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  • 词典解释l5U中文字网

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  • 医治(伤、病等),治愈(病人),使恢复健康,使康复,使复原
  • 修复,修理,使修整好
  • 使和解 ,宁息,调停,调解,消除,结束
  • 使清洁,净化
  • 使(某人)又愉快起来
  • 排除(悲伤、忧愁、不幸、苦痛等)
  • 痊愈,愈合,康复,恢复健康,好起来(常与 over 或 up 连用)
  • 停息,和解;(争吵等)停止(常与 over 连用)
  • vi. & vt. (使)愈合,治愈,(使)恢复健康 become healthy again; make a person or part of the body healthy again
  • vt. 调停,消除 alleviate; settle; soothe


一. provide a cure for, make healthy againl5U中文字网

e.g. The treatment cured the boy's acne
The quack pretended to heal patients but never managed tol5U中文字网

Synonym: bring aroundcurel5U中文字网

二. get healthy againl5U中文字网

e.g. The wound is healing slowlyl5U中文字网

三. heal or recoverl5U中文字网

e.g. My broken leg is mendingl5U中文字网

Synonym: mendl5U中文字网

一. 痊愈;愈合;治愈
When a broken bone or other injury heals or when something heals it, it becomes healthy and normal again.l5U中文字网


e.g. Within six weeks the bruising had gone, but it was six months before it all healed...
e.g. If they'd operated and pinned her arm at once, she might have healed by now...

二. (感情创伤)愈合;(情感)恢复常态
When someone's emotional pain heals, they feel normal and happy again.l5U中文字网

e.g. A year later, she had healed to the point of at least being able to consider a romantic relationship with another man...
e.g. Only by fully experiencing the depth of our pain can we be healed from it and be done with it.

三. (使)(裂痕、创伤)弥合;(使)和好
If you heal something such as a rift or a wound, or if it heals, the situation is put right so that people are friendly or happy again.l5U中文字网

e.g. Today Sophie and her sister have healed the family rift and visit their family every weekend...
e.g. The psychological effects on the United States were immense and in Washington the wounds have still not fully healed.

相关词组:heal upl5U中文字网

一. 治愈:魔法:转化不死类(Turn Undead)将不死类怪物石化;治愈(Heal)医疗魔法. 祭师(Priest):一五/一三,更高级的神官. 魔法:摧毁不死类(Destroy Undead), 将不死类怪物石化并造成一定伤害,同时有解除我方部队不良状态的功能;治愈(Heal),l5U中文字网

二. 醫療:如果这个施法者在一个传奇法术中加入了医疗(heal)和生命(life)seed的话,这个法术通常会被认为是神术. 法术成分和施展时间:绝大部分传奇法术都有语言和肢体成分,并且施法时间为一分钟,不管这个法术包含了多少seed.l5U中文字网

三. heal的近义词l5U中文字网

三. 治疗:人类们选择剑(SWORD)和刀(BLADE), 枪和炸弹(GUN&BOMB), 治疗(HEAL)和 祝福(ENCHANT)系列中一个或一个以上,修炼系列当一三~一八种技能. 吸血鬼们按等级修炼基本(INNATE), 毒(POISON), 酸(ACID), 诅咒(CURSE),血(BLOOD)等系列的所有魔法.l5U中文字网

四. heal:healthhazard; 对健康的危害性l5U中文字网

  • 常用例句l5U中文字网

  • 经典引文l5U中文字网

  • The wound has not yet healed.
  • The cut will soon heal over.
  • Whatever had been broken by the butt of the Kalmuk's rifle was now healed.l5U中文字网

    出自:J. Kosinski
  • 词义讲解l5U中文字网

heal, cure
  • 这两个词的共同意思是“治愈”。其区别是:
  • 一.cure多指内部疾病; 而heal多指外伤。
  • 二.cure有时强调忽然或戏剧般的治愈; 而heal常强调缓慢甚至长时期的治疗过程。例如:
  • This medicine cured him of his illness.这药治好了他的病。
  • This ointment will help to heal the wound.这药膏有助于伤口的愈合。
  • 三.用于比喻时, cure多指社会不良现象或个人恶习; 而heal则指精神上的创伤或思想上的分歧。例如:
  • Parents try to cure their children of bad habits.父母试图改变他们孩子的坏习惯。
  • The disagreement left deep wounds that only time may heal.意见分歧已留下深深的伤痕,只有时间来医治创伤了。
    • 考研真题例句l5U中文字网

    考研真题例句 OG 一.heal

    It is built into us in the same way that our bodies know how to heal a cut or mend a broken bone.l5U中文字网



    • 近义词l5U中文字网

    • 反义词l5U中文字网

    • 临近词l5U中文字网

    • cure
    • treat
    • injure伤害
    • hurt损害
    • wound创伤
    • healer
    • HEALS
    • Healey
    • healds
    • heal up
    • heall
    • Healy
    • Healon
    • Heale
    • heald
    • heady
    • Healty
    After a serious argument, it can take some time for the wounds to heal.(激烈争吵之后的感情创伤需要一些时间才能愈合。)
    She was never able to heal the rift between herself and her father.(她一直未能填平和她父亲之间的鸿沟。)
    Aspirin may be the most familiar drug in the world—but its power to heal goes far beyond the usual aches and pains.(阿司匹林可能是世界上最常见的药物,但它能缓解的疼痛远非普通疼痛。)
    Efforts to heal the rift between the two countries have failed.(弥合两国间分歧的各种努力都已失败。)
    The spurs cause blunt trauma to the shoulders which never have time to heal properly before the horse is ridden and spurred in another rodeo.(马刺造成肩膀的钝伤,这些伤从来都没有时间痊愈,因为马会被在另一场竞技秀中再次被骑和刺。)
    TT advocates say these manipulations can help heal wounds, relieve pain and reduce fever.(TT的倡导者说,这些手法可以帮助愈合伤口,减轻疼痛,减少发烧。)
    Cuts that need to be held closed in order to heal properly have generally been held closed with stitches.(为了正确愈合,需要闭合的伤口通常用缝针缝合。)
    That hasn't stopped thousands of winter depressives from trying to heal themselves.(但这并没有阻止成千上万的冬季抑郁症患者试图治疗自己。)
    Depression takes time to heal.(治愈沮丧需要时间。)
    We have begun to heal the wounds of war in our society.(我们已经开始抚平战争带给这个社会的创伤。)