好句子 教堂church的英文短句

一、“教堂”的英文是:"Church" 二、"Church" n. 教堂;礼拜;教派 adj. 教会的;礼拜的 vt. 领…到教堂接受宗教仪式 n. (Church)人名;(英)丘奇 三、[网络短语] Church 教堂,教会,教堂 Trinity Church 纽约三一教堂,三一堂 (波士顿),天主圣三教堂 (慕尼黑) Christ Church 基督城教区,牛津大学基督教堂学院,圣基督堂 四、例句我是在教堂的门廊处遇到那个人的。Rqe中文字网

I met that person at the porch of the church. 他们在教堂接受了洗礼。 They received baptism at the church. 教堂在学校附近。Rqe中文字网

The church is close to the school. 基督教徒每个星期日到教堂去做礼拜。 Christians go to church on Sundays. 房子和教堂是建筑物。Rqe中文字网

Houses and churches are buildings. 位于这座教堂以北的是一所女子高中。 Lying north of the church is a girls' senior high school.。Rqe中文字网

二. 教堂用英语叫法——church和cathedral

church一般的教堂,镇立教堂,村镇教堂等等 cathedral大教堂,非常宏伟的那种,法国意大利多见,规模必须够大的教堂才叫cathedral. cathedral里面会有一个bishop,但church可能没有;cathedral的拉丁文cathedra指的就是bishop。Rqe中文字网

wiki的解释: A cathedral is a Christian church thatcontains the seat of a bishop. It is a religious building for worship,specifically of a denomination with an episcopal hierarchy, such as the RomanCatholic, Anglican, Orthodox and some Lutheran churches, which serves as abishop's seat, and thus as the central church of a diocese. 拓展: abbey指修道院,绝大多数情况下指男修道院 chapel礼拜堂,非常小的那种,一般驻有一位牧师。Rqe中文字网

三. 关于教堂的英文描写











House of godRqe中文字网


四. 谁有关于christain church 的英文介绍


form, is the sharp ticket, the point arches technical the crystallization; Stands tall and erect wall, then contains is bracing technical, the buttress technology merit. But that elusive ideal condition and vertical upward shape, is the Christianity energe connotation most accurate indication. Gao Erzhi, is elusive, is unreal上面是一起的 Its typical composition is the steeple which a pair stands tall and erect, middle is clamping the hall gable, on the gable edge of the eaves's parapet, the big entry established a row cloth to have the statue concaveniche, entire set up the surface to relate horizontally这是基督教堂典型结构 第二段翻译是其典型构图是一对高耸的尖塔,中间夹着中厅的山墙,在山墙檐头的栏杆、大门洞上设置了一列布有雕像的凹龛,把整个立面横联系起来 这是从,把上面连起来,以上的翻译Rqe中文字网

五. 【LasLajas大教堂英文介绍】

Las Lajas大教堂这座宏伟的大教堂建于一九一六年,坐落在位于哥伦比亚境内传说中圣母玛利亚出生的地方,这里流传著这样的传说:一位印度妇女背著她的聋哑女儿走在Las Lajas,当她感觉有点累就暂时坐在石头上歇脚,这时她的女儿突然开口说话,说看到一个山洞中有幻影出现.后来,圣母玛利亚怀孕的壁画在洞穴中被发现,并且颜色渗透到岩石中几英寸之深.译;Las Lajas cathedralThe magnificent cathedral built in 一九一六,located in the Columbia territory legends of the virgin Mary birth places,where circulated such legend:an Indian women take her deaf daughter walking in Las Lajas,when she felt a bit tired was temporarily sat down on a stone rest,then her daughter suddenly spoke and said to see a cave in the phantom appears.Later,the virgin Mary pregnant mural in the cave was found,and color permeate a few inches deep rocks.。Rqe中文字网

六. 教堂英语怎么说

教堂: Rqe中文字网

一. churchRqe中文字网

二. chapelRqe中文字网

Relative explainations:Rqe中文字网



一. 他常去那个教堂做礼拜。Rqe中文字网

He is a regular worshiper at that church.Rqe中文字网

二. 位于这座教堂以北的是一所女子高中。Rqe中文字网

Lying north of the church is a girls' senior high school.Rqe中文字网

三. 房子和教堂是建筑物。Rqe中文字网

Houses and churches are buildings.Rqe中文字网

四. 基督教徒每个星期日到教堂去做礼拜。Rqe中文字网

Christians go to church on Sundays.Rqe中文字网

五. 教堂在学校附近。Rqe中文字网

The church is close to the school.Rqe中文字网

六. 他们在教堂接受了洗礼。Rqe中文字网

They received baptism at the church.Rqe中文字网

七. 我们可以看到远处教堂的尖塔。Rqe中文字网

We could see the spire of the church in the distance.Rqe中文字网

八. 我是在教堂的门廊处遇到那个人的。Rqe中文字网

I met that person at the porch of the church.Rqe中文字网