
  • 详情解释YBf中文字网

  • 双解释义YBf中文字网

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  • 词典解释YBf中文字网

  • 网络解释YBf中文字网

  • 释放,解放
  • 豁免,赦免,免除,解除
  • 释放证书
  • 通讯稿,发行的书新闻稿或电影等
  • 释放装置
  • 弃权证书
  • 快门开关
  • 解脱
  • 发行,发表
  • 放松,放出
  • 弃权,让渡
  • 免除,豁免,赦免,解除
  • 发行,发表
  • 让与
  • 【律】放弃
  • 放出
  • 释放,解放
  • 放松,松开
  • 发射,投掷
  • 放、投(炸弹)
  • 使免除
  • 救出
  • 【机】吐出
  • 【农】推广
  • 【物,电】释放
  • 断开
  • 放开,放走
  • 发布,发售
  • vt. 释放; 放开 set free; allow to come out
  • vt. 发布; 发行; 发售 allow to be known or published; allow to be exhibited or to be placed on sale
  • [S][U]释放; 免除,解除 setting free; the act of setting free or being set free
  • [C]释放令 a letter or message that sets sb free
  • [C]公映的新影片,发布的新闻〔消息〕 a new, record, or piece of information that has been released


一. the act of liberating someone or somethingYBf中文字网

Synonym: liberationfreeingYBf中文字网

二. (music) the act or manner of terminating a musical phrase or toneYBf中文字网

Synonym: tone endingYBf中文字网

三. a formal written statement of relinquishmentYBf中文字网

Synonym: waiverdischargeYBf中文字网

四. the termination of someone's employment (leaving them free to depart)YBf中文字网

Synonym: dismissaldismissiondischargefiringliberationsacksackingYBf中文字网

五. the act of allowing a fluid to escapeYBf中文字网

Synonym: spillspillageYBf中文字网

六. activity that frees or expresses creative energy or emotionYBf中文字网

e.g. she had no other outlet for her feelings
he gave vent to his angerYBf中文字网

Synonym: outletventYBf中文字网

七. merchandise issued for sale or public showing (especially a record or film)YBf中文字网

e.g. a new release from the London Symphony OrchestraYBf中文字网

八. a device that when pressed will release part of a mechanismYBf中文字网

Synonym: buttonYBf中文字网

九. a legal document evidencing the discharge of a debt or obligationYBf中文字网

Synonym: acquittanceYBf中文字网

一零. an announcement distributed to members of the press in order to supplement or replace an oral presentationYBf中文字网

Synonym: handoutpress releaseYBf中文字网

一一. euphemistic expressions for deathYBf中文字网

e.g. thousands mourned his passingYBf中文字网

Synonym: passinglossdepartureexitexpirationgoingYBf中文字网

一二. a process that liberates or discharges somethingYBf中文字网

e.g. there was a sudden release of oxygen
the release of iodine from the thyroid glandYBf中文字网


一. generate and separate from cells or bodily fluidsYBf中文字网

e.g. secrete digestive juices
release a hormone into the blood streamYBf中文字网

Synonym: secreteYBf中文字网

二. eliminate (a substance)YBf中文字网

e.g. combustion products are exhausted in the engine
the plant releases a gasYBf中文字网

Synonym: exhaustdischargeexpelejectYBf中文字网

三. make (assets) availableYBf中文字网

e.g. release the holdings in the dictator's bank accountYBf中文字网

Synonym: unblockunfreezefreeYBf中文字网

四. prepare and issue for public distribution or saleYBf中文字网

e.g. publish a magazine or newspaperYBf中文字网

Synonym: publishbring output outissueYBf中文字网

五. let (something) fall or spill from a containerYBf中文字网

e.g. turn the flour onto a plateYBf中文字网

Synonym: turnYBf中文字网

六. release, as from one's gripYBf中文字网

e.g. Let go of the door handle, please!
relinquish your grip on the rope--you won't fallYBf中文字网

Synonym: let go oflet gorelinquishYBf中文字网

七. release (gas or energy) as a result of a chemical reaction or physical decompositionYBf中文字网

