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一. pulled or drawn tightwJg中文字网

e.g. taut sails
a tight drumhead
a tight ropewJg中文字网

Synonym: tightwJg中文字网

二. subjected to great tension
stretched tightwJg中文字网

e.g. the skin of his face looked drawn and tight
her nerves were taut as the strings of a bowwJg中文字网

一. 绷紧的;拉紧的
Something that is taut is stretched very tight.wJg中文字网


e.g. When muscles are taut or cold there is more chance of injury or strain...
e.g. The clothes line is pulled taut and secured.

二. 肌肉坚固 的;健美的
If a person or their body is taut, they are very lean with firm muscles.wJg中文字网


e.g. That summer she had shed the weight gained during pregnancy, her body was trim and taut.

三. 忧虑的;紧张的
If someone has a taut expression, they look very worried and tense.wJg中文字网


e.g. Ben sat up quickly, his face taut and terrified...
e.g. Little by little she lost the taut, strained air of perpetual anxiety.

四. (文章、电影等)结构严谨的,紧凑的
If you describe a piece of writing or a film as taut, you mean that it is good because it is exciting and has no unnecessary details.wJg中文字网

e.g. ...Eric Rochant's 'Aux yeux du monde', a taut thriller about the kidnapping of a school bus.

一. 拉紧:tassel穗饰 | taut拉紧 | tearing test撕裂试验wJg中文字网

二. wJg中文字网

二. 紧张的:Taurus 金牛座 | taut 紧张的 | tauten 拉紧wJg中文字网

三. taut在线翻译wJg中文字网

三. 拉紧的整洁的:taut 拉紧的 | taut 拉紧的整洁的 | taut 整洁的拉紧的严格的wJg中文字网

四. 整洁的拉紧的严格的:taut 拉紧的整洁的 | taut 整洁的拉紧的严格的 | taut-wire mooring 张索系船设施wJg中文字网

五. taut:taurine transporter; 牛磺酸转运体wJg中文字网

  • 经典引文wJg中文字网

  • Perceptible slackening of the taut muscles of his mouth.wJg中文字网

    出自:M. Sinclair
  • My nerves are taut as fiddle strings.wJg中文字网

    出自:V. Woolf
  • 近义词wJg中文字网

  • 临近词wJg中文字网

  • strained紧张的
  • worried担心的
  • anxious渴望的
  • wired有线的
  • strung out吸毒成瘾而身体虚弱的...
  • nervous神经的,神经细胞的,神经...
  • unrelaxed未松懈的
  • stiff硬的
  • firm公司
  • rigid坚硬的
  • edgy急躁的
  • tense紧张的
  • inflexible不可弯曲的
  • stressed紧张的
  • on edge紧张不安
  • extended长期的
  • stretched拉伸的
  • tight紧的
  • Taurus
  • tautology
  • Tautin
  • Tautou
  • Tauth
  • tautly
  • Tautz
  • Tauts
  • Taute
  • tauted
  • tauten
  • Tautil
Stretched taut and covered in coarse fur, his legs are also like rock.(紧绷的身体,粗糙的皮毛,腿也像石头一样。)
But the best of these late poems-taut lyrics with lacings of humour-are deft and crisp.(但是这些晚期诗歌中的佳作却创意灵巧并节奏轻快,措辞简洁并带有恰如其分的幽默。)
The other big ticket this season is "A Steady Rain", a taut play by Keith Huff about a couple of tough Chicago cops with a tragic story to tell.(本季的另一个高价票剧目是《连绵之雨》,这是一部紧张、由导演基思赫夫(KeithHuff)创作的独幕剧,关于两个坚强的有着悲惨经历的芝加哥警察的故事。)
The clothes line is pulled taut and secured.(晾衣绳被拉紧系牢了。)
I pulled the sheet over my head and lay there, every muscle of my body strung taut.(我拉过被单盖在头上躺在那里,我浑身肌肉紧绷绷的。)
Important: Always keep the Pixie Silk taut so that it does not tangle in the fairy's dress or wings.(重要提示:一直要保持小精灵丝绸绷紧以便它不会缠住飞仙女的衣服或翅膀。)
They have a taut flesh and more depth in flavor than the Thompson.(他们有一个绷紧的肌肉和更深入的味道比汤普森。)
His body was solid and taut.(他身体坚固 ,肌肉发达。)
As he spoke, taut with emotion, its supporters were dancing in the street.(当他声情并茂地发表演讲之时,他的支持者走上街头欢快舞蹈。)
Every muscle in her shoulders and arms went taut as she strained to maintain the pressure, to squeeze back the flood.(每次挤压,她都要小心翼翼的保持力度,肩上和双臂的肌肉不得不一直处在紧张状态。)