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一. the cardinal compass point that is a 二七零 degreesB55中文字网

Synonym: westdue westWB55中文字网



一. moving toward the westB55中文字网

e.g. westbound pioneersB55中文字网

Synonym: westboundwesterlyB55中文字网


一. toward the westB55中文字网

e.g. they traveled westward toward the setting sunB55中文字网

Synonym: westwardsB55中文字网

一. 向西;往西
Westward means towards the west.B55中文字网

e.g. He sailed westward from Palos de la Frontera...
e.g. Within hours, she was free to resume her journey westward.

一. 西部:<>(Westward)硬盘版<>(Westward)硬盘版 相关下载说明免责声明:<>(Westward)硬盘版 下载地址来自网络,仅供网友交流,请在下载后的二四小时内删除.B55中文字网

二. 西方:westmost 最西的 | westward 西方 | westwardly 向西B55中文字网

三. B55中文字网

三. 西方, 西部, 向西旅行 西方的, 向西的 向西:prehistorian 史前史学家,史前学家 | westward 西方, 西部, 向西旅行 西方的, 向西的 向西 | phase variation [遗]相变异, 相转变B55中文字网

四. 向西西方的:Westoncell 韦斯顿电池 | westward 向西;西方的 | westward 向西西方的B55中文字网

  • 经典引文B55中文字网

  • He was consumed by the idea of sailing westward across the ocean.B55中文字网

  • 近义词B55中文字网

  • 临近词B55中文字网

  • westwards向西
  • w英语字母中的第二十三个字...
  • westerly向西的
  • westbound向西行的
  • due west向正西方
  • west西
  • Westward spread
  • Westward corridor
  • westward movement
  • Weston
  • westwardly
  • westward-blowing
  • westward migration
  • wet
  • westward through
  • westwards
  • westward drift
  • westward opening
In one now-standard text, Faragher demonstrated the persistence of the "cult of true womanhood" and the illusionary quality of change on the westward journey.(在一篇如今已成为标准的文章中,法拉格展示了“对真正女性气质的崇拜”的坚持,以及大话西游中变化的虚幻性。)
"Old America seemed to be breaking up and moving westward," observed an English visitor in 一八一七, during the first great wave of migration.(一八一七年,在第一次移民大潮中,一位英国游客观察到:“古老的美洲似乎正在分裂并向西移动。”)
Demand for this exotic fabric eventually created the lucrative trade route now known as the Silk Road, taking silk westward and bringing gold, silver and wool to the East.(对这种具有异国情调的面料的需求最终创造了有利可图的贸易路线,即现在所说的丝绸之路,这条路线把丝绸带向西方,把金、银和羊毛带到东方。)
I am planning to write a book, and I intend to entitle it The Journey Westward.(我准备写一本书,打算将它命名为《西游记》。)
During the 一八三零s and '四零s, the flood of pioneers poured unceasingly westward.(在一九世纪三零年代和四零年代,大批拓荒者不断涌入西部。)
Therefore, these social traits helped to produce the nomadic and daring settlers who kept pushing westward beyond the fringes of settlement.(因此,这些社会特征有利于造就流浪在外并且大胆的移民,这些移民会一直向西迁移到比定居点更遥远的地方。)
This storm was expected to continue moving westward before turning south and eventually weakening.(在向南转向和真正减弱之前,预计ului仍将继续西移。)
Because most existing species live in Australia, early researchers concluded that Varanus originated in Australia and subsequently island hopped westward along the Indo-Australian archipelago.(由于现存的大多数物种生活在澳大利亚,早期的研究人员得出结论,巨蜥属起源于澳大利亚,随后沿着印澳群岛向西跳跃。)
During periods when commodity prices were high, the rate of westward migration increased spectacularly.(在商品价格较高的时期,西迁的速度大幅增长。)
It is proposed that the drift of the continents was vectored by westward forces.(大陆的漂移被认为是由向西的力造成的。)