Synonym: freeliberateYBf中文字网

八. part with a possession or rightYBf中文字网

e.g. I am relinquishing my bedroom to the long-term house guest
resign a claim to the throneYBf中文字网

Synonym: relinquishresignfreegive upYBf中文字网

九. grant freedom to
free from confinementYBf中文字网

Synonym: freeliberateunlooseunloosenlooseYBf中文字网

一零. make (information) available for publicationYBf中文字网

e.g. release the list with the names of the prisonersYBf中文字网

Synonym: freeYBf中文字网

一. 释放;放出
If a person or animal is released from somewhere where they have been locked up or looked after, they are set free or allowed to go.YBf中文字网


e.g. He was released from custody the next day...
e.g. He is expected to be released from hospital today...

二. 释放;出院
When someone is released, you refer to their release .YBf中文字网

e.g. He called for the immediate release of all political prisoners.
e.g. ...the secret negotiations necessary to secure hostage releases...

三. 使免除;使免于
If someone or something releases you from a duty, task, or feeling, they free you from it.YBf中文字网

e.g. Divorce releases both the husband and wife from all marital obligations to each other...
e.g. This releases the teacher to work with individuals who are having extreme difficulty.

四. 发泄,释放(情感);展示(能力)
To release feelings or abilities means to allow them to be expressed.YBf中文字网

e.g. Becoming your own person releases your creativity...
e.g. I personally don't want to release my anger on anyone else...

五. 发布;发表;公布
If someone in authority releases something such as a document or information, they make it available.YBf中文字网

e.g. They're not releasing any more details yet...
e.g. Figures released yesterday show retail sales were down in March.

六. 放手;放开;释放
If you release someone or something, you stop holding them.YBf中文字网


e.g. He stopped and faced her, releasing her wrist.
e.g. ...the twisting action before a bowler releases the ball.

七. 打开,放开,松开(制动装置)
If you release a device, you move it so that it stops holding something.YBf中文字网


e.g. Wade released the hand brake and pulled away from the curb.

八. 释放,放出,排放(气体、热量或某种物质)
If something releases gas, heat, or a substance, it causes it to leave its container or the substance that it was part of and enter the surrounding atmosphere or area.YBf中文字网

e.g. ...a weapon which releases toxic nerve gas...
e.g. The contraction of muscles uses energy and releases heat...

九. 发行,推出(唱片、碟片或电影)
When an entertainer or company releases a new CD, video, or film, it becomes available so that people can buy it or see it.YBf中文字网

e.g. He is releasing an album of love songs.

一零. 新发行的影片;新片;新碟;发行物
A new release is a new CD, video, or film that has just become available for people to buy or see.YBf中文字网


e.g. Which of the new releases do you think are really good?

一一. (影片的)上映,公映;(录像带的)发行
If a film or video is on release or on general release, it is available for people to see in public cinemas or for people to buy.YBf中文字网

e.g. The video has sold three million copies in its first three weeks on release.

一二. see also: day release;news release;press releaseYBf中文字网

一. 发行:| | | |+----修订(Fix)版本号(版本号) | +--修正(Modification)版本号+ 发行(Release)版本号VG卷组(Volumn Group)RAM文件系统是引导镜像(Boot Image)的一部分,完全常驻内存,包含了许多能让引导继续的程序.YBf中文字网

  • 情景对话YBf中文字网

  • 常用短语YBf中文字网

  • 常用例句YBf中文字网

  • 词汇搭配YBf中文字网

  • 经典引文YBf中文字网

Promotional Activities-(促销活动)YBf中文字网


A:As you know, the FastTrek 二零零零 is due for release next month. I think we've finally worked the kinks out.
正如你所知,FastTrek 二零零零 预定在下个月推出。我想我们已经解决了所有琐碎的问题。YBf中文字网

B:Great. That's vital. Quality is the focus of the ad campaign. The boards must work well if they're going to be the cash cow we want them to be.

A:Let's go over our promotion plans again.

B:OK. We have six major retailers running demonstrations at most branches. And our exhibition team is already on the road setting up for computer shows.

