动;浸湿:seesaw 杠杆 | seethe 煮沸;沸腾;激动;浸湿 | SEG A SEG A格式sB6中文字网

四. 起泡沫:seesaw 跷跷板 | seethe 起泡沫 | segment 部分sB6中文字网

  • 常用例句sB6中文字网

  • 经典引文sB6中文字网

  • The waves seethed around the rocks.
  • He seethed with rage as the train left without him.
  • The river..seethed in frothy streaks.sB6中文字网

    出自:J. Conrad
  • Never..leave cabbage to seethe for long.sB6中文字网

    出自:Country Living
  • 词义讲解sB6中文字网

seethe, boil, simmer, stew
  • 这组词都有“蒸煮”“煮沸”的意思。其区别在于:
  • 一.boil指把东西放在水中快速煮沸,是普通的用语。
  • 二.seethe 多指海水翻滚,用于情绪,指受到剧烈的刺激,致使激昂万分而无法抑制。例如:
  • The sea was seething around the rocks.海水在岩石周围翻滚。
  • She was seething with joy.她喜形于色。
  • 三.simmer指慢慢地加热到几乎沸腾,用于情绪,则指不太紧张,还未达到难以控制的程度。例如:
  • Bring the mixture to the boil, then simmered for five minutes.把混合剂煮沸,然后再用火煮五分钟。
  • I was simmering with indignation.我满腔愤怒。
  • 四.stew只限于把鱼、肉和蔬菜在肉汁或调料中混煮,多指用文火慢慢地熬。例如:
  • Leave the vegetables and fish to stew gently.把蔬菜和鱼用文火煮着。
    • 近义词sB6中文字网

    • 临近词sB6中文字网

    • churn搅乳器
    • be有
    • teem充满
    • bubble气泡
    • fume烟
    • stew炖汤
    • froth泡
    • roll卷
    • rage狂怒
    • angry生气的
    • storm暴风雨
    • swarm群
    • burn燃烧
    • foam泡沫
    • boil沸腾
    • buzz发出嗡嗡声
    • simmer炖
    • hum嗡嗡声
    • seethe v.
    • seethe with joy
    • seethe subject
    • segment
    • seethe with anger
    • seethe with
    • seesaw
    Thou shalt not seethe a kid in his mother's milk.(不可用山羊羔母的奶煮山羊羔。)
    I seethe girls' dormitory turn left.(我沸腾女生宿舍左转。)
    They stand quietly, but secretly they seethe with their anger.(他们默默站着,但心中忿忿。)
    But sometimes I can't seethe station's name on the sign at the platform because the train is too crowded.(但有时因为车上人太多,我看不清楚站台站牌上车站的名字。)
    She seethe Outlines of the trees in the dim light.(朦胧中,她只看到树木的轮廓。)
    We walk on. As we walk over the rise I seethe Meadow laid out before us, and Henry is standing in the clearing.(我们继续走着,当我们走过高低的时候,我看到亨利正站在空地上,于是我愣住了。)
    If you like, you are welcome to our sterilization room to seethe whole process.(如果你愿意,欢迎来我们的消毒间看它运作的整个过程。)
    But for tomorrow's test, I would go to seethe movie tonight.(要不是明天有测验,我今晚就去看电影了。)
    They can seethe fine views of the city.(他们可以狂罚款意见的城市。)
    Let us try to seethe people who surround us.(让自己试着看到我们周围的人。)