
  • 详情解释SXW中文字网

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  • 声的,声音的
  • 歌唱的
  • 口头的
  • 直言不讳的,畅所欲言的,把意见表达出来的
  • 浊音的
  • 【音】声乐的
  • 用言语表达的,表现为言语的
  • 发为声的
  • 【文】母音的
  • 【语音】有声音的
  • 【音】声乐作品,声乐表演,声乐节目
  • 【语音】母音,元音
  • 【天主教】有股票权的人
  • 发音器官
  • 声乐部分, 歌唱部分
  • [A] 口头的,有声的,发音的 using or connected with,the voice



一. a short musical composition with wordsSXW中文字网

e.g. a successful musical must have at least three good songsSXW中文字网

Synonym: songSXW中文字网

二. music intended to be performed by one or more singers, usually with instrumental accompanimentSXW中文字网

Synonym: vocal musicSXW中文字网


一. given to expressing yourself freely or insistentlySXW中文字网

e.g. outspoken in their opposition to segregation
a vocal assemblySXW中文字网

Synonym: outspokenSXW中文字网

二. full of the sound of voicesSXW中文字网

e.g. a playground vocal with the shouts and laughter of childrenSXW中文字网

三. having or using the power to produce speech or soundSXW中文字网

e.g. vocal organs
all vocal beings hymned their praiseSXW中文字网

四. relating to or designed for or using the singing voiceSXW中文字网

e.g. vocal technique
the vocal repertoire
organized a vocal group to sing his compositionsSXW中文字网

一. 大声说出的;直言不讳的;激烈表达意见的
You say that people are vocal when they speak forcefully about something that they feel strongly about.SXW中文字网

e.g. He has been very vocal in his displeasure over the results...
e.g. A public inquiry earlier this year produced vocal opposition from residents.

Both these proposals were resisted by the developed countries, most vocally by the United States.

二. 嗓音的;发声的;(尤指)歌唱的
Vocal means involving the use of the human voice, especially in singing.SXW中文字网


e.g. ...a wider range of vocal styles.
e.g. ...vocal training.

Vocally, it is often a very accomplished performance...
I then begin to improvise melodies vocally.

一. 人声:在不调整功能参数的情况下,使用预设值[无高、低音频响应]来播放音乐,<>、<>这两种以人声(VOCAL)为主的音乐,不论是流畅度或音质,整体的表现都在一定的水平之上;而<>的话,在某些段落中管乐器与弦乐器的音调切割较不明显.SXW中文字网

二. vocal的近义词SXW中文字网

二. 歌声:例如,藉由『可重新拆解与remix』功能,将自己或他人的节奏、乐器旋律、歌声(vocal)、说唱(rap)等档案,做重新创作或拼贴,提高了再创作的自由度与档案的使用率.SXW中文字网

三. 声乐:模拟各式聆听音场:歌剧院(Hall)、声乐(Vocal)、摇滚(Rock)、轻音乐(Soft)、低音加强(Bass)、环绕音场(Surround)、回音加强(Echo)即使在狭小空间同样能感受到高级音响效果,以符合您对音乐品质的挑剔;提供转化二* 声道为多声道输出功能,SXW中文字网

四. vocal:voice – oriented curriculum author language; 面向语音的课程创作语言SXW中文字网

五. vocal:voice oriented curriculum author language; 语音导向课程写作语言SXW中文字网

  • 常用例句SXW中文字网

  • 经典引文SXW中文字网

  • I like instrument better than vocal music.
  • The tongue is one of the vocal organs.
  • Silent worship is sweet, but vocal worship is sweeter.SXW中文字网

    出自:C. H. Spurgeon
  • Performed against the vocal protests of the liberal factions.SXW中文字网

  • 近义词SXW中文字网

  • 反义词SXW中文字网

  • 临近词SXW中文字网

  • insistent坚持的
  • uttered动词utter的过去式,...
  • raucous沙哑的
  • sounded听起来
  • forceful有力的
  • enunciated动词enunciate的...
  • singing唱歌
  • outspoken直言无讳的
  • frank坦白的
  • music音乐
  • voiced有声的
  • vociferous喧哗的
  • pronounced显著的
  • speaking发言的
  • choral合唱队的
  • spoken口语的
  • vocal music声乐
  • voluble健谈的
  • song歌曲
  • articulated铰接的
  • said上述的
  • oral口头的
  • loud大声的
  • verbal口头的
  • unwritten不成文的
  • strident刺耳的
  • instrumental仪器的
  • vocalize
  • vocabulary
  • Vocale
  • vocals
  • vocalism
  • vocally
  • vocation
  • vocality
  • vocalis
  • vocalese
  • vocalic
  • vocaloid
Zoologist Eugene Morton has propounded a general theory of the vocal sounds that animals make.(动物学家尤金·莫顿提出了一个有关动物发声的通论。)
Most animals have triangular vocal cords.(大多数动物是三角形声带。)
Researchers in psychology, a field rocked by findings of irreproducibility in the past few years, have been especially vocal supporters of the drive for more-open science.(过去几年里,心理学领域的研究人员发现了一些不可再生产的现象,他们对推动科学进一步开放的呼声尤其强烈。)
Jules Sims would also record vocal calypsos.(朱尔斯·西姆斯还会录制声乐加里波舞。)
In reality, some people are vocal and may moan and groan, other folks may muffle any sounds with a pillow, and yet others may not make a single peep.(事实上,有些人会出声,他们可能会唉声叹气,其他人可能会用枕头闷住任何声音,还有另一些人可能不会发出任何声音。)
One thing's for sure, Manilow's vocal style hasn't changed much over the years.(有一点是千真万确的,马尼洛的演唱风格这些年来没有太大的变化。)
After they've been frozen and thawed of course, they don't seem quite as vocal.(在经历了冰冻和解冻的过程后,它们鸣叫的声音就不那么响亮了。)
You are a vocal proponent for a cause.(你成为了某一目标的口头拥护者。)
It appears loose with no vocal ligament.(它看起来很松,没有声韧带。)
Dolphins lack vocal cords, nevertheless creating sounds: a complicated system of whistles, squeaks, moans, trills, and clicks are produced by sphincter muscles inside the blowhole.(海豚没有声带,但却能发声:一个由口哨声、吱吱声、呻吟声、颤音和咔嚓声组成的复杂系统是由喷水孔内的括约肌产生的。)