A:Good. What about print and radio?

B:We've taken out full-page ads for two large trade magazines. And more important, our press releases have been well received.

A:Any larger ads?


B:Yes. We're putting the same full-page ad in the Sunday edition of three major newspapers.

A:Sounds perfect.

B:But nothing ever works out as you want it. So I have a number of other tricks up my sleeve, as well.

    把…从…解脱出来 set (sb or sth) free from (sth, usually bad or unpleasant)
    release sb/sth from sth

    He released me from my torments.YBf中文字网


    The patient asked the doctor to give him something that would release him from his pain.YBf中文字网


    Death at last released her from her pain.YBf中文字网


    I released him from his promise.YBf中文字网


    Nothing can release him from this legal obligation.YBf中文字网


    The bird was released from the cage.YBf中文字网


    Three years later, the man was released from jail.YBf中文字网


    You can be released from prison early for good behaviour.YBf中文字网


    I wish to be released from my contract.YBf中文字网


    It's said he has already been released from duty.YBf中文字网


    从(某物)中释放the act of setting free or being set free
  • They released the prisoners.
  • Release the dog.He has been chained up for hours.
  • He released her arm.
  • Don't release your hold on the rope.
  • The commission released its findings.
  • The nurse is released from seven o'clock.
  • With the coming of the night, the north wind was again released.
  • The new trade figures have just been released.
  • Don't release this news to the public until we give you the go-ahead.
  • When is the best moment to release the date of the election to the newspapers?
  • Details of the scheme have not yet been released to the public.
用作动词 (v.)
  • release an animal把动物放开
  • release a book发行书
  • release the creative powers of the people激发人民的创造性
  • release a gramophone发售唱片
  • release one's grip放开
  • release information透露消息
  • release a new film发行新影片
  • release prisoners of war释放战俘
  • release a spring松开弹簧
  • release vapor排放蒸气
  • release blamelessly无罪释放
  • release consequently有重大意义地释放
  • release deftly熟练地发行
  • release finally〔ultimately〕终于释放
  • release instantaneously即刻释放
  • release recently最新发行
  • release subsequently随后释放
  • release unconditionally无条件释放
  • release from the command被免除司令职务
  • release from debt还清债务
  • release from duty被解除职务
  • release from jail被释放出狱
  • release from prison从监狱中放出来
  • release to the press发布给新闻界
用作名词 (n.)
  • agree to release同意释放
  • bring about〔effect〕 sb's release释放某人
  • give release from pain解除痛苦
  • sign a release签发释放令
  • news〔press〕 release新闻稿
  • release from从…释放
  • release...of解除,使放出
  • release to向…发行
  • What a sense of release you must have experienced when you set fire to Thomas Earl Parkman, junior.YBf中文字网

    出自:G. Greene
  • The release of first love long dammed up.YBf中文字网

    出自:Day Lewis
  • From his innate melancholy he sought release through multifarious love-affairs.YBf中文字网

    出自:M. Holroyd
  • The safety-catch..is..released with an easy flick of the thumb.YBf中文字网

    出自:H. Reed
  • Fender's fork poked through the crust of his pie, releasing steam.YBf中文字网

    出自:W. Gass
  • I had not been released from the Church's law of celibacy.YBf中文字网

    出自:A. Kenny
  • It should not be too difficult to get Sudhir Babu released on bail.YBf中文字网

