Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV), all antigens, Goat anti-Human, Bovine, Neutralizing.(呼吸道合胞病毒(RSV),全抗原,山羊抗人,牛,中和。)
I'm depressed by the bovine enthusiasm of the crowd's response.(观众迟缓的反应令我沮丧。)
Conclusion Lyophilized Bovine Colostrums had protectived effect on alcohol liver injury.(结论牛初乳冻干粉具有预防酒精肝损伤的效果。)
So if your boss is really your evil bovine master, then what does that make you?(假如你的老板真的是那样的凶残邪恶,你会感觉怎么样?)
Persistent lymphocytosis in cattle infected with bovine leukemia virus is a benign polyclonal increase in lymphocyte Numbers.(牛白血病病毒感染后,牛体发生的持续性淋巴球增多属于良性的淋巴细胞数量增加。)
The material is combined with an anorganic microporous bovine bone.(该材料与在一个无机的微孔牛骨相结合。)
Badgers are blamed for bovine TB, while the mass transit of infectious cattle is overlooked.(獾被说成是牛结核病的元凶,而受感染的病牛的大规模运输却被忽略不提。)
But when cloning works, as it increasingly does, it can replicate star beefy bovine and plump pigs.(不过,一旦克隆成功(成功实例越来越多),就能复制出优质的牛科动物和肥胖的猪。)
Bovine serum albumin does not come in thread form.(牛血清白蛋白不成线型。)
And, until now, that has been true of bovine serum albumin.(而且,直到现在,牛血清白蛋白都有这个问题。)