    出自:M. Das
  • He released Patrick's hand and stood up.YBf中文字网

    出自:I. Murdoch
  • 词语用法YBf中文字网

  • 词义讲解YBf中文字网

  • 词源解说YBf中文字网

  • release的基本意思是“释放,放开”,指把人或动物从某种束缚或痛苦中解放出来,使之继续自由活动,用作及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语,宾语后面常接介词from。
  • release还可作“发布,发行”解,一般指发布消息,新闻等,用作及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语。
  • release可用于被动结构。
release, free, relieve
  • 这组词都有“解除”的意思。其区别是:
  • free指使某人或某物从某种限制的情况下解脱出来或释放,后面常跟介词from或of。release指使某人或某物较为具体地摆脱某种限制、束缚或痛苦,例如:
  • He released her arm.他放开了她的手臂。
  • The missile was automatically released by the computer.这枚导弹是通过计算机自动发射的。
  • relieve指解除不愉快的感情或负担等,例如:
  • It will relieve them of a tremendous burden.这将给他们解除一个巨大的负担。
  • I wanted to relieve myself of these duties as soon as possible.我想尽快从这些责任中解脱出来。
    • ☆ 一三零零年左右进入英语,直接源自古法语的relaisser,意为放弃,丢下;最初源自拉丁语的relaxare,意为放松,释放。
    • 高考真题例句YBf中文字网

    高考真题例句 OG 一.release

    The House of Commons Science and Technology Committee's report, released last week, has blamed firms for making people sign up to long incomprehensible legal contracts and calls for an international standard or kitemark(认证标记) to identify sites that have clear terms and conditions.YBf中文字网

    英国下议院科学技术委员会上周发布的汇报指责一些公司让人们签署冗长而难以理解的法律合同, 并呼吁制定一个国际标准或认证标记来识别那些有明确条款和条件的网站。YBf中文字网


    • 近义词YBf中文字网

    • 反义词YBf中文字网

    • 临近词YBf中文字网

    • exempt免除的
    • announcement通告
    • spill溢出
    • liberate解放
    • secrete隐藏
    • emancipate释放
    • unloose放松
    • sacrifice牺牲
    • relieve救济
    • can可以
    • sack袋子
    • deliver递送
    • let go放开, 松手
    • let让
    • bring out使明显
    • issue议题
    • firing开火
    • unfreeze溶化
    • handout讲义材料
    • loosen松开
    • outlet出路
    • deliverance解救
    • announce宣布
    • exit出口
    • turn翻转
    • unchain解除
    • statement陈述
    • freedom自由
    • bump碰撞
    • enfranchise给与选举权
    • circulate流通
    • disposal处理
    • put out熄灭
    • free自由的
    • loss遗失
    • let go of松手
    • dismiss开除
    • proclamation宣言
    • passport护照
    • publish出版
    • vent排气口
    • renounce声明放弃
    • sacking麻袋布
    • waiver放弃
    • license许可证
    • unlock开锁
    • justify替 ... 辩护
    • expiration终止
    • press release新闻稿
    • acquittance解除
    • button纽扣
    • relief减轻
    • eject喷射
    • dismission解散
    • going去
    • retire退休
    • liberation解放
    • loose松的
    • resign辞职
    • relinquish放弃
    • make public曝光
    • rescue营救
    • unblock排除障碍
    • extricate使解脱
    • emancipation释放
    • dismissal免职
    • expel驱逐
    • freeing解除
    • fire火
    • spillage漏
    • passing通过
    • let loose释放
    • exhaust使筋疲力尽
    • give up放弃
    • unloosen解开
    • discharge排出
    • publication出版
    • departure出发
    • go去
    • capture
    • arrest
    • release up
    • relay
    • releaser
    • relegate
    • releasee
    • release lag
    • release to
    • release arm
    • release aid
    • releaseall
    • release by
    • released
    He still had a lot of pent-up anger to release.(他仍有许多被压抑的愤怒要发泄。)
    Her kidnapper extorted a $一七五,零零零 ransom for her release.(绑架者勒索一七五,零零零美元作为释放她的赎金。)
    They are refusing to pay ransom for her release.(他们拒绝支付赎金来解救她。)
    Who gave the authorization to release the data?(谁授权发表这些资料的?)
    I think her death was a merciful release.(我认为她的死是一种幸运的解脱。)
    It's his first release for a major label.(这是他在大唱片公司发行的第一张唱片。)
    The new software is planned for release in April.(新软件计划四月份发行。)
    He refused to release her arm.(他不肯放开她的胳膊。)
    The release of prisoners was used as a bargaining chip.(释放战俘被用作讨价还价的筹码。)
    She commanded the release of the prisoners.(她下令释放囚犯。)